As sensory input ________, our ability to detect changes in input or intensity ________.


Answer 1
Answer: As sensory input decreases, our ability to detect changes in input or intensity increases.

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Write an if statement that assigns 100 to x when y is equal to 0.








The above written if statement is for assigning 100 to x when the value of y is equal to 0.To check the value of the y I have used equal operator == which returns true when the value on it's left side is equal to the value to it's right else it returns false and for assigning the value to y I have used assignment operator =.

First it will be checked that the value y is equal to 0.If the then it return true means the if statement will execute.Inside if statement 100 is assigned to x.

Given the following: int funcOne(int n) { n *= 2; return n; } int funcTwo(int &n) { n *= 10; return n; } What will the following code output? int n = 30; n = funcOne(funcTwo(n)); cout << "num1 = " << n << endl; Group of answer choices Error num1 = 60 num 1 = 30 num1 = 600 num1 = 300



num1 = 600



The attached code snippet


The output of n = funcOne(funcTwo(n));  when n = 30

The inner function is first executed, i.e.


When n = 30, we have:


This returns the product of n and 10 i.e. 30 * 10 = 300


funcTwo(30) = 300

n = funcOne(funcTwo(n)); becomes: n = funcOne(300);

This passes 300 to funcOne; So, we have:

n = funcOne(300);

This returns the product of n and 2 i.e. 300 * 2 = 600

Hence, the output is 600

What qualities or characteristics of your teammates are important to the success of the team?


Sometimes being creative is a very good way to contribute to your team giving a helping hand could save your team in the long run
Helpful..cooperative.. resourceful.. sportsmanship.. sometimes being creative but the important is the way they contribute to the team.

Selector Next we will write a function that will help us select an output for the chatbot, based on the input it got.
The overall goal of this function is to take a list of words that we got as input, a list of words to check for if they appear in the input outputs to return if something from the list to check is in the input list.
Define a function, called selector.
This function should have the following inputs, outputs and internal procedures:
input_list - list of string
check_list - list of string
return_list - list of string
output - string, or None
Initialize output to None
Loop through each element in input_list
Use a conditional to check if the current element is in check_list
If it is, assign output as the returned value of calling the random.choice function on return_list
Also, break out of the loop
At the end of the function, return output Note that if we don't find any words from input_list that are in check_list, output will be returned as None.



See explaination


# Import required the module.

import random

# Define a function selector() which accepts the

# input_list, check_list, and return_list and

# returns a string named output.

def selector(input_list,check_list,return_list):

# Assign None to string variable output.


# Use for loop to traverse through input_list.

for i in range(len(input_list)):

# Check if element of an input_list is present

# in check_list.

if input_list[i] in check_list:

# Assign a random value from return_list

# to output.


# break out of the loop if input_list

# element is present in check_list.



return output

# Use assert statement to test a condition.

# If the condition is true, then program continues to

# execute, otherwise raises an AssertionError.

assert callable(selector)

assert selector(['is','in','of'],['of'], ['Yes']) == 'Yes'

assert selector(['is','in'],['of'], ['Yes','No']) == None

# Display the output.

print(selector(['is','in','of'],['of'], ['Yes']))

print(selector(['is','in'],['of'], ['Yes','No']))

Whichof following can be thrown using the throw statement?ErrorThrowableExceptionRuntimeExceptionAll of Given


Answer: Exception

Explanation: A throw statement is a statement that whenever it gets executed ,it stops the flow of the execution immediately. The throw statement has a throw keyword for stopping of the execution which is denoted as the exception. A checked or unchecked exception can only be thrown. The compiler of a program has the function of giving warning if there are chances of exception.

Which is true of diagnosing and troubleshooting? Diagnosing attempts to identify the source of a problem, while troubleshooting looks for the nature of the problem. Diagnosing is used to fix problems with hardware, while troubleshooting is used to fix problems in program code. Diagnosing looks for the nature of the problem, while troubleshooting attempts to identify the source of the problem. Diagnosing is used to fix problems in program code, while troubleshooting is used to fix problems with hardware.



the answer is c


i just took the test


Explanation: because Diagnosing looks for the nature of the problem, while troubleshooting attempts to identify the source of the problem.