An organism with a cell wall would most likely be unable to take in materials through?


Answer 1

Answer:An organism with a cell wall would most likely be unable to take in materials like food via phagocytosis because their cell wall is inhibiting that change in cellular structure.

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The theory of plate tectonics describes _______.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "The theory of plate tectonics describes the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core. The plates act like a hard and rigid shell compared to Earth's mantle."

Answer: The theory of tectonic plates says that the outer shell of the earth is divided into many plates. These plates glide over the mantle. The plates acts as the hard and rigid shell when compared to the earth's mantle. All the continents and sub continents are based on plates, continental drift can result in earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption.

Synthetic fuels are usually:


liquid, gaseous, obtained from syngas, mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen

What is a string of nucleotides called?


A string of nucleotides that hold information is called a gene

Final answer:

A string of nucleotides is called a DNA sequence. DNA sequences are composed of four different nucleotides: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). These sequences are the building blocks of genes and determine the genetic information of an organism.


A string of nucleotides is called a DNA sequence. DNA sequences are composed of four different nucleotides: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). These sequences are the building blocks of genes and determine the genetic information of an organism.

Learn more about DNA sequence here:


In an effort to control vegetation overgrowth, 108 rabbits are released in an isolated area free of predators. After 2 years, it is estimated that the rabbit population has increased to 972. Assuming exponential population growth, what will the population be after another 9 months





Increased amount / current population = 972

Amount released = 108

time(t) = 2years

Using the exponential growth function :

f(t) = A*g^t

Where g = growth rate

To obtain the growth rate = g

972 = 108 * g^2

g^2 = 972 / 108

g^2 = 9

g = 3

To determine population after 9 months :

9 months to years = (9/12) = 0.75

t = 0.75

f(0.75) = 108*(3^0.75)

f(0.75) = 108 * 2.2795070

f(0.75) = 246.18676

= 246

Select an ecosystem that is familiar to you and describe the biotic and abiotic factors that exist there?


An ecosystem consist of various biotic and abiotic factors which interact with each other. A grassland ecosystem is a terrestrial ecosystem which have grass as the main producers (dominant) living thing.

What is a Grassland Ecosystem?

A grassland ecosystem is a type of terrestrial ecosystem in which grasses and the herbaceous plants are the dominant species. Grass controls the grassland ecosystems as they are the main producers of the ecosystem with few or no trees where there is not favorable conditions for a forest. It is more like a dry and desert ecosystem. Therefore, it is also called as a transitional landscape.

The four important abiotic components of grassland ecosystem includes climate, parent material and soil, topography, and natural disturbances. Climate includes the rainfall pattern, temperature and wind patterns of a particular area.

Biotic Factors in the Grassland ecosystem include Plants, Insects (Invertebrates), Grazers, and Predators.

Learn more about Ecosystem here:



Forest Ecosystem

An ecosystem is composed of two main components: biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors are the living parts of the ecosystem, such as plants, animals, insects, fungi, and bacteria. Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the ecosystem, which influence the size and composition of the living parts: these are components like minerals, light, heat, rocks, and water.

Biotic Factors by Type

The most obvious features of any forest ecosystem are its trees, the dominant biotic feature. They dominate the ecosystem: both in terms of visibility and in terms of biomass. However, they are only one type of organism living in a forest. Other biotic factors include:

shrubs, flowering plants, ferns, mosses, lichens, fungi, mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, worms, microbes

Abiotic Factors by Type

The most important abiotic feature of a forest ecosystem may not be obvious, despite its ubiquity and importance: sunlight. Tangible abiotic factors include soil, minerals, rocks, and water. But abiotic factors can be intangible, such as temperature, other types of radiation, and the chemistry of soil and water.

Biotic Factors by Function

Ecologists frequently group an ecosystem's factors by what role they play in the system, rather than by what particular species they are. This is known as a functional classification.

These functions relate to the movement of energy through an ecosystem, and trees — along with other photosynthetic plants — are the chief primary producers. This means that trees convert the sun's energy into food energy, which is then used by other members of the ecosystem.

These other members of the ecosystem can also be categorized. Primary consumers are, for example, herbivores that eat the primary producers. Secondary consumers are the carnivores and omnivores that eat the primary producers. Decomposers are the scavengers, microbes, and fungi that consume the droppings and the carcasses of other organisms.

Abiotic Factors by Function

The abiotic factors of a forest fall less obviously into functional classifications, but keep in mind that the energy transferred among the various biotic categories is itself a foundational abiotic element. This energy occurs in the form of solar radiation, which includes both visible light and heat (infrared).

Primary producers (plants like trees and shrubs) convert the light into carbohydrates, a form of energy that can be consumed by other organisms. The function of other abiotic factors relies on the minerals they contain, such as the nitrogen in the soil or the hydrogen in water molecules.

What is Spanish moss?


It's a topical American plant.
spanish moss is a american tropical plant. it grows silvery-green. it gets water and nutrients through its surface.