Which three river systems flow out of the Himalayas


Answer 1


The rivers of Himalayan river system originates in Himalayas and include the three main river systems of India which are Indus river system, Ganga/Ganges river system and the Brahmaputra River system


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The role of the Pinkerton guards during a strike was to provide private security and protection for companies or employers facing labor strikes or disputes.

Pinkerton guards were a private security force established by the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, founded by Allan Pinkerton in the mid-19th century. Their primary function during strikes was to be hired by companies or employers to counteract the efforts of striking workers. They were often brought in to protect company property, break up picket lines, and ensure that strike actions did not disrupt business operations.

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To know more about Pinkerton guards, click here.



Answer:During the labor strikes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, businessmen hired the Pinkerton Agency to infiltrate unions, supply guards, keep strikers and suspected unionists out of factories, and recruit goon squads to intimidate workers.


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b. X-3
c. X+4.
d. X-6
e X --12



The answer is obviously

N. X-3

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What was the result of lord dunmore's war?a. george washington got a second chance to capture fort duquesne.

b. indian claims to kentucky were extinguished.

c. john logan led virginians to victory over the mingo indians.

d. slaves proved that they could serve creditably as soldiers?


the correct option is B

b. indian claims to kentucky were extinguished.

Lord Dun more successfully executed a war against the native Indian hostile tribes and also signed a treaty with the tribes.

How did ancient American Indian cultures use Clovis and Folsom points?


Points were usually fastened to a short foreshaft, and then that foreshaft was inserted into the body of the lance. When they were hunting big game like the mammoth, Clovis and Folsom people would probably thrust the weapon into the animal, breaking off the foreshaft.

Ryan, a follower of a certain religion, publishes an article in secular sunday magazine insisting that congress base all federal law on his religious principles. the first amendment guarantees ryan's freedom of


Answer: freedom of religion; freedom of speech.

The first amendment prohibits Congress from making any law regarding the establishment of a religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or limiting the freedom of speech, press, assembly or petition for a governmental redress of grievances (asking for the assistance of the government).

In this case, Ryan’s rights to exercising his particular religion are protected by the amendment, as are his right to publish his article in a magazine.