Which statement accurately describes the use of a third-person omniscient narrator?


Answer 1
Answer: It really depends on what your choices are. When a writer opts to use third person omniscient point of view, it means that we get an insight into everybody's thoughts and lives, with no boundaries. 
So, a writer uses this technique in order to allow the author to explain what anyone in the narrative thinks or feels. 
Answer 2

Answer: C


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A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by coordinator the coordinators as as followed: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so,

A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by by one or more dependent clauses. A complex sentence always has a subordinator such as Because, since, after, although, or when or a relative pronoun such as That, who, or which.

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Cyber bullying is when someone decides to pick on someone social media or the internet. Example, let's say a girl posted a picture of her self and people started to say mean comments to her everyday on how she is weird and ugly. That is cyber bullying. Bullying on the other hand is different, when you are getting bullied this happens in real life and it can be emotionally bullying or physically bullying.

hoped I help :)

A. I get up at 7 o’clock.B. Leon writes every day.

C. The koala did a dance.

D. They launched the rocket.

E. We leave at half past 1.

F. Megan posted her letters.

Which ones are present tense? Make sure you are right please


A I get up at 7 o'clock


I do believe your answers would be:

A, E, and B.

Since you said it was multiple choice, I decided to go with these 3, they seem reasonable.


Hopefully this helps 'ya out! °ω°

( Could 'ya mark as Branliest answer pls? I mean, only if it helps you... )


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The question is on the images.


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(each number is the line number)An old patched hat, which was almond with trim-red, Watched as it sat on an old, thin head. And what it saw, and what it knew, Was more than more of you Might even ever construe 5 From just a patched, old hat. It’d seen a child die—Depression--a war, Bowed at the bedside of the lady once adored, Watched while its owner did weep when his store Burned down to the ground, nothing left but the floor10 And that brand-new hat on his head. It saw with lucid eyes inhuman, divine The tired man grew older, while his boy grew wise. Some said, ‘So tragic,’ the son said, ‘Fate’ When the lightning left a char on the elder’s pate 15 And they both did loving before too late. That hat...his special bequest. So he wore his farming father’s dingy hat every day, Hoping it would make him like his only hero in that way. So the hat went to school, 20 Then it kept him somewhat cool As he worked the plow and mule Like his fallen father had. It had been there when the midwife had announced, ‘You’ve a boy.’ The hat was there when his wife had their second little joy.25 So the family worked the farm Until the boy took arm-in-arm A girl from town with mighty charm Who had a fancy for shoes and hats. The married lad watched his dad lose his crops, then his wealth,30 While the hat witnessed worse, constant fleeting of his health. On the porch until the end, father son simply sat. Being heir, he got the farm, and the house, and the cat. But what he really wanted most was that one thing that Was truly him...his old hat. 35 He got it and he wore it and he tore it and he patched it, But the hat didn’t mind since the man truly matched it. He grew thin and he grew old, Of all the things he’d ever sold, No value like what he’d unfold 40 To his own son one day...his patched old hat. Use the strategy of context clues to determine the BEST definition for pate in line (15). A) bedside B) dinner C) head D) mule