1. A charged group of covalently bonded atoms is known as


Answer 1
Answer: Its known as covalently bonded atoms
Answer 2

Final answer:

A charged group of covalently bonded atoms is known as a polyatomic ion or molecular ion; this is a group of atoms sharing electrons through covalent bonds and carrying an overall charge.


A charged group of covalently bonded atoms is known as a polyatomic ion or a molecular ion. These ions are formed when a group of atoms such as ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), or sulfate (SO42-) share electrons through covalent bonds and also carry an overall charge. This net charge results from an excess or a deficiency of electrons compared to the total number of protons in the ion's atoms.

Learn more about Polyatomic Ions here:



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No, because an atom consists of two main parts and three subatomic
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AnsweSample Response: I disagree with her because an atom has two main parts: the nucleus and the electron cloud. Atoms have three subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons.


The oxide of metal.x has the.formula XO. which group in the periodic table contains X


Between the oxygen atom and the metal ion, the oxide is created. The first group of the periodic table contains a metal called X.

What is periodic table?

Periodic table is defined as a method of showing elements in a table where similar-property elements are grouped or displayed in the same vertical column. It is frequently recognized as a symbol of chemistry and is used extensively in physics, chemistry, and other sciences. It is a visual representation of the periodic law, which claims that the atomic numbers of chemical elements have a roughly periodic relationship with their attributes.

The element X is a member of the 15th group and third period. There will therefore be three shells in the atom, and its valence shell will contain five electrons. The electronic setup will therefore be 2, 8, 5. In addition, X's atomic number is 15 (2 + 8 + 5).

Thus, between the oxygen atom and the metal ion, the oxide is created. The first group of the periodic table contains a metal called X.

To learn more about periodic table, refer to the link below:



IF IT FORMS AN Oxide of the form XO,
KNOWIng that oxygen has a charge of -2,the element with which it is combined must have a charge of +2 to get a ratio of 1;1
so i think n i'm pretty sure that the answer is the group 2 elements(alkali earth metals) or it may also be a group 6(cuz the have two oxidation states the +2 and +4)
its up to u now,

Oxygen and sulfur have similar chemical properties because both elements have six electrons in their outermost electron shells. Indeed, both oxygen and sulfur form molecules with two hydrogen atoms: water and hydrogen sulfide. Surprisingly, water is a liquid, yet hydrogen sulfide is a gas, even though sulfur is much larger and heavier than oxygen. Propose an explanation for this striking difference.



Electro negativity and polarity of the bond in the both molecules


Approaching the matter from an electro negativity perspective, oxygen is more electronegative than sulphur. This implies that the O-H bind is more polar than the S-H bond.

The high polarity of the O-H bond leads to a higher degree of hydrogen bonding in H2O than in H2S. This higher degree of hydrogen bonding in H2O leads to greater intermolecular association and the substance is a liquid. Hence H2O is liquid but H2S is a gas.

Because water is a liquid, we can conclude that it must have stronger intermolecular forces than the gaseos hydrogen sulfide.

This is true because water is held together in large part by hydrogen bonding, the extremely strong interactions between hydrogen and fluorine, oxygen or nitrogen. Hydrogen sulfide does not have hydrogen bonding so the intermolecular forces are much weaker.

Thus, hydrogen sulfide exists as a gas while water is a liquid.

What is the force equation?
A. F = ma
B. F = md
C. F = m/a
D. F = m/d


A. F = mass x acceleration
its f=ma= force=mass x acceleration

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A. Rocks or debris block rivers causing them to overflow

B. Severe weather occurs causing large waves to hit the coast

C. Huge amounts of snow and ice melt due to sudden temperature variations

D. Colossal amounts of rain fall in a short period of time​


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"For the following compound with three carbonyl groups, can you rank these carbonyl groups in order of increasing wavenumber in an infrared (IR) spectrum, and explain the reasoning behind the ranking?"



The wavenumber of absorption peaks in an infrared (IR) spectrum is related to the vibrational frequencies of chemical bonds within a molecule. Different functional groups and bond types exhibit characteristic wavenumbers in the IR spectrum. When ranking carbonyl groups in a compound by increasing wavenumber, you can consider the following principles:

1. Single bonds vibrate at lower wavenumbers than double bonds.

2. Carbon-oxygen double bonds (C=O) vibrate at higher wavenumbers than carbon-oxygen single bonds (C-O).

3. The presence of electron-withdrawing groups can increase the wavenumber of the carbonyl group.

Based on these principles, here's how you can rank the carbonyl groups in the compound from lowest to highest wavenumber:

1. Carbonyl group without any adjacent electron-withdrawing groups (lowest wavenumber): This carbonyl group, if it's surrounded by alkyl or other non-electron-withdrawing groups, will have the lowest wavenumber since it's less polar and experiences weaker stretching vibrations.

2. Carbonyl group with adjacent electron-withdrawing groups: If a carbonyl group is adjacent to electron-withdrawing groups (e.g., nitro groups, fluorine atoms, etc.), it will have a higher wavenumber. The presence of these groups increases the polarity and strength of the C=O bond, causing it to vibrate at a higher frequency.

3. Carbonyl group in a conjugated system: If a carbonyl group is part of a conjugated system (alternating single and double bonds), it will have the highest wavenumber. Conjugation enhances the electron delocalization and increases the wavenumber of the carbonyl group.

So, in summary, the ranking of carbonyl groups by increasing wavenumber in an IR spectrum would generally be: carbonyl without adjacent electron-withdrawing groups < carbonyl with adjacent electron-withdrawing groups < carbonyl in a conjugated system.