Why is a single system measurements necessary throughout the scientific community


Answer 1
Answer: It is necessary because using different measures can lead to various issues that can even be deadly sometimes. An example can be if i tell you that something needs to be prepared to a 0 degrees, but i don't say that it should be 0 degrees celsius, you might get it to a zero degrees kelvin which is -273 celsius, a temperature where atoms stop moving completely. Or you might mix chemicals improperly and cause explosions.
Answer 2


Because it's more convenient

in order to proof a validity of a certain research conclusion, it need to be examined by other experts in similar field. If, the research is conducted with different system of measurement, the scientist who wants to review the conclusion first need to make additional effort to convert all the numbers into the measurement that they are familiar with.


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Speed of light = 3 * 10 ^8 m / s. Speed is related to the distance and time and so its unit is in meters and seconds. The speed of light value mentioned above is the value calculated in vacuum or air with the help of lasers.

But when it comes to water, refractive index has to be taken into account.The speed of light is faster in vacuum than other mediums.

Presently, the speed of light in a vacuum is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 m/s (approximately 186,282 miles per second). . An early experiment to measure the speed of light was conducted by Ole Romer, a Danish physicist, in 1676. Using a telescope, Ole observed the motions of Jupiter and one of its moons, Io

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Both True and False


This is because after she stops she may be able to store more energy than she had before but when she start off she may not. Hope this helps.

Answer: Answer is (false)


bother are correct but you will absolutely be marked as wrong if you put true

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Common units of measurement for speed.


miles per hour (mph or miles/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s).
Miles, kilometers, meters