(25) A grinding machine is supported on an isolator that has two springs, each with stiffness of k and one viscous damper with damping constant of c=1.8 kNs/m. The floor on which the machine is mounted is subjected to a harmonic disturbance due to the operation of an unbalanced engine in the vicinity of the grinding machine. The floor oscillates with amplitude Y=3 mm and frequency of 18 Hz. Because of other design constraints, the stiffness of each spring must be greater than 3.25 MN/m. What is the minimum required stiffness of each of the two springs to limit the grinding machine’s steady-state amplitude of oscillation to at most 10 mm? Assume that the grinding machine and the wheel are a rigid body of weight 4200 N and can move in only the vertical direction (the springs deflect the same amount).


Answer 1


k = 15.62 MN/m



- The viscous damping constant, c = 1.8 KNs/m

- The floor oscillation magnitude, Yo = 3 mm

- The frequency of floor oscillation, f = 18 Hz.

- The combined weight of the grinding machine and the wheel, W = 4200 N

- Two springs of identical stiffness k are attached in parallel arrangement.


- The stiffness k > 3.25 MN/m

- The grinding machine’s steady-state amplitude of oscillation to at most 10 mm. ( Xo ≤ 10 mm )


What is the minimum required stiffness of each of the two springs as per the constraints given.


- The floor experiences some harmonic excitation due to the unbalanced engine running in the vicinity of the grinding wheel. The amplitude "Yo" and the frequency "f" of the floor excitation is given

- The floor is excited with a harmonic displacement of the form:

                         y ( t ) = Y_o*sin ( w*t )


           Yo : The amplitude of excitation = 3 mm

           w : The excited frequency = 2*π*f = 2*π*18 = 36π

- The harmonic excitation of the floor takes the form:

                       y ( t ) = 3*sin ( 36\pi *t )                          

- The equation of motion for the floor excitation of mass-spring-damper system is given as follows:

                      m*(d^2x)/(dt^2) + c*(dx)/(dt) + k_e_q*x = k_e_q*y(t) + c*(dy)/(dt)\n\n(m)/(k_e_q)*(d^2x)/(dt^2) + (c)/(k_e_q)*(dx)/(dt) + x = y(t) + (c)/(k_e_q)*(dy)/(dt)


     m: The combined mass of the rigid body ( wheel + grinding wheel body)        c : The viscous damping coefficient

     k_eq: The equivalent spring stiffness of the system ( parallel )

     x : The absolute motion of mass ( free vibration + excitation )

- We will use the following substitutions to determine the general form of the equation of motion:

                                   w_n = \sqrt{(k_e_q)/(m) } , \n\np = (c)/(2√(k_e_q*m) ) =  (1800)/(2√(k_e_q*428.135) ) =  (43.49628)/(√(k_e_q) )


               w_n: The natural frequency

               p = ζ = damping ratio = c / cc , damping constant/critical constant


- The Equation of motion becomes:

                         (1)/(w^2_n)*(d^2x)/(dt^2) + (2*p)/(w_n)*(dx)/(dt) + x = y(t) + (2*p)/(w_n)*(dy)/(dt)


- The steady solution of a damped mass-spring system is assumed to be take the form of harmonic excitation of floor i.e:

                         X_s_s = X_o*sin ( wt + \alpha  )       


              X_o : The amplitude of the steady-state vibration.

              α: The phase angle ( α )

- The steady state solution is independent from system's initial conditions and only depends on the system parameters and the base excitation conditions.

- The general amplitude ( X_o ) for a damped system is given by the relation:

                        X_o = Y_o*\sqrt{(1+ ( 2*p*r)^2)/(( 1 - r^2)^2 + ( 2*p*r)^2) }              


                r = Frequency ratio =  (w)/(w_n) =  \frac{36*\pi }{\sqrt{(k_e_q*g)/(W) } } = \frac{36*\pi }{\sqrt{(k_e_q)/(428.135) } } = (36*\pi*√(428.135)  )/(√(k_e_q) )


- We will use the one of the constraints given to limit the amplitude of steady state oscillation ( Xo ≤ 10 mm ):

- We will use the expression for steady state amplitude of oscillation ( Xo ) and determine a function of frequency ratio ( r ) and damping ratio ( ζ ):


                    ((X_o )/(Y_o))^2 \geq (1+ ( 2*p*r)^2)/(( 1 - r^2)^2 + ( 2*p*r)^2)\n\n((X_o )/(Y_o))^2 \geq (1+ ( 2*(43.49628)/(√(k_e_q) )*(36*\pi*√(428.135)  )/(√(k_e_q) ))^2)/(( 1 - ((36*\pi*√(428.135)  )/(√(k_e_q) ))^2)^2 + ( 2*(43.49628)/(√(k_e_q) )*(36*\pi*√(428.135)  )/(√(k_e_q) ))^2)\n\n

                    ((X_o )/(Y_o))^2 \geq ( 1 + (41442858448.85813)/(k_e_q^2 ))/([ 1 - ((5476277.91201  )/(k_e_q) )]^2 +  (41442858448.85813)/(k_e_q^2 )  )}\n\n((X_o )/(Y_o))^2 \geq ( (k_e_q^2 + 41442858448.85813)/(k^2_e_q ))/([ ((k_e_q - 5476277.91201)^2  )/(k_e_q^2) ] +  (41442858448.85813)/(k_e_q^2 )  )}\n

                   ((X_o )/(Y_o))^2 \geq ( k_e_q^2 + 41442858448.85813)/( (k_e_q - 5476277.91201)^2 +41442858448.85813 )}\n\n((10 )/(3))^2 \geq ( k_e_q^2 + 41442858448.85813)/( k^2_e_q  -10952555.82402*k_e_q +3.00311*10^1^3 )}\n\n\n10.11111*k^2_e_q  -121695064.71133*k_e_q +3.33637*10^1^4 \geq 0

- Solve the inequality (  quadratic ):

       k1_e_q \geq  7811740.790197058  (N)/(m)  \n\nk2_e_q \leq   4224034.972855095 (N)/(m)

- The equivalent stiffness of the system is due to the parallel arrangement of the identical springs:

                k_e_q = (k^2)/(2k) = (k)/(2)

- Therefore,

                  k1 \geq  7811740.790197058*2 = 15.62  (MN)/(m)  \n\nk2 \leq   4224034.972855095*2 = 8.448 (MN)/(m)  

- The minimum stiffness of spring is minimum of the two values:

                k = 15.62 MN/m

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Answer: wavelength is<strong> 1.30 * 10^8 nm.</strong>

The frequency of the microwave is, f = 2.30 GHz.

To Find frequency use the formula:


Where, c is the speed of electromagnetic wave or light. f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength of light.

Rearranging, \lambda = (c)/(f)

Plug in the values,

\lambdam = (3 * 10^8 m/s)/(2.30 GHz(10^9 Hz)/(1 GHz))=0.130 m(10^9 nm)/(1 m) = 1.30 * 10^8 nm.

\lambda = (c)/(\nu) = (3 \cdot 10^8)/(2.3 \cdot 10^9) = (3)/(23) \approx 0.130435 \approx 0.13 \ m.

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Answer: The force is as a function of Distance


The force and distance must be parallel to each other. Only the component of the force in the same direction as the distance traveled does any work. Hence, if a force applied is perpendicular to the distance traveled, no work is done. The equation becomes force times distance times the cosine of the angle between them.

where both the force F and acceleration are vectors. This makes sense since both force and acceleration have a direction.

On the other hand, the kinetic energy


looks completely different. It doesn't seem to depend on the direction.




dW = F. dx

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The position vector of the bullet has components


y=1.4\,\mathrm m-\frac g2t^2

The bullet hits the ground when y=0, which corresponds to time t:

1.4\,\mathrm m-\frac g2t^2=0\implies t=0.53\,\mathrm s

The bullet travels 168 m horizontally, which would require a muzzle velocity v_0 such that

168\,\mathrm m=v_0(0.53\,\mathrm s)

\implies v_0\approx320\,(\mathrm m)/(\mathrm s)

Final answer:

In the given physics problem, the bullet travels horizontally 168 meters before hitting the ground from a height of 1.4 meters. By calculating the time it takes for the bullet to fall to the ground due to gravity and then applying that time to the horizontal distance traveled, we find that the speed of the bullet when it exited the rifle was approximately 313.43 m/s.


The scenario defined is a classic Physics problem where an object is fired horizontally and falls to the ground due to gravity. We can calculate the horizontal speed of the bullet using the equations of motion associated with the vertical, free-fall motion of the bullet.

Gravity causes the bullet to fall to the ground. As we know that the height from the ground is 1.4 meters, we can calculate the time taken for the bullet to hit the ground using the equation: time = sqrt(2 * height / g), where g is the gravitational constant (approx. 9.8 m/s^2).

Substituting the given value, we get time = sqrt(2 * 1.4 / 9.8), which is around 0.536 seconds. The bullet travels 168 meters in this time horizontally, therefore its horizontal speed will be distance / time, which is 168 meters / 0.536 seconds = 313.43 m/s. So, Madelin's bullet had a speed of around 313.43 m/s when it exited the rifle.

Learn more about Projectile Motion here:



A bicycle racer is going downhill at 11.0 m/s when, to his horror, one of his 2.25 kg wheels comes off when he is 75.0 m above the foot of the hill. We can model the wheel as a thin-walled cylinder 85.0 cm in diameter and neglect the small mass of the spokes. (a) How fast is the wheel moving when it reaches the bottom of hill if it rolled without slipping all the way down? (b) How much total kinetic energy does it have when it reaches bottom of hill?



a.) Speed V = 29.3 m/s

b.) K.E = 1931.6 J

Explanation: Please find the attached files for the solution

Final answer:

The wheel's speed at the bottom of the hill can be found through the conservation of energy equation considering both translational and rotational kinetic energy, while the total kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill is a sum of translational and rotational kinetic energy.


These two questions address the physics concepts of conservation of energy, kinetic energy, and rotational motion. To answer the first question, (a) How fast is the wheel moving when it reaches the bottom of the hill if it rolled without slipping all the way down?, we need to consider the potential energy the wheel has at the top of the hill is completely converted into kinetic energy at the bottom. This includes both translational and rotational kinetic energy. Solving for the final velocity, vf, which would be the speed of the wheel, we get vf = sqrt((2*g*h)/(1+I/(m*r^2))), where g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the height of the hill, I is the moment of inertia of the wheel, m is the mass of the wheel, and r is the radius of the wheel.

For the second question, (b) How much total kinetic energy does it have when it reaches bottom of the hill?, we use the formula for total kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill, K= 0.5*m*v^2+0.5*I*(v/r)^2. Substituting the value of v found in the first part we find the kinetic energy which we can use the formula provided in the reference information.

Learn more about Conservation of Energy and Rotational Motion here:



What power lens is needed to correct for farsightednesswherethe uncorrrected near point is 75 cm?


To solve this problem we will apply the concept related to the lens power with which farsightedness can be corrected. Mathematically this value is given by the relationship,

P = (1)/(f)


f =focal length

In turn, said expression can be exposed in terms of the distance of the object and the image as:

P = (1)/(p)+(1)/(q)


p = Object Distance ( By convention is 25cm)

q = Image distance

Replacing we have,

P = (1)/(0.25)+(1)/(-0.75)

P = +2.67D

Therefore the power lens that is needed to correct for farsightedness is +2.67D

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