1. How was Western Europe impacted when the Roman Empire fell in 476 CE?A. Western Europe experienced a thriving economy.
B. Trade and commerce in Western Europe declined.
C. Romulus Augustus began several public works projects throughout Western Europe.
D. The Roman Catholic Church declined in power in Western Europe.

2. Why did Pope Urban II call for a Holy War, or Crusade, in 1095 CE?

A. To hasten the collapse of the Byzantine Empire
B. To undermine the power of Alexius I
C. To free Palestine and Jerusalem from Muslim rule
D. To aid the Turks in capturing Anatolia and Palestine

Which of the following is included in the The Book of Kells?

A. The New Testament of the Bible
B. A codex of Roman law
C. A combination of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy
D. The Odyssey, a Greek epic written by Homer
Which of the following issues in part led to the Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Christian Church?

A. The use of icons and the position of Mary
B. The use of unleavened bread and the power of the pope
C. The power of the pope and the architecture of church buildings
D. The architecture of church buildings and the position of Mary


Answer 1

1. The impact of the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 on Western Europe was B. Trade and commerce in Western Europe declined.

2. The reason Pope Urban II called for a Holy War or Crusade in 1095 CE was C. To free Palestine and Jerusalem from Muslim rule.

3. The Book of Kells contains A. The New Testament of the Bible.

4. The Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Christian Church was caused by B. The use ofunleavened bread and the power of the Pope.

Did the fall of the Roman Empire weaken the Church?

The fall of the Roman Empire did not weaken the Church.  There was an absence of a centralized government.  Germanic invaders seized the opportunity to devastate European cities and monsteries.

Gradually, power shifted from the palace to the Church and enabled her to possess too much political influence which later resulted in the Great Schism.

What was the Great Schism?

The Great Schism referred to the splitting of the Church into Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

The Great Schism, which hovered over  Ecclesiastical differences, started in 1053.

Thus, we can conclude that the fall of the Roman Empire empowered the Church in Western Europe.

Learn more about the fall of the Roman Empire and Western Europe at brainly.com/question/2033361


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Hence, the United States is the nation that supported the Nationalist Party in the Chinese Civil War.

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What are 3 advantages to the current primary election system?



In many respects, the strongest arguments for PR derive from the way in which the system avoids the anomalous results of plurality/majority systems and is better able to produce a representative legislature. For many new democracies, particularly those which face deep societal divisions, the inclusion of all significant groups in the legislature can be a near-essential condition for democratic consolidation. Failing to ensure that both minorities and majorities have a stake in developing political systems can have catastrophic consequences, such as seeking power through illegal means.

PR systems in general are praised for the way in which they:

Faithfully translate votes cast into seats won, and thus avoid some of the more destabilizing and ‘unfair’ results thrown up by plurality/majority electoral systems. ‘Seat bonuses’ for the larger parties are minimized, and small parties can have their voice heard in the legislature.

Encourage or require the formation of political parties or groups of like-minded candidates to put forward lists. This may clarify policy, ideology, or leadership differences within society, especially when, as in Timor-Leste at independence, there is no established party system.

Give rise to very few wasted votes. When thresholds are low, almost all votes cast in PR elections go towards electing a candidate of choice. See Voluntary Party Candidate Quotas to read who may determine the selection process in political parties. This increases the voters’ perception that it is worth making the trip to the polling booth at election time, as they can be more confident that their vote will make a difference to the election outcome, however small.

Facilitate minority parties’ access to representation. Unless the threshold is unduly high, or the district magnitude is unusually low, then any political party with even a small percentage of the vote can gain representation in the legislature. This fulfils the principle of inclusion, which can be crucial to stability in divided societies and has benefits for decision making in established democracies, such as achieving a more balanced representation of minorities in decision-making bodies and providing role models of minorities as elected representatives.

Encourage parties to campaign beyond the districts in which they are strong or where the results are expected to be close. The incentive under PR systems is to maximize the overall vote regardless of where those votes might come from. Every vote, even from areas where a party is electorally weak, goes towards gaining another seat.

Restrict the growth of ‘regional fiefdoms’. Because PR systems reward minority parties with a minority of the seats, they are less likely to lead to situations where a single party holds all the seats in a given province or district. This can be particularly important to minorities in a province which may not have significant regional concentrations or alternative points of access to power.

Lead to greater continuity and stability of policy. The West European experience suggests that parliamentary PR systems score better with regard to governmental longevity, voter participation, and economic performance. The rationale behind this claim is that regular switches in government between two ideologically polarized parties, as can happen in FPTP systems, makes long-term economic planning more difficult, while broad PR coalition governments help engender a stability and coherence in decision making which allow for national development.

Make power-sharing between parties and interest groups more visible. In many new democracies, power-sharing between the numerical majority of the population who hold political power and a small minority who hold economic power is an unavoidable reality. Where the numerical majority dominates the legislature and a minority sees its interests expressed in the control of the economic sphere, negotiations between different power blocks are less visible, less transparent, and less accountable (e.g. in Zimbabwe during its first 20 years of independence). It has been argued that PR, by including all interests in the legislature, offers a better hope that decisions will be taken in the public eye and by a more inclusive cross-section of the society.


50 POINTS PLEASE HELPImagine that you are a writer living in London in the late 19th century. Two groups have approached
you, each asking you to write a letter to the sultan in charge of the Ottoman Empire. One group wants you
to convince the sultan that he should begin pushing the empire toward industrialization. The other group
wants just the opposite, to convince the sultan to continue resisting the
influence of the Industrial
boulonne qedearning and price 216 344
10 sono per learning. Tout
Since both groups are offering good wages, you decide to help both! Write two short letters to the leader
of the Ottoman Empire. The first should provide convincing evidence that his empire would benefit from
industrialization. The second should warn him of the harm that will come to the Ottoman Empire if he
decides to industrialize. In each letter, support your argument with evidence of how industrialization has
affected Great Britain. (10 points)



Dear sultan, the leader of the Ottoman Empire. I am writing on your behalf to inform you that your country will greatly benefit from industrializing your country. You will become one of the most powerful countries in the Mediterranean and Europe. By industrializing your country you will gain all the essentials you will need to become your own powerful country in the means of military, economic, and political power. If Germany were to win the war you might be able to expand into Russia.

Dear sultan, the leader of the Ottoman Empire. I am writing to you on behalf of your country to inform you of the dangers if you decide to industrialize your country. If Germany were to lose your country would fall and Russia would expand into your country. If you industrialize you will be using up resources that you may not have, you may lose some of your people due to war that will come. And your people may get sick from all the pollution and may run out of resources


Columbus made several voyages to the West Indies during this lifetime.
True or False​





January 1492, the Spanish monarchs, flush with victory, agreed to support his voyage.

What Indian tribe of Texas lived near the coast and ate shellfish as well as put alligator oil on their skin as mosquito repellant?





Final answer:

The Karankawa tribe lived near the Texas coast, ate shellfish, and used alligator oil as a mosquito repellent. The tribe adapted to their specific environment, which included using materials and resources available to them in innovative ways.


The tribe that lived near the coastal regions of Texas and had a diet including shellfish, and used alligator oil as a mosquito repellant was the Karankawa tribe. The Karankawa were Native American people concentrated in southern Texas along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. They were known to be skilled fishers and hunters, shellfish being a staple in their diet. As a way to protect themselves from mosquito bites, they discovered and applied alligator oil onto their skin. The tribe is known to have lived in autonomous clans and adapted to environmental conditions specific to their living regions.

Learn more about Karankawa Tribe here:



In this excerpt, Friedrich Engels’ discussion with a middle-class gentleman shows the attitude of the middle class about the living conditions of the factory workers.. . . One day I walked with one of these middle-class gentlemen into Manchester. I spoke to him about the disgraceful unhealthy slums and drew his attention to the disgusting condition of that part of the town in which the factory workers lived. I declared that I had never seen so badly built a town in my life. He listened patiently and at the corner of the street at which we parted company he remarked: “And yet there is a great deal of money made here. Good morning, Sir.”. . .

What key event influenced the writing of this document?
a.Meiji Restoration
b.Cold War
c.Industrial Revolution
d.Russian Revolution



The correct answer is C. The Industrial Revolution infuenced the writing of this document.


The Industrial Revolution was a set widespread societal and technological changes that started in the UK in the early 1750s. The process in England was linked to the enclosure movement, the privatization of public rights that caused many small farmers to lose their livelihood. It provided both investment capital for landowners, who were richer, and laborers who were forced to enter the cities.  

Useful steam engines were developed in the 18th century. Initially, they were useful for operating machines in the textile industry and in the mining industry. After a quarter, steamships and railways with steam locomotives were common, and allowed transport to take place to a greater extent. During the 19th century, the industrial upheavals were spread to Western Europe, North America and Japan.

In the process, there was an extensive relocation of the popular tradition. Many people move from the countryside to the urban and industrial communities that have been built up. Thus begin a process of urbanization. Broadly speaking, the industrial revolution was a transformation from a peasant society with an emphasis on agriculture, to an industrial society with an emphasis on industrial production.

The Industrial Revolution was a widespread social and technological change that began in the UK in the early 1750s.

What is Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution was a transition from an agricultural society focused on agriculture, to an industrial society with a strong emphasis on industrial production.

The English process was linked to a fenced-in organization, the practice of public rights that caused many smallholder farmers to lose their livelihoods.

It provided both investment funds to landowners, the wealthy, and the workers who were forced to move into the cities.

Useful steam engines were developed in the 18th century. Initially, they were useful for machinery in the textile industry and in the mining industry.

Therefore, these transformations were seen during the industrial revolution. Option C is the correct answer.

To learn more about Industrial revolution, refer:
