Most metamorphic processes take placeA. several hundred kilometers below Earth’s surface.
B. a few kilometers below Earth’s surface.
C. just below Earth’s surface.
D. on Earth’s surfac


Answer 1

Most metamorphic processes take place B. a few kilometers below Earth’s surface.

Further explanation

Metamorphism is the change of minerals or geologic texture in pre-existing rocks without the protolith melting into liquid magma. Metamorphism often occurs on two scales: contact and regional. Contact metamorphism occurs  locally in areas adjacent to igneous intrusions or in areas that are in contact with hot water known as hydrothermal fluids. Whereas regional metamorphism occurs over much larger areas such as rising mountain ranges, large igneous intrusions can form and warp overlying strata increasing the pressures above the intrusion. Regional metamorphism usually produces foliated rocks such as gneiss and schist.

There are other ways that metamorphic rocks can form,  Dynamic metamorphism. Dynamic Metamorphism also occurs because of mountain-building. The huge forces of heat and pressure cause the rocks to be bent, folded, crushed, flattened, and sheared.

Metamorphic rocks form when increased heat and pressure force physical changes in the crystalline structure of an existing rock. Under the right conditions, any type of rock can become a metamorphic rock including igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and even other metamorphic rocks. Therefore metamorphic processes result due to intense heat and high pressure below the Earth's surface.

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  1. Learn more about  metamorphic processes

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  biology

Chapter:   metamorphic processes

Keywords:   metamorphic processes

Answer 2

Most metamorphic process takes place a few kilometres below Earth’s surface. The metamorphic process occurs due to the presence of intense heat and high pressure below the surface of Earth.

Further Explanation:

The metamorphism of rocks is due to either due to the physical or chemical alteration by dense heat and high pressure exhibited by a sedimentary or igneous material into a denser form. Rocks are compacted into a smaller volume of space due to actions of tectonic plates, presence of shearing forces for a more extended period, stress and compression. All these factors play an essential role in the wrapping and deformation of rocks.

Due to this, the metamorphic rocks are denser than the original sedimentary material. So such rocks are less susceptible to breakdown due to erosion. The process of metamorphism is also influenced by chemically active fluids that are circulated around the newly forming rock and also introduce different ions results in the formation of a new and different mineral.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about heart

2. Learn more about blood

3. Learn more about bloodstream

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Topic: Minerals and Rocks


Metamorphic rocks, erosion, sedimentary rocks, rocks, igneous rocks, minerals, chemicals, lava, temperature, pressure.

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Answer: Air pollution.

Air pollution occurs when harmful substances are introduced into the atmosphere. These substances majorly exist in two forms i.e solid ( particulate matter in air) and gaseous form.

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Air pollution
hope this helps :)

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The answer is a eukaryotic cell.
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d. Mitochondrial DNA can therefore be used to confirm or eliminate a person's relationship within a maternal line, but cannot be used to identify a specific individual.
e. All offspring inherit their father's mitochondria, and therefore the same mitochondrial DNA.



a. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited through the maternal lineage.

d. Mitochondrial DNA can therefore be used to confirm or eliminate a person's relationship within a maternal line, but cannot be used to identify a specific individual.


DNA is the genetic material. Nuclear DNA profiling is used to identify a person since each individual has unique DNA. Mitochondrial DNA exhibits maternal inheritance. All the offspring of a female share the same mitochondrial DNA. Therefore, all the individuals that are related by maternal lines, share the same mitochondrial DNA. The profiling of their mitochondrial DNA would not allow the identification of a person when individuals share maternal lines.

1. Your online chat name should never contain your full name. true

2. It is safe to tell an online acquaintance (someone you have never met in person) your:
A. full name
B. address
C. phone number.
D. favorite music


The correct options are as follows:

1. TRUE.

Your online chat name is your identity, which you use on the internet to communicate with your old friends and new friends, who you have just met and who you probably haven't met personally. It is of utmost importance that you don't use or reveal your full name online. This is because, your full name is the only thing some hackers need to get all the information they need about you. Through that single information, they can cause great havoc for you, like emptying your bank account, using your identity to commit fraud, stealing your email password and sending fraud messages through your box, etc.

2. D.

It is safe to tell an internet friend your favorite music. That is a relatively non important personal information that you can share with anybody. Such an information can not be used against you in any significant way. But sharing personal information such as full name, address and phone numbers can be very dangerous indeed if such information is shared with the wrong person.

1.) It is True that your online chat name should never contain your full name. 

2.) It is only safe to tell an online acquaintance, a person you have never met in person, your favorite music. You should never tell anyone you don't know personal information about yourself.  

Can someone describe the process of meiosis?


Meiosis is the process by which a cell divides in preparation for sexual reproduction.

Meiosis has 2 phases - Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Both are similar to mitosis, the process of a cell dividing for asexual reproduction.In Meiosis I, there are 5 sub-phases: Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, and Cytokinesis.
Here's a quick overview of each sub-phase:

· Prophase I
: Chromosomes form from the DNA in the nucleus and the nuclear membrane dissolves, letting the chromosomes into the cytoplasm. This is when crossing-over occurs.

 Metaphase I:
Spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes and the homologous chromosomes pair up in the center of the cell.

· Anaphase I: Spindle fibers begin to shrink and pull the pairs apart, towards the opposite poles of the cell. 

·Telophase I: The spindles break down and nuclear membranes form around each of the two groups of chromosomes.

·Cytokinesis: The cell divides in the middle, splitting the cytoplasm and forming two new cells. These cells each have a full set of chromosomes.

·Prophase II: The nuclear membrane of each of the two cells formed in Meiosis I break down.

·Metaphase II: Spindle fibers form and line up the sister chromatids in the middle of each cell.

·Anaphase II: Spindle fibers begin to shrink and pull sister chromatids apart, towards the opposite poled of the cell.

·Telophase II: The spindles break down and new nuclear membranes form.

·Cytokinesis: The cytoplasm splits and two new cells are formed. These cells are haploid, meaning they only have half a set of chromosomes.

Whew. Hope that helps! :)