Escoge la mejor opción para completar la frase con la forma correcta del verbo pensar en el pretérito o imperfecto. Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb pensar in the preterit or imperfect tense.Yo ________ investigar información sobre alguien como Celia Cruz. Pero luego me decidí por investigar más sobre César Chávez y Dolores Huerta.



Answer 1




Answer 2


Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb to think in the past or imperfect. Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb think in the preterit or imperfect tense.

I ________ research information about someone like Celia Cruz. But then I decided to investigate more about César Chávez and Dolores Huerta.



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Los serpientes ______ comer ratones


your complete sentence would be:
"Las serpientes prefieren comer ratones."  meaning "The snakes prefer to eat rats."
Hope that helps :D
"Las serpientes les gusta comer ratones"
Meaning- The snakes likes eating rats

RESEÑA LITERARIA de Alguien soñara Autor= Jorge Luis Borges



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A los niños les gusta _____ con muchos colores. ir al museo


A los niños les gusta _____ con muchos colores. 
 ir al museo
remember if you ever need anything or a question answered feel free to post it on my profile on my profile or you can just message me.

Recuerde si alguna vez necesita algo o una pregunta respondida siéntase libre de publicarlo en mi perfil en mi perfil o simplemente puede enviarme un mensaje.
A los niños les gusta Dibujar con muchos colores.

Don Juan ManuelLibro del Conde Lucanor, Exemplo XXXV
Madrid: Alhambra Longman, 1985

¿Qué comunica la mujer con el uso de la hipérbole en "no os... cien caballos"
(párrafo 5)?

Que será dueña de muchos animales

Que agradece la transformación de su hija

Que ella nunca cambiará

Que lamenta la muerte del gallo



The correct answer is: That she will be the owner of many animals.


AI-generated answerIn the given excerpt from Don Juan Manuel's "Libro del Conde Lucanor, Exemplo XXXV," the woman communicates the idea of owning a large number of animals through the use of hyperbole in the phrase "no os... cien caballos" (paragraph 5).  

The correct answer is: That she will be the owner of many animals.

The hyperbole is evident in the statement that she will have "not one... but a hundred horses." This exaggerated statement conveys her future ownership of a significant number of animals, emphasizing her wealth and prosperity.

Nosotros___ decimos la hora a ellos. A. me B.les C.le D.nos


The answer is letter c
Nosotros LE decimos la hora a ellos. C is the answer

Some adults still use these to count.


Wait what to count, Brainly?