What are the ethical issues of biology?


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______ is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport system.Oxygen

Carbon dioxide


i said Oxygen but my teacher said it was wrong need help


Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain in aerobic respirationThe electron transport chain of the mitochondria is the means by which electrons are removed from reduced carrier NADH and transferred to oxygen to yield water.In the cytochrome oxidase complex of the electron transport chain, four electrons interact with a molecule of oxygen and eight hydrogen ions. The four electrons, four of the hydrogen ions and the molecule oxygen are used to form water molecules.In anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor can be of many types such as Ferric iron which is used by denitrifying bacteria

What part of a wind turbine provides motion to convert into electricity? A.





The part of the wind turbine that converts motion or mechanical energy into electricity is the generator. The reverse action of converting electricity to mechanical energy is called the motor. The blades provide the mechanical energy, on the other hand. 

The answer is the blades.

Which of the following is a scientific species designation? human
Homo sapien


Answer: Homo sapien is a scientific species designation.

Homo sapien is a scientific designation for modern human species. The name to Homo sapien was given by the father of modern biological classification, Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. Homo is the genus to which human belongs and sapien means the only surviving species of the genus Homo.

Final answer:

In scientific nomenclature, a species is designated by a two-part name, which includes the genus and species name. 'Homo sapien' is the correct answer.


In scientific nomenclature, a species is uniquely designated by a two-part name: the genus name and the species name. Within the options provided, Homo sapien is the correct scientific species designation. 'Homo' is the genus, which includes humans and our closest extinct relatives, and 'sapien' denotes our specific species within the genus Homo. Thus, a combination of both terms - Homo sapien - correctly designates the human species.

Learn more about Scientific Nomenclature here:



Do predators really kill only the old and sick prey? What evidence is there for this statement


There are many factors that determine what a predator will prey on. For instance if the predator is starving or if they are hunting in a pack. Predators will usually prey on animals that are easiest to be captured without using too much energy. The sick, young, old, small and unaware animals will often times fall prey since they are easiest to be caught. Predators don't necessarily prey only on the ill/ injured. Sick prey may be overlooked because their bodies may not provide the necessary sustence for the predator and others it may be feeding. Healthy large slow moving animals may be difficult to kill but the payoff is greater, especially if a pack is involved.

Final answer:

Predators do not only kill old and sick prey. They can also target healthy prey depending on factors like population dynamics and resource abundance.


Yes, predators do not only kill old and sick prey. Predation is a complex interaction that involves predators hunting and consuming prey. While predators may target weaker and more vulnerable individuals, they can also target healthy and strong individuals if necessary.

One example of this is the cycling of predator and prey populations, such as the lynx and snowshoe hare. As the hare population increases, there is more food available for the lynx, allowing its population to increase as well. However, when the lynx population grows too large, it can kill a significant number of hares, leading to a decline in the hare population due to scarcity of food.

Therefore, predators can kill both old and sick prey as well as healthy prey, depending on various factors such as population dynamics, abundance of resources, and competition.

Learn more about Predation and prey dynamics here:



What would most likely happen to a unicellular organism if it was exposed to a hypotonic solution for an extended period of time? It would shrivel and shrink. It would swell but never burst. It would swell and then burst. It would not be affected.


The option that would most likely happen to a unicellular organism if it was exposed to a hypotonic solution for an extended period of time is that it would swell and then burst. 

The correct answer is it would swell and then burst.

A hypotonic solution is a solution that has a lower concentration of salts and other molecules than the one that is present inside of the cell. Since the cell membrane that surrounds the cell's cytoplasm is permeable for water, if an unicellular organism was exposed to a hypotonic solution due to the process of osmosis, the water molecules will start to enter the cell to even out the concentrations of the two solutions. If the cell remained in this position over a long period of time it would swell and ultimately burst. Organisms and cells developed various ways of protecting from this, like cell walls, vacuoles, special molecules that elevate the concentration of the cytoplasm etc.

The internal organs which filter the blood are the ______A : kidneys

B : lungs

C : ureters


The correct answer is your kidneys because the organs most intimately related to the substances carried by the blood are the kidneys, which filter out nitrogenous wastes and regulate concentration of salts; the spleen, which removes worn red blood cells, or lymphocytes; and the liver, which contributes clotting factors to the blood, helps to control blood sugar
A Kidneys because it carrys blood