Choose the correct form of the adjective that agrees with the noun. Ella esta...Bonito

Appreciate ya! :)


Answer 1




Answer 2




Ella is feminine and singular, so you have to choose the form that is feminine and singular

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The correct answer is nuera
the answer is C. Suegra

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6.) You have two brothers, no?
7.) You understand the words of your professor?
8.) They take care of our dog when we go on vacations.

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Hey there

The reefs provide fish for the fisherman to make a living and are a tourist and divine attraction.  

Las muchachas del club de Estados Unidos y México. a. soy c. somos b. son d. es


Since the words las muchachas means - the girls, we definitely need a plural verb. There are two plural verbs here - somos and son. 
The word somos refers to us - Nosotros somos means We are. 
Since the girls are third person plural (they), you need to use the verb B. son. 
Las muchachas del club B. son de Estados Unidos y Mexico. 

Yo soy, tu eres, el/ella/Usted es, nosotros somos, vosotros sois, ellos/ellas/Ustedes son
i got d for my answer

Just need help with these two ^^



somos, estamos


Somos and estamos
Somos stands for “we are”
For Estamos stand for “we’re”

Fill in the blank with the correct present form of the reflexive verb in parentheses. Remember that there are two blanks because a reflexive verb has two parts. Pepita (ponerse) un vestido y unas sandalias.



The sentence is:

Pepita (ponerse) un vestido y unas sandalias.

Where the subject is Pepita, and the reflexive verb is "Ponerse" (are those verbs that end with -se, and means something that someone is doing to himself)

Here the conjugation in the present time would be:

Pepita se pone un vestido y unas sandalias

Pepita se pone un vestido y unas sandalias.
Se for he, she, it (3rd person)
Pepita is 3rd person singular, so pone.