Which revisions fix the inappropriate shift in tense in the sentence? Janelle walks into the house and found a package. Select each correct answer. Janelle walks into the house and finds a package. Janelle walked into the house and had found a package. Janelle is walking into the house and found a package. Janelle walked into the house and found a package.


Answer 1


The revisions which fix the inappropriate shift in tense in the sentence are:

A. Janelle walks into the house and finds a package.

D. Janelle walked into the house and found a package.


Let's underline the verbs in the original sentence and identify the tenses:

Janelle walks into the house and found a package.

The first verb is "walks", and it is clearly in the simple present tense. Notice the ending -s for the third person singular. The second verb is "found", which is the past form of the verb "find". Therefore, it is in the simple past tense.

To properly revise the sentence, we must choose between one of the two tenses so that the actions described will be in accordance. Thus, we should either use only the simple present or only the simple past for both verbs. That is precisely what we have in options A and D. Option A uses the simple present "walks" and "finds", while option D uses the simple past "walked" and "found". They are, for that reason, the correct options.

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So that you can help people...

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1. The correct answer is 'theme'.
2. That is a 'personification', because it means bringing inanimate objects/concepts to life. Winter is not alive, but it is represented as an old man.
3. This is a 'simile', they have the form using 'as', or 'like'.


1. The main idea or moral principle that forms the basis for a story is its _____. The correct answer is "Theme".

2. What figure of speech is used in describing winter as an old man with a white, frosty beard? The correct answer is "personification".

3. What figure of speech is used in the expression "happy as a lark"? The correct answer is "simile".