Give an example of an element and an example of a compound.


Answer 1


an element is a atom like titanium and a compound is like a water, glucose, alcohol and salt


the titanium is a element and water, glucose, alcohol, and salt those are a compound

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It is known that the coefficients change in concentration and in the exponents.  Hence, the reaction equation will be as follows.

     Cu^(2+)(aq) + 4NH_(3)(aq) \rightarrow Cu(NH_(3))^(2)_(4)(aq)

According to the ICE table,

      Cu^(2+)(aq) + 4NH_(3)(aq) \rightarrow Cu(NH_(3))^(2)_(4)(aq)

Initial :    0.10         1.50                        0

Change : -x         -4x                        +x

Equilibrium: 0.10 - x  1.50 - 4x            x  

Hence, the mass action expression is as follows.

    K_(f) = ([Cu(NH3)^(2+)_(4)])/([Cu^(2+)][NH_(3)]_(4))

                        = (x)/((0.10 - x)(1.50 - 4x)^(4))

As, the value of is huge, it means that the reaction is very product favored. Hence, we need to find the limiting reactant first and then  we get to know what x should be.

In the given reaction ammonia is the limiting reactant, because there is less than 4 times the ammonia as the copper cation. Thus, we expect it to run out first, and so, x is approximately equal to 0.25 M.

So, putting the given values into the above equation as follows.

   1.03 * 10^(13) = (0.25)/((0.10 - 0.25)(1.50 - 4x))^(4)


From here

   [NH_(3)] = 1.50 - 4x = ((2.33)/(1.03 * 10^(13)))^{(1)/(4)

                       = M

Therefore, we can "re-solve" for x to get and verify that it is still ≈0.250 M.

                x = [Cu(NH_(3))^(2+)_(4)]

                  = \frac{1.50 - 2.31284 * 10{-4}}{4}]

                    = 0.37491425 M

Thus, we can conclude that concentration of (Cu^(2+)) is  0.37491425 M.

What is the mass of ammonium nitrate in 250 mL of a 75% by mass solution (density = 1.725 g/mL)?



Density is the mass present in per unit volume.

Mathematically,         Density = (mass)/(volume)

Therefore, first calculate the mass of solution as follows.

                       Density = (mass)/(volume)

                     1.725 g/mL = (mass)/(250 mL)  

                      mass = 431.25 g

Now, calculate mass of ammonium nitrate as follows.

                       Percentage by mass = \frac{\text{mass of ammonium nitrate}}{\text{mass of solution}} * 100

                          75 = \frac{\text{mass of ammonium nitrate}}{431.25g} * 100

                 Mass of ammonium nitrate = 323.43 g  

Thus, we can conclude that mass of ammonium nitrate is 323.43 g.

1) We need to find mass of the solution

D= 1.725 g/mL
V= 250 mL
1.725 g/mL*250 mL= 431.25 g

2) 75% = 0.75
0.75*431.25 ≈ 323 g of NH4NO3

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Chloroplast, Lysosome

In the nuclear transmutation represented by 168o(p, \alpha) 137n, the emitted particle is ________.


Answer is: the emitted particle is an alpha particle.

Nuclear reaction: ¹⁶O + p⁺→ ¹³N + α (alpha particle).
Alpha decay is radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus emitsan alpha particle (helium nucleus) and transforms into an atomwith an atomic number that is reduced by two and massnumber that is reduced by four.
When oxygen-16 gain one proton, atomic mass is 17, but when lose alpha particleatomic mass reduces by four to 13.

Calculate the energies of one photon of ultraviolet (λ = 1 x 10⁻⁸ m), visible (λ = 5 x 10⁻⁷ m), and infrared (λ = 1 x 10⁴ m) light. What do the answers indicate about the relationship between the wavelength and energy of light?



  • Energy of ultraviolet light is 19.878 10⁻¹⁸ J
  • Energy of visible light is 3.9756 X 10⁻¹⁹ J
  • Energy of infrared light is 19.878 X 10⁻³⁰ J

The answers indicate that wavelength is inversely proportional to the energy of light (photon)


Energy of photon E = hc/λ


h is Planck's constant = 6.626 X 10⁻³⁴js

c is the speed of light (photon) = 3 X 10⁸ m/s

λ is the wavelength of the photon

For ultraviolet ray, with wavelength λ = 1 x 10⁻⁸ m

E = (6.626 X 10⁻³⁴ X 3 X 10⁸)/ (1 x 10⁻⁸)

E = 19.878 10⁻¹⁸ J

For Visible light, with wavelength λ = 5 x 10⁻⁷ m

E = (6.626 X 10⁻³⁴ X 3 X 10⁸)/ (5 x 10⁻⁷)

E = 3.9756 X 10⁻¹⁹ J

For Infrared, with wavelength λ = 1 x 10⁴ m

E = (6.626 X 10⁻³⁴ X 3 X 10⁸)/ (1 x 10⁴)

E = 19.878 X 10⁻³⁰ J

From the result above, ultraviolet ray has the shortest wavelength, but it has the highest energy among other lights.

Also infrared has the highest wavelength but the least energy among other lights.

Hence, wavelength is inversely proportional to the energy of light (photon).

The material the start all reactions are ______ and the materials that are formed are called _____.


Reactant and then product


I think the second space is chemical bonds