Which voyage later established Portugal's claim to Brazil and is the reason they speak Portuguese in Brazil today?


Answer 1


Pedro Álvares Cabral


Pedro Álvares Cabral taking possession of Brazil in the name of Portugal, April 22, 1500.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Pedro Álvares Cabral's voyage in 1500 established Portugal's claim to Brazil and is the reason they speak Portuguese in Brazil today.


The voyage that later established Portugal's claim to Brazil and is the reason they speak Portuguese in Brazil today is the one made by Pedro Álvares Cabral in 1500.

At the time, Portuguese sailors had already explored and claimed lands along the African coast and had rounded the Cape of Good Hope. When Cabral arrived on the eastern coast of South America, he claimed it for Portugal, which laid the foundation for Portuguese colonization in Brazil.

As a result, Brazil became a Portuguese colony and the Portuguese language was established in the region, leading to the Portuguese language being spoken in Brazil today.

Learn more about Portuguese colonization of Brazil here:



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1. they wanted to control local governments and give extra votes to their candidate.

2. they were jailed

3. the employees would be unqualified and untrained. government corruption is becoming more widespread. you question honesty of national leaders.


David's dynasty would continue without end, forever.
True False





God promised David by the prophet Nathan that He would build David a "house" (dynasty), a royal family forever.

A royal family forever. But never David's dynasty would continue without end, forever.






God promised David by the prophet Nathan that He would build David a "house" (dynasty), a royal family forever.


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B: Henry bessemer
C: Thomas Edison
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(option c) THOMAS EDISON
 for your question C is the answer

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Yes this person is right!!