Why is it impotent to have friends in life


Answer 1


it is good to have friends that will not betray you


because some friends might be backstabbers

Answer 2

so you can have people to talk about ur problems

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Paul has been clinically diagnosed with depression, so he takes a lot of prescription drugs. Based on this information, which of the following is most likely to influence his body composition? a. metabolism
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Answer - D. medical problems is most likely to influence his body composition

Depression is a feeling disorder that has to do with a relentless feeling of unhappiness and loss of involvement, it can also get in the way of ones daily running. People with this disorder tend to take a lot of drugs to help them feel better and this can have an effect on their body composition.

The prescribed drugs taken by Paul will influence the medical problem in his body. The medical problem can be erectile dysfunction and jitteriness.

Further Explanation:

Depression is an abnormal activity of human neural circuits in which the person persist the feeling of sadness. It can also leads to a variety of emotional and physical problem. It happens at any age but often begins in adulthood. Depression is effected by the union of genetic, biological, physiological and environmental factors.

Depression is treated with the prescribed reuptake of selective serotonin inhibitor. In this disease the balance of chemicals in the brain become uneven and SSRI’s perform to change the level of serotonin in the brain.

The most commonly occurring side effect caused b y depression are digestive problem which includes diarrhea, nausea, dry mouth, restlessness, headache, insomnia, drowsiness, erectile dysfunction and jitteriness.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subjects: Health

Topic: Depression


Depression, medical, abnormal, neural, emotional, physical, physiological, serotonin, chemicals, insomnia, drowsiness, erectile dysfunction.

I feel like a lot of people come on here in panic, everyone feels like that when they don't know the answer to a question right? So, to oppose to your emotional side; How are you doing today?



I'm doing good, thank you for asking! :)





what about you haha

Children and adults can both benefit from having a dietician.


All people with insufficient knowledge about how the body processes food should seek knowledge about foods that will nourish the body versus a diet that consists of a heavy amount of fast food or pre-made dinners. With proper planning, a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals but lacking excessive fat and sugar-filled content can help with weight loss, energy levels, and overall better health, and a dietician can help people with little knowledge to create such a plan.
This is 100% true i took the test
(sorry if late)