The rights and responsibilities of being a citizen in the united states _____.


Answer 1

The rights and responsibilities of being a citizen in the united states

answer: they have changed over time and will change over time

Answer 2

Final answer:

U.S. citizens have rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to vote, and responsibilities that include obeying laws, paying taxes, serving on juries, and being willing to defend the country if necessary. They are also encouraged to contribute to democratic processes by voting or running for office.


The rights and responsibilities of being a citizen in the United States encompass a variety of areas. Citizens have the right to freedom of speech, religion, and the press, the right to a fair trial, and the right to vote. In terms of responsibilities, citizens are expected to respect and obey federal, state, and local laws, pay their taxes on time, serve on a jury when called upon, and protect the country if the need should arise, either through military service or by providing necessary civil support during crises. A citizen should also engage in political activities such as voting or running for office to contribute to the democratic processes of the country.

Learn more about Citizenship here:


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- It was created during depression era

- It started to grow under the influence of Roosevelt's pro-union stance

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The four original New England Colonies were :New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.The Environment of the New England ColoniesThe climate of the New England Colonies was colder than the other two colonial regions because they were the farthest north.The climate was a positive factor for the colonists in the New England Colonies; it prevented the spread of life-threatening diseases.The climate was a negative factor for the colonist in the New England Colonies; the severe winters killed many people.The geography of New England was mostly hills with rocky soil.The natural resources of the New England ColoniesThe natural resources of the New England Colonies included fish, whales, trees and furs.The natural resources were more important than agricultural crops to colonists in New England because of poor, rocky soil and the short growing season.Religion in the New England ColoniesThe main function of New England towns was to support the religion of the Puritans.Religious freedom in Puritan colonies did not exist. The Puritan's world view did not tolerate other religions.

Final answer:

The middle colonies differed from the New England and southern colonies in their demographics, religious diversity, mixed economy, and often complicated relationships with Native American tribes and European powers. Greater religious toleration and a mixed economy of farming and trading marked the middle colonies. In contrast, New England was primarily Puritan with a mixed economy, and the southern colonies were Anglican, with an agriculture-based economy.


People in the middle colonies were different from those in the New England and southern colonies due to their geographical location, religious beliefs, social structure, economic activities, and relations with Native American tribes and other Europeans. The middle colonies, primarily New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania had diverse populations, which included a mix of Europeans and enslaved Africans, not to mention the existing Native American tribes. The religious beliefs were also more diverse here, with greater religious toleration.

The economy of the middle colonies was largely based on a combination of farming and trading. This contributed to the social diversity of these colonies, with both large landowners and small farmers, as well as a significant population involved in trade and crafts. In contrast, the New England colonies were predominantly Puritan, with a mixed economy of agriculture and trades, and the southern colonies were mainly Anglican with an economy dominated by large-scale agriculture, particularly of tobacco and cotton, often run by enslaved Africans.

The relationship with Native American tribes and European powers also varied. The middle colonies were often a 'middle ground' where various groups interacted, and there were divisions among the population based on loyalty towards the British during the American Revolution. In contrast, relationships were often strained in the New England and southern colonies, leading to conflicts such as King Philip's War.

Learn more about Middle Colonies here:


The first Christian emperor of the Roman empire was:a:nero,b:Eratosthenes,c:Constantine,d:Aryabhata.


The first Christian emperor of the Roman empire was "Constantine," although it should be noted that it took some time for official Christian policies to be implemented. 

What was one major difference in the way NATO and the Warsaw Pact were created?


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NATO is a voluntary coalition of like minded democratic  countries while the Warsaw pact was  a soviet controlled  alliance of its satellites states including east Germany

compare and contrast capitalism and communism. What economic system do you think is better? Explain and support your opinion using real-world examples/scenarios.


Capitalism because people have the freedom to sell there goods and services for money and people can buy stuff that they need