Solve: -2 < 2x+1 ≤ 2


Answer 1


put it in math and say plz people will answer it fast


Answer 2
Answer: You can go to papa math and it solves it quickly

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There are five principles in the U.S. Constitution. For each, give an example of a place in the Constitution where this principle is expressed?


The 5 principles underlying the Constitutions are popular sovereignty, separation of powers, checks and balances, federalism, and rule of law.

Popular sovereignty is found in the voting procedures to pass an amendment (3/4 of states needed and each have a chance to cast a vote), the direct voting measures to elect members tot he House of Representatives, and the 17th amendment (direct election of Senators) are all examples.

Separation of Powers is found in the creation of three branches of government: the executive branch, judicial branch, and legislative branch. Each branch has separate responsibilities and power. For example, the president wants to go to war but must request a declaration from Congress.

Checks and Balances is the principle that each branch can check the power of another branch. Veto power is an example of a check and balance. The president can veto a bill they are not in favor. Congress can overrule the veto with a winning 2/3 vote. The Supreme Court has review power of laws passed by Congress and therefore is able to check their power to create unconstitutional laws.

Federalism is the concept that the federal government ranks over the state governments but both have their own powers as well. The 10th amendment states any right not directly outlined in the Constitution as being a federal right would be reserved to the states. Education is an example of an institution which had been controlled by and instituted by states.

The Rule of Law means that the laws apply to everyone and no person is considered to powerful or wealthy to escape the laws proscribed for all citizens. This is shown in the Constitution by providing citizens the power to impeach an elected official if they are to violate the laws.

Final answer:

The five principles of the U.S. Constitution are expressed in the Preamble (Popular Sovereignty), Article 1, Section 9 (Limited Government), the first three articles (Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances), and the 10th Amendment (Federalism).


The five principles in the U.S. Constitution are expressed in various ways throughout the document. Each has specific sections and amendments that exemplify its meaning.

  1. Popular Sovereignty is expressed in the Preamble by stating 'We the People' which signifies the power of the people in the United States.
  2. Limited Government is shown in Article 1, Section 9 which lists the powers that Congress does not have, meaning the government's powers are limited.
  3. The principle of Separation of Powers is outlined in the first three articles dividing the government into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial.
  4. Checks and Balances are defined within Articles 1, 2, and 3 which specify how each branch of government can limit the power of the other branches.
  5. Finally, the principle of Federalism is displayed in the 10th Amendment which reserves certain powers for the states and the people.

Learn more about  U.S. Constitution here:


In addition to the British, what other ethnic group most influenced the founding of Canada? The Chinese The Dutch The French The Irish


It was probably the French because Canada was been influence by the French

How is jrotc different today then 100 years ago


100 years ago it didn't exist that's how they where different. Your welcome!!

How does Travis feel just before he shoots Old Yeller? A.
like a good son

numb all over

like a mature man

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the answer will be B!!!

Franklin Roosevelt's policies of "Cash and Carry" and "Lend-Lease


The Cash and Carry a policy that enabled the United States to aid countries who are war, only with nonwar materials such as ships and food that must be paid in cash immediately. This policy was to maintain the neutrality between countries who are at war while aiding them.


were designed to supply Great Britain and other Allied nations with war materiel.


I did the usatestprep :)

Why was the United States concerned about nuclear missiles in Cuba?


It meant that there were nukes very close and within striking range of the USA.