Compare and contrast cytokinesis in animal and plant cells.


Answer 1

Answer:  Animal cells divide by a cleavage furrow. Plant cells divide by a cell plate that eventually becomes the cell wall. Cytoplasm and cell membranes are necessary for cytokinesis in both plants and animals.


Answer 2


Sample Response: Cytokinesis occurs in both animal and plant cells. It is the division of the cytoplasm, which is the final stage of the cell cycle. In animal cells, the cell membrane pinches together around the middle of the cell to divide the cytoplasm. In plant cells, the process is a little different. Because the cell wall of a plant cell is rigid, it does not pinch in like the more flexible cell membrane in animal cells. Instead, a structure called a cell plate forms across the middle of the cell. The cell plate moves outward and eventually fuses with the cell membrane to divide the cell into two cells. Then, new cell walls form around the cell membranes.

Explanation:This is the sample response one e


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106 years ago he proposed his model of atoms


Taking Rutherford's model as a starting point. In 1913, Bohr postulated the idea that the atom is a small solar system with a small nucleus in the center and a cloud of electrons that revolve around the nucleus.According to him, electrons are located around the nucleus only at certain well-determined distances.

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_____ algae are important in the formation of coral reefs. Brown Red Fire Golden-brown



Coral reefs are underwater ecosystems, made from growth and deposition of living or dead corals. Red algae play an important role in formation of coral reefs. The thread-like structures of red algae trap the sand sediments and particles of sands and cements, which provide mechanical support to the colony of corals and help them to grow.

Thus, the correct answer is option). 'red.'

Hello, NicopiahzDani.

Red or coralline algae are the algae that are responsible for building coral reefs.

Answer: Red

Hope this helps :)

Describe how the parts of a cell are like a city or town. Identify what parts of a town are similar to cell organelles.


The nucleus is the control centre of the cell so the town hall or the police station might work.
The cell wall could relate to the outer limits of a city, or even a city wall.
Ribosomes are similar to small factories.
As for The lysosome, A landfill site or dump could work here.
A vacuole is where the cell stores sap. A warehouse in particular a food storage warehouse would be a good comparison.
The chloroplast would be close to A food production factory or a farm.
For The cell membrane, you could use Immigration control at the city airport..
The endoplasmic reticulum basically compares to a factory.
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, aka a power station.
Finally the golgi body is where proteins are modified and distributed. Some kind of distribution centre where goods are sent to shops would work

the nucleus is the like the president and the cell membrane is like the army, and the Golgi bodies are like the highways and interstates that are built for us to drive, and the ribosomes are the people of the city

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