Choose the word that makes sense in the sentence.Die Schüler
das deutsche Alphabet.
O erlauben
O lernen
O verstehen
O verkaufen


Answer 1


Die Antwort lautet b.


Ich kann gut deutsch.

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What does du bist mean in German?

Ist dir warm? ____ das Fenster____. (aufmachen)
please help i’ll mark brainliest



Machen das Fenster auf.


Mach das Fenster auf.

please could you translate into German: "I am sometimes stressed because I have a lot of homework to do. When I am stressed I become tired or I have a headache"


"I am sometimes stressed because I have a lot of homework to do. When I am stressed I become tired or I have a headache" in german is:

Ich werde manchmal betont, weil ich viel Heimarbeit habe, zum zu tun. Wenn ich betont ich werde müde bin oder, ich habe Kopfschmerzen

Hope I Helped!!!

"Ich bin manchmal gestresst , weil ich eine Menge Hausaufgaben zu tun . Wenn ich gestresst bin ich müde geworden oder ich habe ein" is the answer hope this helps you

What time eplote the secon world war


1 September 1939 – 2 September 1945 Is the date of WWII


World War II, which began in 1939 and ended in 1945, was the deadliest and most destructive war in history. Before the war, Germany, America, and the rest of the world were going through the Great Depression. The economy was very bad, unemployment was at an all-time high, and massive inflation caused money to lose its value. More than fifty nations in the world were fighting, with more than 100 million soldiers deployed. Countries like America and Britain were part of the Allied powers. Japan and Germany were part of the Axis powers.


how do you say 'look at the board' 'listen' 'open the windows' 'close the door' 'repeat' 'stand up' 'silence' 'take out your books' 'pack away your things' 'sit down' in German (by the way this is preparation for me to understand what the teacher might say when i move to school in Germany)



Look at the board ! => Blick auf die Tafel !

Listen => hören !

Open the windows ! => öffnen Sie die Fenster !

Close the door ! => schließen Sie die Tür ! 

Repeat (v) !  => wiederholen ! 

Stand up ! => aufstehen !

Silence (n) => Stille (die)

Take out your books ! => nehmen Sie Ihre Bücher !

Pack away your things ! =>  wegpacken Sie Ihre Sachen !

Sit down ! => hinsetzen !


PLS!!!!!HELP!!!!!!! ASAP!!!! I ONLY!!!!!! HAVE AN HOUR!!!!! TO FINISH THIS!!!!!!!! GERMAN!!!!!!!Write five sentences IN GERMAN telling things you don't do very often. Use KEIN for at least one of your sentences. DON"T use either of the verbs in the examples for your sentences.

Example 1: Ich trinke nicht oft.
Example 2: Ich esse keinen Fisch.

You will be graded on (a) Vocabulary usage (b) Correct placement of nicht/kein, and (c) Overall quality of your written response.



This might now be helpful but on Brainly you can switch your country’s that you’re in. Switch to Germany and then ask your question. I did that and got help immediately with people who speak German

How do you say 'Comic book' in German


To say comic book in german you would say "Comic-Buch"
Comic book is German is Comic-Buch.

I would recommend using Google translate for finding out how to say different things in German, or any other language. It is almost instant, just remember to translate it back to English to make sure you have the correct translation.

Hope this helped