what is the Visual and Non-verbal Elements of the 2020 presidential Debate and the Possible Soundbites. ​


Answer 1


The Visual elements are what could be seen, such as all of the candidates' composure throughout the intense debate.

While Non-verbal Elements may refer to feelings expressed that are not verbalized but are evident in the facial expressions of the participants, their kind of gestures, etc.

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Project: Lulu the Runaway DogProject Part A: Lulu the Runaway Dog

Let's review the runaway dog example. When you see Lulu escape, you shout, "Come back, Lulu!" but Lulu the Labrador has already run through one neighbor's yard and is racing down the street. You decide that pursuing her in your fuel-efficient Focus would be the best course of action. However, you can't possibly end your phone conversation. After all, you are discussing the latest Dame Daisy video and analyzing it minute by minute. With your phone in one hand, car keys in the other, you rev up your car and head off to find Lulu. Jamie, Lulu's ten-year-old owner whom you are also babysitting, jumps in the car with you.

As you are driving (a little faster than the speed limit) and talking on your phone, an annoying fly starts to buzz around your head. You shake your head and as you refocus and look ahead, there is Lulu—right in front of your car. You slam on your brakes and turn the wheels of the car sharply to the right with all your might to avoid hitting Lulu. A motorist opposite you drives onto the curb and bangs up the side of his car as he avoids hitting your vehicle. You slam into a utility pole, which was badly in need of repair, and knock it down. The pole hits a tree that smashes into a house and severely damages the front porch.

Luckily, Lulu is fine. So is the motorist, who is very angry. Jamie is complaining that her wrist feels like it is all twisted. You cannot help thinking, "Oh boy, am I in trouble!"

But you are "just a kid," right? Where do you start to sort out this mess?

You start by contacting your cousin, Marjorie, who is a first-year law student at State University. You tell her every little detail you remember, including all events leading up to the accident. She wants to help you determine to whom you may have owed a duty of care and to whom you breached this duty. She sends you an email with the questions listed below. Please answer them.

Marjorie's Questions:

Who was involved in the accident?
Did you owe a duty to anyone? If so, what duty or duties and to which particular individuals?
Which duties did you breach?
Were your actions the cause of any injuries? Were you actions an actual cause or a proximate cause, or both?
For what damages could you be held liable? Are there any defenses against potential plaintiffs? If so, what are they?

Provide a brief four- to five-paragraph answer.
Project Part B: A Fire near Gidgits Galore

Gidgits Galore borders a privately owned ten-acre forest. Pete owns the land. It is zoned "mixed," so businesses and residences can be found throughout the neighborhood. Through the forest is a multiresidence apartment building. Danny, a high-school senior who lives in one of the apartments, has crammed all night for his economics final and needs a break. He has decided to take a morning walk down one of the forest's paths, prodding the piles of leaves and clumps of moss with his walking stick. He sees what appeared to be a recently-used campfire, and pokes around it with his stick. As he wanders farther, he doesn't realize that he has reignited the fire.

To make matters worse, it is unexpectedly windy that day. As the wind picks up, the flames leap over 200 feet to a storage shed used by the apartment building's maintenance workers. One of them, Don, has just arrived to get his lawnmower. He calls 911. While waiting, he tries to extinguish the flames with his jacket, but he stops when his work shirt catches fire.

The flames also reach the tent of Cassie, the camper who lit the campfire the previous night. Cassie thought she had extinguished the fire as she set up her tent nearby. Cassie wakes up coughing from smoke inhalation and manages to exit the tent before it is destroyed by fire. One of Gidgits Galore's managers, Dianne, arrives to open up the store but is detoured by the smoke she sees in the distance. Soon she too is overwhelmed by its acrid smell, which brings on a severe asthma attack. As quickly as the flames started, the wind stops, and they die down. Firefighters who arrive on the scene are able to quickly extinguish the fire.

You are a member of a mock jury in a negligence case. As a juror, one of your duties is to find the facts from the evidence presented and determine if there is enough evidence to show that the defendant was negligent. Sort out the facts in the present case.

Prepare a brief argument (three to four paragraphs) outlining why Danny could be held negligent against the potential plaintiffs listed below.
Don the maintenance worker
Cassie the camper
Dianne the GidgitsGalore employee
Pete the landowner
Prepare a brief argument (two to three paragraphs) showing why Danny's conduct did not amount to negligence against any of the potential plaintiffs listed above.


took me 20 mintues but here

At that time little Lulu was wearing only a sweater, a ruffled skirt, and tights. After the serious punishment Lulu began to do things as her mother ordered. Chua was determined to raise an obedient Chinese child—in the West, obedience is associated with dogs and the caste system, but in Chinese culture, it is considered among the highest of virtues.

“But run where when there are 30,000 teenagers who have fled their homes in New York and only 400 emergency shelter beds, 13,000 runaways in New Jersey with a safe haven for only 300, and 10,000 in Connecticut with room for just 115? Even if a runaway finds a bed in a crisis center, where does he or she go after reaching the 30 days federal limit for sanctuary in an emergency shelter?” (Gross, 1) It is a sad thing that these are ordinary numbers, that these numbers for runaway children are realistic at all. There are not enough youth shelters, for kids to be able to flee to a haven when their home isn’t safe.

And also the fact that Curley’s wife does not have a name, but is only referred to as “Curley’s wife” and that Slim’s dog is given a name – “Lulu” – shows the reader that dogs were treated better than women at those times. The failure of Curley’s wife’s dream leads to her death, which also takes place in late afternoon, as the days ends so does her life. John Steinbeck tells us through this cyclical novel that dreams are futile.

Runaway Kids When children and teens have to deal with abuse, family, depression, or any other issues for an extensive period of time without getting the help they may run away. When a kid has these problems and they are unable to get help then why would they stick around and wait for dad to come home? The process in which our government finds and helps runaway children is not up to a standard that keeps them from falling into the streets and succumbing to sex, drugs, and violence.

Candy wants people to treat him once he is canned like this. This is because he “won’t have no place to go, an’ he can’t get no more jobs”. The other ranch hands say that he can replace the dog with one of Lulu’s pups, but of course that wouldn’t be the same, never is anyone or anything the equivalent, everyone and everything is unique.

Candy wants people to treat him once he is canned like this. This is because he “won’t have no place to go, an’ he can’t get no more jobs”. The other ranch hands say that he can replace the dog with one of Lulu’s pups, but of course that wouldn’t be the same, never is anyone or anything the equivalent, everyone and everything is unique.

1. What economic questions does this case require the townb to ask? What is a dog park and how does it benefit the community? Can people or dogs get hurt at a dog park? How will dogs fight be avoided? If a dog park is built, will there be space available for an affordable recreation facility? 2. List the possible resources that the town would need to construct and maintain the park?

This action evinces that Candy is apologising to the dog on Carlson’s behalf. Candy treats his dog like a human as his dog is his only companion. However, the workers at the ranch see him only as a dog. When Carlson mentions to Candy about shooting his dog, Candy’s actions and dialogues convey how Candy feels about this idea.

Dogs like to be free, and they like to run and play instead of being chained down. Secondly, it provides dog owners with a chance to do things with their pets that they can’t do because of limited space. Lastly, having a dog park will prove that the town is family friendly, attracting more families to the town, and for all of the reasons, a dog park should be constructed in the town of Martinsville.

Teens may turn to drugs and or drink at sometimes a very young age to cope with the hardships they face at home, school, or with personal issues. Whether they turn to them before running away and being exposed to the streets or beforehand, there is a high likelihood of it. The law about runaways differs from that of abductees.

[Original source: https://essaytoolbox.com/essay-maker]


1. First Everybody involved is Lulu for running away. Jamie for being in the car with you. The motorist who almost got hit and messed up his bike. And the home owner who needs to repair his house. And of course the protagonist (we'll call dave).

Dave's duties were to watch Jamie. On top of that he should have been taking care of Lulu. He let Lulu escape and almost hit her, voiding this duty. He also put Jamie in danger when he was driving recklessly.

Lulu was in his care so we can assume her escaping is actual cause. Another actual cause is him letting Jamie get hurt. How ever The utility pole hitting the house can be equated to proximate cause. Same goes for the motorist messing up his car.

Jamie can be liable to basically anyone here. He hit the pole which went into the house. His reckless driving ran a dude off the road. And now Jamie's hand is likely twisted because of him. He is fully liable.

2. Danny is liable to everyone here by proximate cause . Pete's land is the land he burned. It doesn't matter that he didn't realize the consequences he still was messing with some he had not business messing with.

That campfire was near enough to Cassie's tent that she actually inhaled much smoke. This could have gave her lung damage. Many people die from smoke inhalation a year and she could have been one of them. Not only that but she was near enough to the fire that it actually consumed her tent eventually. The smoke from a fire could have actually lured her into a deeper sleep. This means that either the smoke or the fire would have killed her.

Then we have Don who was actually there when the she caught flames, to pick up his lawnmower. This puts him directly into danger. Not only that but his stuff is now burned. He most likely suffer burns considering that his shirt caught fire.

Dianne came the closest to death. She was just trying to work her when the smoke catches up to her. This causes her to have terrible asthma. Considering this that mean that her lungs may be damaged. She came the closest to death because of his recklessness.

Danny is not liable to anyone here. Pete is the one you could easiest argue he is liable to, but Cassie is liable. Cassie should have made sure that the fire was actually all the way down before she went to bed. If all he did was poke it and it reignited, that should say that it was nowhere near out. This means by proximate cause she is just as liable as him

Then we have Don. Although he may have been around when it caught fire he had an obvious window of opportunity to leave. Instead he put property over health. That was his choice. He knew the possible consequences, unlike my client who just thought that it was safe. Any damages done to himself was not a cause of Dan.

Dianne who most likely suffered the most isn't innocent either. She saw the flames and decided to stay at her job. For her own safety she should have left but she didn't. This mean that the cause here isn't Danny.

You have stopped for a train at a railroad crossing that is marked with a Crossbuck sign. When the train has passed, A: You should wait until the departing train is at least 500 feet from the crossing before proceeding. B: You must not proceed until you are sure there are no other trains approaching on any of the tracks. C: You can proceed as soon as the departing train has cleared the crossing.


You have stopped for a train at a railroad crossing that is marked with a Crossbuck sign. When the train has passed, You can proceed as soon as the departing train has cleared the crossing. Option (c) is correct.

What do you mean by Crossing?

On the railroad tracks, there are level crossings where vehicles can cross over. The crossing is known as a level crossing because road traffic and railroad traffic both move over the same level rail.

Always stop when there are stop signs, whistles, shutting gates, crossbucks, or flashing lights. Never downshift when crossing a train; do so before you get there.

If there are multiple tracks, ensure sure they are all free of traffic before crossing. The lights must stop flashing before proceeding through the railroad crossing until it is safe to do so. Always stop totally and quickly at a railroad crossing with flashing red lights at least 15 feet away from the rails.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct. You can proceed as soon as the departing train has cleared the crossing.

Learn more about Crossing, here;




Its c just did it and i picked a and it was wrong


Developing appropriate attitudes depends on recognizing that attitudes are _. A. Not necessary
B. A waste of time
C. Important


important. correct me if i’m wrong. love ya!!

The following is NOT one of the stages of licensing in Georgia:A. Class CP (Learned’s permit);
B. Class D (Graduated license);
C. Class C (full license)
D. Class CDL (beginner commercial license)


Class CDL (beginner commercial license) is not one of the stages of licensing in Georgia and is denoted as option D.

What is Licensing?

This is referred to as an official permission to do something. Permit is always given after different stages.

Licensing in Georgia has the following stages such as:

  • Class CP (Learned’s permit)
  • Class D (Graduated license)
  • C. Class C (full license).

Read more about Licensing here brainly.com/question/24827828


The correct answer is d

What are the benefits and drawbacks of selecting judges through popular elections? Can a judge who considers herself or himself a Republican or a Democrat render fair and impartial justice?


I believe it is irresponsible to elect anyone by a popular vote. To ensure that it is fair and has not been slashed or meddled with, they should employ the electoral college.

Why are judges appointed and not elected by the people?

All Justices hold their positions for life and are chosen by the President, who also proposes them to the Senate for confirmation. Justices are regarded as being shielded from political pressure while making decisions because they are not required to run for re-election or engage in re-election campaigns. Unless they retire, pass away, are impeached and found guilty by Congress, or resign themselves, justices may continue to serve.

The majority of the cases the Court hears are appealed, and because the Court is the last legal arbitrator of federal law issues in the United States, its rulings are final and cannot be appealed to any other body. The Court may, however, take into account appeals from the top state courts or from federal appellate courts. Notwithstanding the fact that every legal issue may be appealed to the Supreme Court.

Learn more about judges here:




I think that electing anyone through popular vote is not smart. They should use the electoral college to make sure it's unbaised and not hacked or medled in.


James Keller was an employee at Radical Boards, Inc Radical Boards is a surf and skateboard shop that also sells clothing. While employed there, Radical Board's principal shareholder discovered that Keller had created peep holes in the shop's dressing rooms. When confronted with the peep holes, Keller denied ever using them and indicated that they were there to prevent shoplifting. The shop manager was told to fire Keller. Shortly after Keller left, a 16-year-old and her mother filed suit because the teen learned, through conversations with Keller, that he had seen her in the dressing room while she was trying on swimming suits. Keller was able to describe her not-generally-seen birthmarks to her. Keller has applied for a position at a summer camp for girls, ages 14-18. The camp director had called Radical Board's manager and asked for a reference on Keller. A) Radical Board has no liability if it simply verifies Keller's employment there. B) Radical Board has liability for its failure to prosecute Keller. C) Radical Board has no liability for the actions of employees beyond their job description. D) Radical Board enjoys a privilege against defamation if it discloses the peep hole story. E)None of the above



E. None of the above


Some employers think companies can only release dates of employment, salary and some other facts, but that is not the case. There are no federal laws restricting what an employer can or can´t say about former employees. Some states may have laws about what can legally disclose.  

So in this case Keller was fired so Radical Board can tell the Camp Manager what happened and that he was fired, and if he wants to he can also tell them about the suit against him.