How deep is each layer of the earth?


Answer 1


Depth of Earth's layers


Depth of Earth's layers

Earth’s main layers are the thin crust 4 to 50 miles deep (thinner under oceans, thicker under continents), a mantle extending 1,800 miles deep and the iron core.

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Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make

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Overgrazing occurs when plants are exposed to

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What do you observe happens when a p wave travels from a solid to a liquid?


1- It depends on the incident angle at which the P-wave hits the liquid. Using snells law, a portion of the energy is converted to an S-Wave, a portion of it ir reflected, but the majority of the energy just disappears ( it is absorbed into the liquid ) since P-waves do not travel through liquids.2- it spreads out making the sound travel faster than it does in air3- P-waves move up and down4- S-waves move side to side5- P-waves are pressure waves, or longitudinal waves. The motion is in the direction of the wave. These waves travel through solids and liquids.S-waves are shear waves, or shaking waves. The motion is perpendicular to the wave direction. These waves cannot travel through liquids.An earthquake produces both P and S waves and by monitoring the arrival (or non-arrival) of P and/or S waves around the Earth we can infer a liquid component to the core.

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What mathematical term can we use to describe the relationship between energy and matter movement in a longitudinal wave?"Energy and the wave are moving in the same direction"


Right Angle



Longitudinal waves describe the relationship of an energy flow and wave moving i.e. when they move in same direction are always parallel

What is longitudinal waves?

Waves moving in the same direction of the vibration, are called Longitudinal waves. It describes the relationship between  the matter movement and the energy flow.

So it can be said that energy and the wave are moving in the same direction are parallel to each other.

Therefore, it's appropriates to say they energy and wave move in the same direction in a longitudinalwave are parallel to each other.

Learn more about longitudinal waves here:

Answer- Parallel.

In-Line Answer:-

In a longitudinal wave, "Energy and the wave are moving in parallel direction"

As Earth was forming in its earliest history and probably when the collision that resulted in the formation of the Moon occurred more than 4 billion years ago, Earth was a blob of molten rock with just a thin solid film on its outer surface. Given your experience with materials of different densities, what can you infer about the relative densities of Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, rocky crust and mantle, and iron-rich core?



As explained below.


  • As the earth's history was formed by a collision that led to the formation of the moon that took place about some 4 billion years ago and the earth was a then a blob of molten rock with just a thin solid film on its outer surface.  
  • What can be inferred about the different density of the earth is the earth atmospheric at that time was warm and solar radiation with a relative density and the oceanic crust has relatively more dense matter settled down and in the process known as the planetary differentiation.

Final answer:

The relativedensities of Earth's atmospheric layers, ocean, crust, mantle, and core can be inferred based on their material composition.


During Earth's early formation, the relative densities of its atmosphericlayers, ocean, rocky crust, mantle, and iron-rich core can be inferred based on their materials. The atmosphere consists of gases and is the least dense layer.

The ocean is denser than the atmosphere but less dense than the rocky crust. The mantle, which is mainly composed of silicate rocks, is denser than the ocean and crust. Finally, the iron-rich core is the densest layer due to its high iron content.

Learn more about Relative densities of Earth's layers here:


Why tidal power is called a flow
resource, not a renewable resource.


Answer: It is flow resource for as long as there is tidal and water movement then their will be energy but that doesn't last forever


Answer and Explanation:

Flow resources: water, wind and sunlight are neither renewable nor non-renewable because they can only be used when and where they are. The energy in a river can be used to generate electricity, but it must be captured by turbines or it will be lost.

A: A flow resource is a resource that there is a certain amount of on Earth. Water is not renewable because renewable is a resource that you use up and reproduce. You can not produce water, you just clean it and reuse it. Tidal power is water power so it is not renewable.

I hope this helps :)