What privileges does Puerto Rico have


Answer 1


legal residents of the US I think.

Answer 2


They have most U.S priveledges. Since they are not a state, they cannot vote because they do not have electoral votes.


Hope this helps!

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1,09 DBA study? has anybody taken this before and what should i study?


Hi! Do you do online school? They have DBA's I think. If so, they should be in your cite resources on your teacher's home page. You should also study up to 1.09. Hope this helps! : )
not sure what that is . is this online school?



5. d
6. a
[Question 1]
[Question 2]
a. no,no voy.
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Oraciones complejas con la palabra desde que


1.Desde que tu entaste a mi vida yo soy  la persona mas feliz del mundo.
2. Cuando fuimos al restaurante mi papa se callo y desde que eso paso no a estado bien de la espalda.
3. Deade que me comi el chile eh tenido ardor en la pansa

A los niños les gusta _____ con muchos colores. ir al museo


A los niños les gusta _____ con muchos colores. 
 ir al museo
remember if you ever need anything or a question answered feel free to post it on my profile on my profile or you can just message me.

Recuerde si alguna vez necesita algo o una pregunta respondida siéntase libre de publicarlo en mi perfil en mi perfil o simplemente puede enviarme un mensaje.
A los niños les gusta Dibujar con muchos colores.

What is the story behind the eagle and the serpent in the Mexican flag.


A legend said the people were to settle at the place they found a eagle devouring a snake on a cactus. It signifies the polarization between Heaven and Earth.
There was also a serpent on the flag, you left that out.
Hope this will help you!:)
I learned this during History class..This is what my notes say:

There was a group of people who were looking for a sigh with a Eagle with a Snake on its beak sitting on a Cactus is a religious symbol and that is where they must start their empire. It was the Inca people who then got conquerd by Spain. The Inca people thought that the Spainerds were gods because of the horses, their armor, dogs, weapons, and ships so they welcomed them to their land. The Spaniards then took the Inca leader hostage and then later killed him thinking that the Inca people were going to attack them. Most Inca people died when the Spaniards came because they were not used to sicknesses in Europe.

Who speak Spanish plss help me with my work thx​



part one

1 jabon liquido

2cepillo dental

3 habon en barra

4 pasta dentas

5papel higiénico