R u stewart pid????????????????????


Answer 1
Answer: Yes I am make me brainliest !!! Answer 6hhjh. Tvttvtvf
Answer 2



no but my dad name stewart

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The process of child birth involves the interaction of endocrine, muscular, and reproductive organ systems.

The endocrine is responsible for the production of chemical messengers in the body. These chemical messengers are called hormones. They are produced in endocrine glands and are transported to their target organs in the blood stream.

The muscular system controls the contraction and relaxation of all the muscles in the body.


Lisa has a job working for $16 per hour. She takes the bus to and from work, which costs a total of $3.50 each day she works. Since her work schedule varies she doesn't work the same number of hours or days each week. Which equation can be used to find m , the total amount in dollars Lisa earns in a month if she works d days and h hours?



m = 16hd - 3.50d


Earnings per hour = $16

Earnings per day = $16h


h = number of hours worked in a day

If she works d days

Lisa's total earnings = 16hd


h = number of hours worked in a day

d = number of days

Lisa's cost per day = $3.50

If she works for d days,

Total cost = 3.50d


m = total amount in dollars Lisa earns in a month if she works d days and h hours

m = 16hd - 3.50d

For example,

If h = 3 hours and d = 25

m = 16(3)(25) - 3.50(25)

= 1,200 - 87.5

= $1,112.5

m = 1,112.5

Which addition expression has the sum 8 – 3i ? (9 2i) (1 – i) (9 4i) (–1 – 7i) (7 2i) (1 – i) (7 4i) (–1 – 7i)


Considering the definition and sum of complex numbers, the sum (9 + 4i) + (–1 - 7i) gives as a result 8 -3i.

Complex numbers are combinations of real numbers and imaginary numbers.

In other words, complex numbers are numbers that have a real part and an imaginary part.

The most common representation of a complex number is the sum of a real part and an imaginary part. At the same time, the imaginary part is divided between the imaginary part and the imaginary unit:

z = a + bi


  • a is a real number.
  • b is the imaginary part.
  • i is the imaginary unit.

This expression is called the binomial form of the complex number z.

To add two or more complex numbers, you simply have to add the real and imaginary parts separately. That is, being z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di, the sum of both complex numbers is calculated as:

z1 + z2 = (a + c) + (b + d) i

In this case, to obtain 8 -3i you have to sum:

(9 + 4i) + (–1 – 7i)= (9-1) + (4-7)i= 8 - 3i

So, the sum (9 + 4i) + (–1 - 7i) gives as a result 8 -3i.

Learn more about complex number:


B- (9 + 4i) + (–1 – 7i)



A machinist turns the power on to a grinding wheel, at rest, at time t = 0 s. The wheel accelerates uniformly for 10 s and reaches the operating angular velocity of 58 rad/s. The wheel is run at that angular velocity for 30 s and then power is shut off. The wheel slows down uniformly at 1.4 rad/s2 until the wheel stops. In this situation, the total number of revolutions made by the wheel is closest to:


The wheel accelerates uniformly for 10s and reaches the operating angular velocity of 58 rad/s. The wheel is run at that angular velocity for 21s and then power is shut off. The wheel slows down at 2.4rad/s^2 until it stops. 

Can u pass the 8 grade with a F and a D+



it depends on the school. my school they would pass yout to high school failing

Answer: it depends school and the school district to be entirely honest


hope it helps and i hope you can fix your grades

A fish tank in a pet store was less than half full ofwater when a worker turned on a hose to fill the
tank at a constant rate. After the hose was on for
5 minutes, the tank was exactly half full. After
the hose was on for 30 minutes, the tank was
three-quarters full. How many minutes did it take
after the hose was turned on for the tank to be
completely filled with water?


100 minutes

During 25 minutes, it got filled 1/4 more (3/4 - 1/2)

So it would take 100 minutes to completely fill it