Explain the difference between these two sentences:"Como imagino ser cuando tomo el sol."
"Como imagino estar cuando tomo el sol."


Answer 1


the only differences are the "ser" and "estar"


I think Ser is more of a simple way to describe what happens, while Estar is more like describing how something happens.

For Ser: description, occupation, characteristics, time, origin, relationship

For Estar: Position, Location, Action, Condition, Emotion

(I don't have Spanish class, this is all from google :> obviously)

Answer 2
Answer: the difference is “ser and “estar” the first sentence is basically saying how they imagine they’ll be in the future while the second one is how they will be in the moment of imagining

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1).According to the grandfather, which had matched the previous visits of the pilgrim.
2).What had been the Peregrina? Could he do his duty?
3).Why does the peregrina is good friend of the poor and men of good conscience
4).How do you explain the peregrina why many people see it as a treacherous and cruel
5).What does the peregrina say is expected to other side say
6). how do they seem quite the other side and a birth
7).La peregrina say that you belong to a people who have always known how to face me. what does it mean 
8).Why would death be called freedom the greatest sage of the people
9). How do you describe the peregrina his bitter fate
10). What had adela tried to intend to do
1).According to the grandfather, which had matched the previous visits of the pilgrim.
2).What had been the Peregrina? Could he do his duty?
3).Why does the peregrina is good friend of the poor and men of good conscience
4).How do you explain the peregrina why many people see it as a treacherous and cruel
5).What does the peregrina say is expected to other side say
6). how do they seem quite the other side and a birth
7).La peregrina say that you belong to a people who have always known how to face me. what does it mean 
8).Why would death be called freedom the greatest sage of the people
9). How do you describe the peregrina his bitter fate
10). What had adela tried to intend to do




answer below


1st blank- doblar la ropa

2nd blank- tirar la basura

3rd blank- barrer

4th blank- cortar el césped

5th blank- pasear al perro



2-sacar la basura


4-cortar el pasto

5-caminar el perro


Choose the sentence that is grammatically CORRECTA ellos les gusta las enchiladas.
Ellos gusta comer enchiladas.
Ellos gustan las enchiladas.
A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas

It would really be helpful if you can explain to me why it is correct so I can know in the future. Thank you. ^-^


Answer: A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas


i will take each sentence and describe why is correct or not.

"A ellos les gusta las enchiladas."

Here you can see that "...Gusta Las..." in this case "gusta" is in singular, and the word right next to it "las" is a plural pronoun, so this is incorrectly written.

"Ellos gusta comer enchiladas."

Here we do not have any pronoun, this is incorrectly written.

"Ellos gustan las enchiladas."

Here you can see that "gustan" is correctly in plural, but now we don't have the pronoun before it, so this is incorrect.

"A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas"

Now we have all the pronoun, in this case we have "gusta" again, that is in singular, but it is followed by a non conjugated action "comer", so in this case it is cohesive, so this is correctly written.


A ellos les gusta las enchiladas.

A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas


First we must divide each part of the sentence

preposition = A

pronoun = ellos

verb = gusta

verb =  comer

article = las

noun = enchiladas

In this example in Spanish we need the preposition "A" at the beginning of the sentences to indicate who like enchiladas

In English, we don't need this preposition because we can say:

They like to eat enchiladas

They like enchiladas

If we translate the sentence literally would be Ellos gusta comer enchiladas, this form is incorrect because we don't know "who".

For example:

We are in a restaurant and there are 5 groups of people eating, but only one group like to eat enchiladas.

If we only say Ellos gusta comer enchiladas, we won't know the correct group.

If we say A ellos, in this case we are pointing a specific group in the restaurant.

Can someone help me with this (btw the last one says nosotras)


please give me a brainly my hand hurts


English - Yo - Tú - Él/Ella/Ud. - Nosotros

to study - estudio - estudias - estudia - estudiamos

to explain - explico - explicas - explica - explicamos

to speak - hablo - hablas - explica - explicamos

to arrive - llego - llegas - llega - llegamos

to carry - llevo - llevas - lleva - llegamos

to look - miro - miras - mira - miramos

to need - necesito - necesitas - necesita - necesitamos

to practice - practico - practicas - practica - practicamos

to prepare - preparo - preparas - prepara

to back - vuelvo - vuelves - vuelve - volemos

to finish - termino - terminas - termina - terminamos

to take - tomo - tomas - toma - tomamos

to work - trabajo - trabajas - trabaja - trabajamos

to travel - viajo - viajas - viaja - viajamos

How to respond in Spanish: cuando es el dia de independencia


To answer you need to say:

El día de la independencia es el… (You have to answer this part depending on which country/city you’re going to)

Fill in the blank with the correct answer according to the School Activities video. La escuela de Jorge ofrece deportes como el baloncesto, el fútbol, el voleibol y el __________.


El tenis........... :)