What caused the war of Austrian succession?


Answer 1

Answer: The immediate cause of the war was the death in 1740 of Emperor Charles VI (1685–1740), and the inheritance of the Habsburg Monarchy, often collectively referred to as Austria. ... In April 1713, the then childless Charles issued the Pragmatic Sanction, allowing female inheritance.

Answer 2



Well there was multipul reasons behind the cause of this particular war. One of the main causes was the inheritance of the Hapsburg throne by Maria Theresa. The war of Austrian succession is a generalization of wars that happened. This includes all of the Silesia wars, as well as many other wars. However the main pretext was Maria Theresa's legitability to inherit the throne. Maria Theresa was backed by many countries such as Britian and the Netherlands. Countries such as Prussia, Spain and France did not support it at all. Prussia was the main contender against Austria in this particular war, they wanted two things, Silesia, and well Maria Theresa to not inherit the throne. Though after 7 long years of fighting the war ended and Maria Theresa inherited the throne, but Prussia did end up getting one thing they wanted which was Silesia. The war ended with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.

Hope this helped!

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