What was the effect of the Reformation on Europe and America?A. France colonized Louisiana
B. More plants and animals were traded
C. Conflict between European countries
D. More natives were converted


Answer 1


C) Conflict between European Countries


Countries that followed the Protestant beliefs were constantly hostile or aggressive to countries that followed the Catholic Church more closely.

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D on edge:)


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In these belief systems, ancestors are considered to be powerful spiritual beings who have the ability to influence the fortunes and well-being of their living descendants. They are believed to possess wisdom, experience, and a close connection to the spiritual realm. As a result, people seek their guidance, protection, and blessings.

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How did president kennedy respond to the violence in birmingham


President Kennedy responded by promoting civil rights laws such as the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

After the Birmingham riot, which started as a mass protest for racial justice in May 1963, Kennedy was forced into action and do something about issues on civil right.

The following month, he proposed civil right laws such as the Civil Rights Act. However, he didn't get the approval from the Senate to pass the law. And, unfortunately, he was assassinated at the end of the year. It wasn't until the new President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed the bill forward that it was passed, on July, 1964.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is considered one of the most important U.S. law on civil rights, an essential to achieving full legal equality. The act aimed to end social discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin.

President Kennedy responded by promoting civil rights laws such as the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Further Explanation:-

The Birmingham riot was a civil disorder movement that took place in Alabama. This riot was provoked by the bombings that took place during the  night hours of May 11, 1963. These bombings were done targeting black leaders who were part of the Birmingham campaign which wasa  protest conducted by the numerous people against racial discrimination.  

This is said that these bombings were done by the members of Ku Klux Klan and was supported by the Police department of Birmingham and in response to this movement, the Businesses were burned down by local African-American people as they protested against the police and fought them all over the downtown area.  

After the Birmingham riot, a mass protest for racial justice begun in May 1963, and it was the high time for President Kennedy to do something. He introduced civil rights laws in the form of the Civil Rights Act which was considered to be an important law in US civil Laws which ended discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin.

Learn More  

1. What moderate reforms did European socialists support? check all that apply.?brainly.com/question/1980715

2. Almost half of the new immigrants who came to the united states in the late 1800s?brainly.com/question/8260850

3. what moderate reforms did European socialists support? check all that apply?brainly.com/question/1980715

Grade – High School

Subject – History

Chapter – Violence in Birmingham

Keywords – Birmingham, Violence, Violence in Birmingham, Frustrated, Ku Klux Klan, Corporation, Complicity, Federal government, Troops, Bombings.  

Which best describes the Southern states' view on the emancipation of slaves during the post-Revolutionary period?


. The Southern states opposed emancipation and held large number of slaves. i think this is the answer.


The Southern states opposed emancipation and held large number of slaves.
