Which of these statements is NOT TRUE? Scientists propose explanations that can be explained by examining evidence. Scientists propose explanations that can be explained by examining evidence. Science is an organized way to investigate, understand, and explain events in the natural world. Science is an organized way to investigate, understand, and explain events in the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information randomly, looking for patterns and connections between events. Scientists collect and organize information randomly, looking for patterns and connections between events. Science deals only with the natural world.


Answer 1


The correct option is;

Scientist propose explanations that can be explained by examining evidence


A scientists makes an hypotheses based on possible natural processes to explain the origin and/or the nature of the characteristics of a natural observation. The scientist then source more data and information to put their hypotheses to test. Due to the fact that an hypotheses is based on observable  processes and/or mechanisms, the given hypotheses can be further tested by other scientists through the use of their individually sourced data. From the result of the assessment, the hypotheses can be either accepted or rejected to enable the better clarification of the hypotheses when accepted or the development of a new hypotheses when rejected.

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- Calcium is more conductive than calcium hydroxide.

- Calcium hydroxide.

- Addition of more either calcium or water to the reaction vessel



In this case, based on the given reaction and information, calcium's electrical conductivity 0.298 106/(cm*Ω) which is a relatively high value compared to it its base has due to its large insolubility.

In addition, the name of the formed base is calcium hydroxide based on the IUPAC rules.

Moreover, the addition of more either calcium or water to the reaction vessel will generate more calcium hydroxide.

Best regards.

The aqueous product conducts electricity while the solid does not. Ionic solids do not conduct electricity, but ions dissolved in solution do.The chemical name of the base is calcium hydroxide.Increasing the temperature of the system would increase the rate of the reaction.

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Viscosity is the tendency of a solid to melt to a liquid.







The temperature at which solid changes into liquid is known as the melting point.

Energy is required for a solid to melt into a liquid.

However viscosity is known as  friction in liquids. It is the force that opposes movements in liquid. Viscosity causes liquids to be sticky. It is measured as a force per unit area.

As such, melting is the change from solid to liquid and not viscosity.

The answer is thus false.

 The statement about “Viscosity is the tendency of a solid to melt to a liquid” is false. It is melting not viscosity. Viscosity is the tendency of how the fluids flow.

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b. larger urban heat islands
c. poor public health
d. a greater support capacity


A lack of sewage structures in overcrowded cities may lead to poor public health. Therefore, the correct option is C.

A sewage system, also known as a wastewater management system, is a system of pipes, pumping stations, and other accessories used to transport sewage from points of origin to points of treatment and disposal.

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Learn more about sewage system, here:



A lack of swage structures in overcrowded cities will lead to poor public health, the less structures to hold the mass of peoples sewage will have bacteria in the air causing bacterial infections.   

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