You see a television commercial for a product you may want to buy, and there is a telephone number you must call to place an order. Because you don't have anything with which to write down the number, you repeat it to yourself over and over again until you feel like you won't forget it. This process is called ________.


Answer 1




The human memory basically does the function of encoding (is the meansof changing or the transforming of information into a form that can be stored in memory ), storage ( entails keeping/maintaining information in memory) and lastly retrieval( it covers bringing to mind information that has been stored in memory).

Rehearsal is simply the act of delibrately repeating information to yourself. It is usually to maintain it in short term memory. Saving informations in short-term memory are usually lost in less than 30 seconds unless you repeat them over and over.

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So even now i continue this investigation as the god bade me﹘and i go around seeking out anyone, citizen or stranger, whom i think wise. because of this occupation i do not have the leisure to engage in public affairs to any extent nor indeed to look after my own, but i live in great poverty because of my service to the god

After seeing a specialist, Jack started taking a medicine for his heart that led to digestive problems. He saw a different doctor for that issue and was prescribed another drug, which led to headaches. Yet another doctor prescribed another drug for his headaches. Jack has just experienced _____.



Adverse Effects


An adverse event is an undesired occurrence that results from taking a medication correctly. The event can either be a type A reaction or a type B reaction. Type A reactions are predictable adverse events which are commonly dose dependent and can be mild, moderate, or severe. Type B reactions are completely unpredictable and have nothing to do with doses. They occur less often and are influenced by patient-specific susceptibility factors such as drug allergies and intolerances. A patient may experience an adverse event due to the healthcare provider’s lack of knowledge of the drug and the medications complete mechanism. The event is not expected by either the doctor or the patient and the effects can be reduced by lowering the dose or just stopping the medication all together.

Adverse events are different from side effects and are never desired. Adverse events require interventions whereas most side effects spontaneously resolve with time



Polypharmacy refers to a situation whereby a person uses more than one or multiple medicine to treat a single condition or more.

It can work in some cases when it is doctor instructions.However it may have some side effects in others cases especially when patients use self medication method.

Consumption of more drugs can increase the chance of them interfering with each other. This may negatively or positively affect how they work to heal the condition.

Each drug produces it's effect which may worsen the symptoms than making someone better. Sometimes a person take a new medicine in order to eliminate the side effect causes by the first drug. Sometimes polypharmacy may result from using different medical specialists who may give you a prescription of the similar drug, the use of various pharmacies and other factors of multiple use of medicine.

Which role of a senator takes place only at the Capitol?


The Senate is responsible for all lawmaking within the United States. The Senate also has important powers under the "advice and consent" provisions. They adjudicate proceedings initiated in the House of Representatives, a two-thirds majority being necessary for conviction. They consider and process legislation and exercise general control over government agencies and departments.

I believe the answer is: serving on a committee

Within the committee,senators from each state have to form relationships with other senators that might have opposing view.

After that, they would debate their view in the chamber and eventually vote for the type of legislation that give the most positive benefit for the country.

In which way are communism and fascism alike?. . a. Both are anti-imperialistic.. . b.Both seek to eliminate political opposition.. . c.Both were invented in Germany.. . d.Both share a similar economic philosophy..


In which way are communism and fascism alike?

Answer: Out of all the options shown above the one that conveys how communism and fascism are alike is answer choice B) Both seek to eliminate political opposition. In other words neither tolerates political opposition.

I hope it helps, Regards.
I think the answer would be : B. Both seek to eliminate political oppositions

Both communism and fascism seek a complete control over the Government so it can rule the people with an iron fist. Political oppositions would be too much of a hindrance for them

hope this helps

One of the biggest risks involved in using email is


loss of privacy and this is a filler

What effect did the Great Schism have on Catholicism?




The Catholic congregation or Roman Catholic congregation is a main branch of the global Christian congregation, and the largest congregation in Christianity, whose followers consider the Pope of Rome's Vatican city to be their bishop. His religious organization continues the custom of the early Christian organization and is its sole heir. They believe that the bread and wine that is drunk in their prayer rituals become the mass and blood of Jesus Christ in the religious sense that those who pray are accepted.

When we speak of the Great Schism, we can actually be referring to one of two schisms. The first is also called the East-West Schism and happened in 1054 when the Byzantine Church broke from the Roman Catholic Church. The second is also referred to as the Great Western Schism and happened between 1378 and 1417 when a pope in Rome and a second pope in Avignon, France, proclaimed themselves to be the real pope. Both schisms significantly affected the Roman Catholic Church. Though, typically, that which is called the Great Schism refers to the East-West Schism.

The greatest effect of the East-West Schism was the creation of two separate churches that had previously been unified under one church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church. But more specifically, the schism had developed over time due to "doctrinal, theological, linguistic, political, and geographic" differences; therefore, the schism also affected Catholicism by solidifying these differences (New World Encyclopedia, "Great Schism").

The greatest theological and political difference concerns the belief in the authority of the pope. The Roman Catholic Church holds that, as the successor of Saint Peter, the pope holds all authority over the Church. However, the Eastern Church feels the title of pope to be only an honorary one, so the church believes the pope has no authority to "determine policy" for all jurisdictions in the empire ("Great Schism").

A second significant theological difference concerns the objection of theinsertion of the filioque clause in the Nicene Creed. The Nicene Creed is the statement of the Catholic Church's faith. The filioque clause refers to a specific statement of faith in the creed concerning the Holy Trinity; more specifically, the statement can be interpreted to mean that the Holy Spirit comes only from the Father or from both the Father and the Son. It is referred to as the filioque clause because the Latin word filioque translates to mean "and from the son." The Eastern Church changed their creed to read, "We believe in the Holy Spirit ... who proceeds from the Father," whereas the Roman Catholic creed reads, "We believe in the Holy Spirit ... who proceeds from the Father and the Son" ("Great Schism"; "Filioque Clause")

Rising interest rates tend to contract the level of economic activity. increase the level of business investment. indicate governmental expansion of the economy. signal the trough of a recessionary market.



The correct answer is rising interest rate curtails the level of economic activity.


Increased interest rates increase the cost of borrowing. As a result, there is a decline in private investment. This further causes aggregate demand to decline. As aggregate demand falls there is a leftward shift in the aggregate demand curve, income and consumption decline as well. The price level falls as well. the decline in the prices causes the supply to decrease as well.

So, we see that rising interest rates cause a contraction in the overall economic activity.