Which statement is true for both photosyntheis and cellular respiration. It occurs in consumers. It occurs in producers. It produces carbon dioxide. It produces oxygen.


Answer 1


It occurs in producers/photoautotrophs


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they likely mean adaptation

Living cells use ____ as their main source of energy.


carbohydrates i think

ATP? Adenosine TriPhosphate 

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The correct answer is a. Hope that helps!

what is one reason that the offspring resulting from breeding the sheep with an unrelated sheep would not all be the same


Each sheep has their own genetic information. So if they were unrelated, each sheep would give unique genes, resulting in unique offspring.

What is Breeding of sheeps?

Annual lambing, in which ewes born in the fall give birth to lambs in the spring, is the most popular method of breeding sheep. However, ewes are bred in late spring to lamb in fall, or in early fall or late summer to lamb in winter.

This produces lambs for more lucrative markets (eg, September for the Christmas lamb market).

In order to do this, programs that extend the ovulatory season into the late summer or stimulate estrus during the anovulatory season in the spring must be used of controlled intravaginal drug-releasing devices.

Producers who have flocks that lamb out of season, however, hardly ever follow an annual breeding plan since, generally speaking

Therefore, Each sheep has their own genetic information. So if they were unrelated, each sheep would give unique genes, resulting in unique offspring.

To learn more about sheep, refer to the link:


Each sheep has their own genetic information. So if they were unrelated, each sheep would give unique genes, resulting in unique offspring.

What are some characteristics that green algae and kelp share?



Green algae contain the same carotenoids and chlorophyll a and b as land plants, whereas other algae have different accessory pigments and types of chlorophyll molecules in addition to chlorophyll a. Both green algae and land plants also store carbohydrates as starch.

Complete each sentence by dragging the proper word to the appropriate position.The ____________ contains vertically arranged maculae that would provide feedback of body movement in the vertical plane.
The ____________ are stimulated during linear acceleration in the transverse plane. An example of ____________ would include sitting in a wheeled chair and having someone push you from behind.
An example of ____________ would be sitting in a chair and having someone spin you in a circle.
Each of the ____________ is specially positioned to detect angular acceleration in one of the three planes.
When someone is standing still, the kinocilia of the macula sacculi are bending inferiorly and thus conveying information regarding one's ____________ . The concept of ____________ can be exemplified by any acceleration, or change in velocity.
static equilibrium
dynamic equilibrium
macula utriculi
semicircular canals
crista ampularis
linear acceleration
otolithic membrane
angular acceleration
macula sacculi


The utricle contains vertically arranged maculae that would provide feedback on body movement in the vertical plane. The maculae utriculi are stimulated during linear acceleration in the transverse plane. An example of linear acceleration would include sitting in a wheeled chair and having someone push you from behind. An example of angular acceleration would be sitting in a chair and having someone spin you in a circle. Each of the semicircular canals is specially positioned to detect angular acceleration in one of the three planes. When someone is standing still, the kinocilia of the macula sacculi are bending inferiorly and thus conveying information regarding one's static equilibrium. The concept of dynamic equilibrium can be exemplified by any acceleration, or change in velocity.

Utricle: A sac-like structure in the inner ear that contains a macula, which is a sensory organ that helps to detect linear acceleration.

Macula utriculi: A sensory organ in the utricle that helps to detect linear acceleration.

Linear acceleration: A change in velocity in a straight line.

Dynamic equilibrium: The ability to maintain balance when the body is moving.

Semicircular canals: Three fluid-filled tubes in the inner ear that help to detect angular acceleration.

Crista ampularis: A sensory organ in the semicircular canals that helps to detect angular acceleration.

Angular acceleration: A change in velocity in a circular path.

Static equilibrium: The ability to maintain balance when the body is not moving.

To know more about linear acceleration:



The vestibule contains vertically arranged maculae that would provide feedback of body movement in the vertical plane. The macula utriculi are stimulated during linear acceleration in the transverse plane. An example of dynamic equilibrium would include sitting in a wheeled chair and having someone push you from behind. An example of angular acceleration would be sitting in a chair and having someone spin you in a circle. Each of the crista ampularis is specially positioned to detect angular acceleration in one of the three planes. When someone is standing still, the kinocilia of the macula sacculi are bending inferiorly and thus conveying information regarding one's static equilibrium. The concept of linear acceleration can be exemplified by any acceleration, or change in velocity.