Can I have help with number 6?
Can I have help with number 6? - 1


Answer 1


i wish i could help but i haven't started spanish...


Answer 2


1p: seguí/dormí/competí

2y3p: sigió/durmió/compitió


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Te gusta más leer revistas o jugar videojuegos?

C. más 

It is 
más because you're asking the person do you like reading more, or playing video games.

Hope this helps :)

I believe the answer is C.

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Buscaste el perfume para tu hermana?
Si, lo busqué anoche
la busque anoche that the best answer i hope this help

Please answer the following question in English.Why does Hispanic Heritage Month start on September 15th? Why do we have this celebration in the United States?

When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect.

You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed:
á é í ó ú ñ Á É Í Ó Ú ¿ ¡


I'm Mexican, and our independence day is September 16, 1810. But when the Mexicans striked "treson" to Spain was the 15th. In Mexico we call it "El Grito De Dolores." Mexico wasn't the only country that got it's independence that day. El Salvador also got it's indipendence from Spain the same day. And a lot of hispanic countries did too, thats why Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15th, because of their independence day.

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it is raining






Decide if the following sentences is grammatically correct or incorrect.Tu no decide todas las cosas


Incorrect because of the end of decide. (The "e")
Incorrect it is wrong it is tu no decides todas las cosas

Select the phrase that is most likely being described. Es una excelente manera para conocer a personas que viven en otros países y tienen tus mismos intereses. A. un correo electrónico B. un sitio C. una comunidad virtual D. una clase de cocina


the answer you are looking for is c. una comunidad

Your answer would be c