which of the following is a sign of a weak economy? (select the best answer.) an increasing gdp a high unemployment rate an increase in spending power prices that remain stable


Answer 1
Answer: I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is the second option. A sign of a weak economy is a high unemployment rate. When a person loses a job, he is no longer able to pay his debts or taxes, and he spends less. All of these things can be devastating to the economy.

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Fishing is the leading industry in _____.


The best answer is Greenland: around 90% of Greenland's industry is the products of fishing!. The only other major source of income is subsidies from Denmark and selling of fishing licenses (which again contributes to fishing being the biggest industry).

In comparison, for example the major export good in Canada is oil.




How does sex and gender dictate out thoughts and behavior?


Answer: The terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ mean differentthings to different feminist theorists and neither are easy orstraightforward to characterise. Sketching out some feminist historyof the terms provides a helpful starting point.

One way to interpret Beauvoir's claim that one is not born but ratherbecomes a woman is to take it as a claim about gender socialisation:females become women through a process whereby they acquire femininetraits and learn feminine behaviour. Masculinity and femininity arethought to be products of nurture or how individuals are broughtup.

2.2 Gender as feminine and masculine personality

Nancy Chodorow (1978; 1995) has criticised social learning theory astoo simplistic to explain gender differences (see also Deaux &Major 1990; Gatens 1996). Instead, she holds that gender is a matterof having feminine and masculine personalities that develop in earlyinfancy as responses to prevalent parenting practices. In particular,gendered personalities develop because women tend to be the primarycaretakers of small children. Chodorow holds that because mothers (orother prominent females) t...

2.3 Gender as feminine and masculine sexuality

Catharine MacKinnon develops her theory of gender as a theory ofsexuality. Very roughly: the social meaning of sex (gender) is createdby sexual objectification of women whereby women are viewed andtreated as objects for satisfying men's desires (MacKinnon1989).

The positions outlined above share an underlying metaphysical perspective on gender: gender realism.[2] That is, women as a group areassumed to share some characteristic feature, experience, commoncondition or criterion that defines their gender and the possession ofwhich makes some individuals women (as opposed to, say, men).All women are thought to differ from all men in thisrespect (or respects). For example, MacKinnon thought that beingtreated in sexually objectifying ways is the common c...

3.2 Is sex classification solely a matter of biology?

Many people, including many feminists, have ordinarily taken sexascriptions to be solely a matter of biology with no social or culturaldimension. It is commonplace to think that there are only two sexes andthat biological sex classifications are utterly unproblematic. Bycontrast, some feminists have argued that sex classifications are notunproblematic and that they are not solely a matter of biology. Inorder to make sense of this, it is helpful to distinguish object- andidea-construction (see...

3.3 Are sex and gender distinct?

In addition to arguing against identity politics and for genderperformativity, Butler holds that distinguishing biologicalsex from socialgender is unintelligible.

Hope all this helped.

What is the meaning of good friday


The meaning of good Friday is : The Friday before Easter Sunday

I hope that's help and have a great night !

It's a Christian religion to celebrate the crusifixsion of Jesus Christ (the death of Jesus Christ ) when he died on the cross but peoplegive half price off good Friday

Third parties are allowed in the US, but they have never influenced election outcomes. Please select the best answer from the choices provideda. True
b. False



The statement is false.


The third party is the minor party in the political system of the United States. The other two major political parties are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. There is a very rare possibility of the third party to win the elections but they influence the national parties at a great level. The third-party focuses on the issues that the major parties have neglected or not drawn their attention to in their tenure. They influence national politics at a great stake.




How do falling prices affect supply? (1 point) The supply curve moves to the left. The supply curve moves to the right. The quantity demanded rises. The quantity supplied rises.


The quantity demanded rises and this is how falling prices affect supply. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option. People will try to buy more of the product as the product is available at a much cheaper rate. This way the demand of the product in the market will rise.

A mineral that is commonly refined in South Asia and then exported is __________.a. oil
b. ore
c. coal
d. lumber


The correct answer should be D. Lumber. China for example is the world leading exporter of wooden products.


d lumber


have a good day(or afternoon) ✨