software that interprets commands from the keyboard and mouse is also known as the? A. desktop B. Operating system C. operating disk D. hard drive


Answer 1




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Write a program that reads an integer and displays, using asterisks a filled and hollow square, placed next to each other. for example if side length is 5 the program should display like so.This program prints a filled and hollow square.
Enter the length of a side: 5
***** *****
***** * *
***** * *
***** * *
***** *****



Here is the JAVA program.

import java.util.Scanner; //Scanner class to take input from user

 public class HollowFilledSquare {

          public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main() function body

    Scanner sc= new Scanner(; // Scanner class object

          System.out.print("Enter an integer to display a filled and hollow square "); //prompts user to enter an integer

           int n = sc.nextInt(); // reads integer input from the user

          StringBuilder filled = new StringBuilder(n);

// creates objects filled and hollow of class StringBuilder

          StringBuilder hollow = new StringBuilder(n);

          for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // outer loop for length of the square

              for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { // inner loop for width of square

                  filled.append("*"); //displays asterisks

                    if (i == 1 || i == n || j == 1 || j == n) // condition to display stars



                     {  hollow.append(" ");  }             } // to display empty spaces

           System.out.println(filled + "   " + hollow);

// places hollow and filled squares next to each other

           filled. delete(0, filled.length());  

//removes characters from 0 to the length of filled square

           hollow. delete(0, hollow.length());      

//removes characters from 0 to the length of hollow square } }  }


The program first prompts the user to enter an integer. It uses outer loop for length of the square and inner loop for width of square in order to display the asterisks. append () function is used to display the sequence of asterisks. delete () function removes the  asterisks from the sequence of asterisks. String Builder is a class used for to create a string of n characters. It basically works like String but this is used to create modifiable objects.

The screen shot of the code along with the output is attached.

Final answer:

A Python program can be written to read an integer that is then used to print out two squares of that side length with asterisks, one filled and one hollow. The provided Python code uses nested loops and conditionals to generate the squares accurately.


To complete your request, we would need to write a program to read an integer input and utilize this integer value to generate two squares with asterisks, one filled and one hollow. Here is a simple Python program:

def print_squares(n):
# Full square
for i in range(n):
 for j in range(n):
  print('*', end=' ')

# New line between squares

# Hollow square
for i in range(n):
 for j in range(n):
  if i==0 or i==n-1 or j==0 or j==n-1:
   print('*', end=' ')
   print(' ', end=' ')

# Run the function
print_squares(int(input('Enter the length of a side: ')))

This program first prints a filled square and a hollow square using conditionals to distinguish between the edge and inner positions of the squares.

Learn more about Python programming here:


Write a JAVA program to sort a given array of integers (1 Dimensional) in ascending order (from smallest to largest). You can either get the array as input or hardcode it inside your program.



import java.util.Arrays;

public class sort{

    public static void main(String []args){

       int[] arr = {2,6,9,1,5,3};

       int n = arr.length;


       for(int i=0;i<n;i++){






first import the library Arrays for using inbuilt functions.

create the main function and define the array with elements.

then, use the inbuilt sort function in java which sort the array in ascending order.



then, use for loop for printing the each sorting element on the screen.

Most new information systems must communicate with other, existing systems, so the design of the method and details of these communication links must be precisely defined. These are called ____.



System Interfaces.


Most new information systems must communicate with other, existing systems, so the design of the method and details of these communication links must be precisely defined. These are called system interfaces.

Residential and business customers are paying different rates for water usage. Residential customers pay $0.005 per gallon for the first 6000 gallons. If the usage is more than 6000 gallons, the rate will be $0.007 per gallon after the first 6000 gallons. Business customers pay $0.006 per gallon for the first 8000 gallons. If the usage is more than 8000 gallons, the rate will be $0.008 per gallon after the first 8000 gallons. For example, a residential customer who has used 9000 gallons will pay $30 for the first 6000 gallons ($0.005 * 6000), plus $21 for the other 3000 gallons ($0.007 * 3000). The total bill will be $51. A business customer who has used 9000 gallons will pay $48 for the first 8000 gallons ($0.006 * 8000), plus $8 for the other 1000 gallons ($0.008 * 1000). The total bill will be $56. Write a program to do the following. Ask the user which type the customer it is and how many gallons of water have been used. Calculate and display the bill.



// here is program in Java.

// import package

import java.util.*;

// class definition

class Main


   // main method of the class

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception



   // variable

   int gall;

   double cost=0;

       // object to read value from user

    Scanner scr=new Scanner(;

     // ask user to enter type

    System.out.print("Enter customer type  (R for residential or B for business ):");

    // read type of customer




           System.out.print("enter the number of gallons:");

           //read number of gallons


           // if number of gallons are less or equal to 6000



           // calculate cost


           // print cost

           System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);




           // calculate cost


            // print cost

            System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);



       else if(t=='b'||t=='B')


           System.out.print("enter the number of gallons:");

           //read number of gallons


           // if number of gallons are less or equal to 8000



           // calculate cost


           // print cost

           System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);



           {// calculate cost


            // print cost

            System.out.println("total cost is: "+cost);



   }catch(Exception ex){





Ask user to enter the type of customer and assign it to variable "t" with scanner object.If the customer type is business then read the number of gallons from user and assign it to variable "gall". Then calculate cost of gallons, if   gallons are less or equal to 8000 then multiply it with 0.006.And if gallons are greater than 8000, cost for  first 8000 will be multiply by 0.006 and   for rest gallons multiply with 0.008.Similarly if customer type is residential then for first 6000 gallons cost will be multiply by 0.005 and for rest it will  multiply by 0.007. Then print the cost.


Enter customer type  (R for residential or B for business ):r

enter the number of gallons:8000

total cost is: 44.0

In almost all cases, touching power lines or coming into contact with energized sources will result in what? Select the best option. First degree burns
Severe injuries or death
Neurological damage


In almost all cases, touching power lines or coming into contact with energized sources will result in Severe injuries or death. Thus, option second is correct.

What is energized sources?

Electrical, mechanical, chemical, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, and other energy sources in machinery and equipment can be harmful to employees.

De-energization may entail turning off a machine and unplugging it, or removing a switch before applying a lock to prevent the equipment from being accidentally starting up. Lockout can be enforced once energization is complete.

Touching electricity lines or making contact with electrical sources will almost always result in severe injury or death. As a result, option two is correct.

Learn more about sources here:



Severe injuries or death


Seasons Write a program that takes a date as input and outputs the date's season. The input is a string to represent the month and an int to represent the day. Ex: If the input is April 11, the output is: spring In addition, check if the string and int are valid (an actual month and day). Ex: If the input is invalid, the output is: invalid The dates for each season are: spring: March 20 - June 20 summer: June 21 - September 21 autumn: September 22 - December 20 winter: December 21 - March 19



#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {

   string inputMonth;

   int inputDay;

   cin >> inputMonth >> inputDay;

   if (inputMonth == "January" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "February" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 29)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "April" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "May" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "July" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "August" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "October" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "November" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "March" && inputDay >= 20 && inputDay <= 31)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "June" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 20)

       cout << "Spring" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "June" && inputDay >= 21 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "September" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 21)

       cout << "Summer" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "September" && inputDay >= 22 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "December" && inputDay >= 0 && inputDay <= 20)

       cout << "Autumn" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "December" && inputDay >= 21 && inputDay <= 30)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;

   else if (inputMonth == "March" && inputDay >= 1 && inputDay <= 19)

       cout << "Winter" << endl;


       cout << "Invalid" << endl;

   return 0;




input_month = input()

input_day = int(input())

months= ('January', 'February','March', 'April' , 'May' , 'June' , 'July' , 'August' , 'September' , "October" , "November" , "December")

if not(input_month in months):


elif input_month == 'March':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):

       print ("Invalid")

   elif input_day<=19:



       print ("Spring")

elif input_month == 'April' :

   if not(1<=input_day<=30):




elif input_month == 'May':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == 'June':

   if not(1<=input_day<=30):


   elif input_day<=20:

       print ("Spring")



elif input_month == 'July':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):





elif input_month == 'August':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == 'September':

   if not(1<=input_day<31):


   elif input_day<=21:

       print ("Summer")


       print ("Autumn")

elif input_month == "October":

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == "November":

   if not(1<=input_day<=30):



       print ("Autumn")

elif input_month == "December":

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):


   elif input_day <=20:

       print ("Autumn")


       print ("Winter")

elif input_month == 'January':

   if not(1<=input_day<=31):




elif input_month == "February":

   if not(1<=input_day<=29):



       print ("Winter")


Good luck in the rest of your class!