The chart indicates three employees in the Education and Training career cluster. Tasks of Three Employees in the Education and Training Career Cluster

Tasks Performed


teaches children that are three and four years old


makes sure the school is following student privacy laws


helps students decide which college they should attend

Which describes the jobs of these three individuals?

Prudence is a Special Education Teacher, Sangita is a Distance Learning Coordinator, and Edmond is a School Psychologist.
Prudence is a Kindergarten Teacher, Sangita is a School Principal, and Edmond is an Educational Counselor.
Prudence is a Pre-School Teacher, Sangita is a Regulator Affairs Specialist, and Edmond is a Guidance Counselor.
Prudence is a Tutor, Sangita is an Instructional Coordinator, and Edmond is an Instructional Designer.
The chart indicates three employees in the Education and Training - 1


Answer 1


✔️Prudence is a Pre-School Teacher, Sangita is a Regulator Affairs Specialist, and Edmond is a Guidance Counselor.


Looking at the tasks performed by Prudence, Sangita and Edmond:

✔️Prudence is a Pre-School Teacher:

A Pre-school Teacher is employed in a daytime school setting to care for children from infancy to 4 years.

✔️Sangita is a Regulator Affairs Specialist:

A Regulator Affairs Specialist is employed to ensure that the organization complies with the stated regulations. For Sangita working in a school, he is to ensure that the school complies with student privacy laws.

✔️Edmond is a Guidance Counselor:

A Guidance Counselor are professionals who are certified and employed in schools in order to help students make academic decisions. They assess students' ability, capacity and potentials.

Answer 2




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If you are trying to lose weight and otherwise improve your health, you may already be mindful about what you eat during the day. You might skip breakfast. At lunch, you may opt for a salad with lots of veggies, no croutons and low-fat dressing -- on the side, of course. Then, three o'clock hits.

The period of life from about age 13 to the early twenties, during which a young person is no longer physically a child, but is not yet an independent, self-supporting adult, is called adolescence


young adulthood

early adulthood



The period of life from about age 13 to the early twenties, during which a young person is no longer physically a child, but is not yet an independent, self-supporting adult, is called early adulthood. Thus, option D is correct.

What is adulthood?

Adulthood has a very critical period because after half of the century when the person has to transform into the adulthood. Its has been critical period and the psychologically to the changes many things. When the person change in the adulthood everything just goes change such as the physical, or the mental, as well as the social and the psychological perspective of the person.

These days this process has been slower and not uniform just because these days the marriages has been conducted at the age of mid 29 to 32. So it leads a less crisis for the adults. The main incident that happened these days with the adults that they are simply aimless, and irresponsible and emotionally they are not stable. Adults do not committed to their own aim or work, even the relations these days.

Therefore,The period of life from about age 13 to the early twenties, during which a young person is no longer physically a child, but is not yet an independent, self-supporting adult, is called early adulthood. Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about adulthood on:


1. Explain ONE way that the development of propaganda or media influenced European Society during WWI.2. Explain ONE way that advances in war technologies affected the development of World War I.

3. Explain ONE way the Paris Peace Conference left problems for Europe to confront.


1. One way propaganda influence European society in World War I was by:

  • Showing false information against the enemies.

2. The advance in war technologies affected the development of World War I by:

  • The Submarine warfare was extremely advanced as well and didn't fit in.

3. The Paris peace conference left problems for Europe by:

  • Created the Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to pay millions in debts, give up weapons, give up land and many other punishments.

The European cities during World War I

The world war I destroyed empires and cities which led to the creation of numerous new nations and encouraged independent movements in European colonies.

Read more about media here;

1. One way propaganda influence European society in World War I was showing false information against the enemies.
2. New technologies in World War I were developed in many different ways. Submarine warfare was extremely advanced.
3. The Paris peace conference created the Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to pay millions in debts, give up weapons, give up land and many other punishments.

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A socially responsible consumer is a consumer who cares about the social impact that the products he buys have on the world around him. Socially responsible consumers avoid products that they think harm society. Instead, they buy goods and services from companies that they believe do a better job of taking care of the world.

An example of such a behaviour would be a person who shops in small stores as opposed to shopping in supermarkets, because he believes that it is important to support local businesses. Another example is that of someone who buys free trade coffee, in order to ensure that his purchase does not have a negative impact on coffee farmers around the world.

An airplane traveling 1000 m above the ocean at 140 km/h is going to drop a box of supplies to shipwrecked victims below.(b) What is the horizontal distance between the plane and the victims when the box is dropped?



Horizontal distance = 555.74 m


Given the following data;

Height = 1000m

Horizontal velocity = 140km/h

First of all, we would convert the unit of the velocity to meters per seconds;

V = (140 * 1000)/60*60

V = 140000/3600 = 38.89m/s

To find the time, we would use the second equation of motion;

S = ut + \frac {1}{2}at^(2)

We know that acceleration due to gravity, g is equal to 9.8m/s²

Initial velocity, u = 0

Substituting into the equation, we have;

1000 = 0(t) + \frac {1}{2}*9.8*t^(2)

1000 = 0 + 4.9*t^(2)

1000 = 4.9*t^(2)

t^(2) = \frac {1000}{4.9}

t = √(204.08)

Time, t = 14.29 secs

To find the horizontal distance;

Speed = distance/time

Horizontal \; distance = horizontal \; velocity * time

Horizontal \; distance = 38.89 * 14.29

Horizontal distance = 555.74 m

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Source: Dutch missionary John Megapolensis on the Mohawks (Iroquois), 1644, Smithsonian(John became the town's first pastor at Fort Orange (near Albany). As pastor he was not allowed to farm or trade, but received supportfrom the town, while diligently performing his duties, which included teaching the Indians about Christ.)The Women are obliged to prepare the land, to mow, to plant, and do every Thing: the Men do nothing except hunting, fishing, and goingto War against their Enemies: they treat their Enemies with great Cruelty in Time of War, for they first bite off the Nails of the Fingers oftheir Captives, and cut off some joints, and sometimes the whole of the Fingers; after that the Captives are obliged to sing and dancebefore them..., and finally they roast them before a slow Fire for some Days, and eat them. ... Though they are very cruel to theirEnemies, they are very friendly to us: we are under no Apprehensions from them....They are entire Strangers to alt Religion, but they have a Tharonhijouaagon, (which others also call Athzoockkuatoriaho) i.e. a Geniuswhich they put in the Place of God, but they do not worship or present offerings to him: they worship and present offerings to the Devilwhom they call Otskon or Airekuoni. ... They have otherwise no Religion: when we pray they laugh at us; some of them despise itentirely, and some when we tell them what we do when we pray, stand astonished. When we have a Sermon, sometimes ten or twelve ofthem, more or less, will attend, each having a long Tobacco Pipe, made by himself, in his Month, and will stand a while and look, andafterwards ask me what I was doing and what I wanted, that I stood there alone and made so many Words, and none of the rest mightspeak? I tell them I admonished the Christians, that they must not steal, ... get drunk, or commit Murder, and that they too ought not todo these Things, and that I intend after a while to preach to them. ... They say I do well in teaching the Christians, but immediately addDiatennon jawi Assyreoni hagiouisk, that is, why do so many Christians do these things. They call us Assyreoni, that is, Cloth-Makers, orCharistooni, that is, Iron Workers, because our People first brought Cloth and Iron among them...HIPP+:Historical Context:Intended Audience:Author's Purpose:Author's Point of View+Other Context (similar in kind, from a different time):