How does Layla’s reaction to her family’s internment differ from her parents’ reactions?


Answer 1


Layla's reaction is not to accept hospitalization and to seek out people from other oppressed groups and fight against this sick system in which she and her family are being subjected. Layla's parents, fearing reprisals, react differently and just accept the new situation in which they live.


This question is about the book "Internment" by Samira Ahmed that tells the story of Layla Amin, a Muslim girl who, due to racism and intolerance, is forced to live with her parents in an internment camp for Muslim citizens. In this field, Muslims are forced to the most diverse abuses, being forced to live with very few resources that establish a low and miserable standard of living. Layla's parents recognize that they are at a disadvantage and have a reaction of acceptance to the life they are living, however Layla's reaction is different and she decides that she will fight these oppressive Jutno system with a group of people who are also victims of it.

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The correct answer is C. Reader's guide. 

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I haven't read it, by everywhere on the Internet I have found that the correct answer is "her haircut", and based on logic itself that seems to be the reasonable answer.

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The correct answer should be a) Drive more than 500 miles on one tank of gas.

This is because fuel efficiency is a focal point in this answer, while D. deals with fuel efficiency, but that is not the main point of the advertisement. 

The answer is A: Drive more than 500 miles on one tank of gas.

 The data of sentence Ashows specifically how far a car can go with onetank of gas. In sentence D, it's just mentioned that people are tired of the 20 mile per gallon efficiency. In sentence B, leg room is the space for the legs in the car. In sentence C, the information that more than 30 engineers worked in a car doesn't prove increased fuel efficiency.

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The correct answer is B) Writing non-fiction is my forte.

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i think that in this context, ardent is most likely means : powerfulThe sentence convey that the children rigorously waiting for the door to for a pretty long time.As soon as the door opened, they did not even watch how they got out which cause them to almost fell out

Ardent means very enthusiastic or passionate, we can feel in this passage that the children’s feeling was very strong, is says that “they were about to fall out of the open door” these kids were kind of desperate until they saw their father, the best word to replace ardent in this case would be powerful based in the actual meaning of the word and the context were it is being used.

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