What type of result does the MATCH function, when used on its own, return?


Answer 1


It returns the lookup value located in a specific location.


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On a piano, each key has a frequency, and each subsequent key (black or white) is a known amount higher. Ex: The A key above middle C key has a frequency of 440 Hz. Each subsequent key (black or white) has a frequency of 440 * rn, where n is the number of keys from that A key, and r is 2(1/12). Given an initial frequency, output that frequency and the next 3 higher key frequencies. If the input is 440, the output is: 440 493.883 523.251 554.365.Note: Include one statement to compute r = 2(1/12) using the pow function, then use r in the formula fn = f0 * rn. (You'll have three statements using that formula, different only in the value for n).
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Suppose that a queue is implemented using a circular array of size 12. What is the value of last after the following operations?10 enqueue operations
5 dequeue operations
6 enqueue operations
10 dequeue operations
8 enqueue operations
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Last = 10





An enqueue operation is a function that adds an element(value) to a queue array. A dequeue operations removes an element from a queue array. Queue arrays follow a first-in-first-out approach, so elements that are first stored in the queue are removed/accessed first(enqueue operations add elements at the rear of the queue array).

The following operations leave 10 elements in the queue of array size 12 after its done:

10 enqueue operations= adds 10 elements

5 dequeue operations= removes 5 elements( 5 elements left in queue)

6 enqueue operations= adds 6 elements(11 elements in queue)

10 dequeue operations= removes 10 elements(1 element left in queue)

8 enqueue operations= adds 8 elements(9 elements in queue)

2 dequeue operations= removes 2 elements(7 elements left in queue)

3 enqueue operations= adds 3 elements(10 elements in queue)

Therefore there are 10 elements in the queue after enqueue and dequeue operations.

create a Java program that prompt the user to enter a number of hours, wages, over time factor, then your program should calculate the employee total wages. Make sure your program can calculate the over time and regular wages if number of hours are great than 40 hours. Use 1.5 for over time factor. Make sure your Java code has comments showing declarations and description of your variables.



The program to the given question as follows:


import java.util.*; //import package for user input.

public class Main //defining class Main


public static void main(String[] as) //defining main method


final double over_time_factor = 1.5; //define final variable

double number_Of_hours,wages,total_Wages=0; //defining variables  

System.out.println("Enter hours and wages rate:"); //print message

Scanner obc = new Scanner(System.in); //creating Scanner class object for user input

number_Of_hours = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input

wages = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input

if(number_Of_hours>40) //check condition if number_Of_hours greter then 40


total_Wages=40*wages+(number_Of_hours-40)*wages*over_time_factor; //calculate value


else //else part


total_Wages = number_Of_hours*wages; //calculate total_Wages


System.out.println("Total Wages: $"+total_Wages); //print value




Enter hours and wages rate:



Total Wages: $36.0


In the above java program, the package is first imported into the user input and then the class is defined and inside this, the main method is defined, that defines a double type final variable "over_time_factor" is defined that holds a value "1.5", Then double type variable is defined that are " number_Of_hours, wages, and total_Wages", in which first two variables are used for taking input from the user and the third variable is used to calculate their values. After taken input from the user, the conditional statement is used that can be defined as follows:

  • The if block, checks the variable "number_Of_hours" value is greater than 40 it will calculate over_time_factor value that is held by total_Wages variable.  
  • In else block, it will multiply the user input value that is store in total_Wages variable.  
  • At the end of the conditional statement, the print function is used that prints total_Wages variable value.  

Regarding computer protection, quarantining is defined as ________. Select one: A. placing a found virus in a secure area on the hard drive B. deleting an infected file C. repairing an infected file D. updating your antivirus software



A. placing a found virus in a secure area on the hard drive


When a file is defected in a computer, quarantining is applied to prevent other parts of the computer. The infected file is isolated and if you let your antivirus software, it can delete the infected file.

g Write a method that accepts a String object as an argument and displays its contents backward. For instance, if the string argument is "gravity" the method should display -"ytivarg". Demonstrate the method in a program that asks the user to input a string and then passes it to the method.



The program written in C++ is as follows; (See Explanation Section for explanation)

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void revstring(string word)


   string  stringreverse = "";

   for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--)






int main()


 string user_input;

 cout << "Enter a string:  ";

 getline (std::cin, user_input);


 return 0;



The method starts here

void getstring(string word)


This line initializes a string variable to an empty string

   string  stringreverse = "";

This iteration iterates through the character of the user input from the last to the first

   for(int i = word.length() - 1; i>=0; i--)   {



This line prints the reversed string



The main method starts here

int main()


This line declares a string variable for user input

 string user_input;

This line prompts the user for input

 cout << "Enter a string:  ";

This line gets user input

 getline (std::cin, user_input);

This line passes the input string to the method


 return 0;


Hardware Name:Description:
1. Motherboard

2. Power Supply

3. CPU (Central Processing Unit)

4. Random Access Memory (RAM)

5. Hard Disk Drive/Solid State Drive

6. Video Card

7. Optical Drives

8. Input and Output Devices



I think 2.power supply yaar

g A peer-to-peer PLC network: has no master PLC. uses the token passing access control scheme. each device is identified by an address. all of these.



All of these


A peer-to-peer network is a type of computer network that computer devices directly to each other, sharing information and other resources on the network.

It does not have a centralized database, there are no master or slave as each device in the network is a master on its own, and the devices all have unique addresses assigned statically for identification.