Why did settlers pick South Carolina as a place to live?


Answer 1
Answer: The long growing season
Answer 2
Answer: hey wanted to live there because they had religious freedom and better education and had better housing a good condition place to live.

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Which statement describing one of the controversies surrounding the 2000 presidential election is correct? A.
By a 5 to 4 vote, the Supreme Court ordered a stop to the recount in Florida and gave the election to George W. Bush.

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The correct answer is A. The controversies surrounding the 2000 presidential election were that by a 5 to 4 vote, the Supreme Court ordered a stop to the recount in Florida and gave the election to George W. Bush.


The 2000 US presidential election was held on Tuesday, November 7, 2000.

The polls were dominated by the post-election woes of the two main candidates, Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush, who had to wait for the results of the state of Florida, determinants of the final result, for more than a month. Bush won Florida with 537 votes in advance. These results were contested by the Democratic candidate before the Florida Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. The latter considered in Bush v. Gore December 12, 2000 that the recount ordered by the Supreme Court of Florida was unconstitutional by 7 votes to 2 and, by 5 votes against 4, that it was impossible to perform a constitutional recount within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United State. It canceled the final manual recount of votes still taking place in Miami-Dade County, de facto nominating George W. Bush as the winner of the presidential election. Private recounts conducted in 2001 by a consortium of several US newspapers and the University of Chicago showed that if the specific recount called by Al Gore in the three counties had been successful, it could not have reversed the trend favorable to Bush, while a recount of the entire state of Florida would have championed the democrat Al Gore.

Your answer is the first one, A.

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Walter Frederick "Fritz" Mondale


Political thinker who applied the ideas of scientific rationalism to government


David Hume is one of the political thinkers that had encourage scientific rationalism into government. Many had believe that Hume was able to create a Perfect Commonwealth. Many believe that Hume wanted a balance between the old traditionalist government as well as new government. He had advocated decentralization of power as well as the separation of the state.

Which of the following actions is an example of the Renaissance idea of secularism?


As a reaction to this medieval tendency, secularism, at the time of the Renaissance, exhibited itself in the development of humanism, when people began to show more interest in human cultural achievements and the possibilities of their fulfillment in this world.

Final answer:

An example of the Renaissance idea of secularism is the elevation of the nation-state as a sacred entity through the use of religious practices, such as sacred language, prayer, and rituals, to create a sense of reverence for the nation.


An example of the Renaissance idea of secularism is the elevation of the nation-state as a sacred entity. This can be seen through the use of religious practices, such as sacred language, prayer, and rituals, to create a sense of reverence for the nation. For instance, during presidential inaugurations and the convocation of Congress, sacred language and prayer are used to legitimize and bless the nation-state.

Other examples include raising the national flag with a pledge, flying flags at full versus half-mast, and draping flags over the coffins of deceased service members. These practices elevate the nation-state to a privileged and semi-divine status, exemplifying the concept of secular religion.

Learn more about Renaissance secularism here:



Which sentence has the correct use of arsenal when talking about Harper's Ferry?John Brown was very much arsenal when he raided Harper's Ferry.

John Brown raided the arsenal at Harper's Ferry to get a hold of weapons.

John Brown had to fight an arsenal when he raided Harper's Ferry.

John Brown raided the arsenal at Harper's Ferry to steal food for slaves.



John Brown raided the arsenal at Harper's Ferry to get a hold of weapons.


Arsenal is a weapon storage.


John Brown raided the arsenal at Harper's Ferry to get a hold of weapons
