Most of Article 1 Section 8 of The Constitution describes what kind of congressional powers​


Answer 1


Expressed/Implied Powers


-The power of Congress is specified in section 8. It includes many specified powers, including the power to impose taxes and duties and tariffs on the "general welfare" of the US, the power to control the foreign and inter-state trade, the power to borrow money, the power to enforce naturalization legislation, the power to coin and to regulate money, the power to raise and support military forces, the power to establish federal courts lower to the Supreme Court, and the power to declare war.

-Section 8 also gives Congress the power to c establish a federal district to serve as the national capital, and gives Congress the exclusive right to manage the district. In addition to the various powers mentioned, Section 8 grants the Congress authority to legislate and enforce the enumerated rights and privileges vested on it.

Answer 2


Expressed/Implied Powers is correct

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This is so hard pls help



as an abstract concept that the speaker of the poem is struggling to understand.


Based on the description you provided, the poem "Home" by William Henry Dawson deals with home as an abstract concept that the speaker of the poem is struggling to understand. It seems that the speaker is exploring the deeper meaning of home beyond its physical location or the presence of family.

Definition of supporting detail


Supporting details are what complements an idea. 

Ideas are the key elements of the story and the details that support them. Idea is among the six traits that are very necessary to follow for effective writing. The ideas of the story contains the main message  and the concept of the story. It is also made up of all the other supporting details that develop the theme of the story. A good writer prefers details that are very interesting and informative and not the obvious ones. The writer must repeat what the reader already knows. It is always an edge to be able to convey an idea in the most unique and extraordinary way. 

Read the following paragraph to answer the question. Eugenie walked into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. Her parents, brother, and sister were already at the table. "Good morning to the world!" she said. "Tim, hand me the orange juice. What does everyone have planned for today?" Which sentence is an example of an imperative sentence? A. "What does everyone have planned for today?" B. Her parents, brother, and sister were already at the table. C. Eugenie walked into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. D. "Tim, hand me the orange juice."


Imperative sentence is a kind of sentences that asks or tells someone to do something in a form of command, suggestion, advice or request. In the given paragraph, the example of an imperative sentence is letter D. "Tim, hand me the orange juice." It clearly implies the idea of asking Tim to do something for Eugenie.

The theme of 'Your World'can be best inferred from which line?A. To travel this immensity
B. but I was cited the distant horizon
C. Your world is as big as you make it
D. And I throb with a burning desire



A. To travel this immensity


"Your World" by Georgia Douglas Johnson is a poem that demonstrates the message of how you can grow your reality by accomplishing objectives and not surrendering.

Johnson utilizes symbols to speak to the message in her work and make phases of how to succeed; this is likewise why this lyric is motivating.

your world is big as you make it

The main idea or overall impact you want to form in the minds of your readers is called the _____. functional description , topical framework ,dominant impression ,depth charge



Functional description.

The main idea or overall impact you want to form in the minds of your readers is called the Functional Description.


The main idea is usually a sentence, and it is usually the first sentence. The writer then uses the rest of the paragraph to support the main idea.

The main idea is developed using exploring techniques to generate ideas and creating an essay plan.

The main idea or overall impact you want to form in the minds of your readers is called the "impression". This is usually done by developing a theme early on in the story. 

My teddy bear gave me a hug is an example of1.metaphor


3. Personification because a teddy bear can't actually do that
That is an example of Personification