Los pasteles son __________ en este restaurante. A. sabroso B. sabrosos C. sabrosa D. sabrosas


Related Questions

Anyone speak Spanish??which is correct? Yo venis en taxi. Yo viene en taxi. Yo vienes en taxi. Yo vengo en taxi.
Fill the blank with the correct form of the verb \"querer.\" . . Yo _________ir al baile. . . .
According to the article, which of the following is not one of the reasons flamenco is special?A)It is not popular in the west, but it is a western form of music.C) The dance also serves as an instrument.B)The music, song, and dance can all be improvised.D)It is folk music of high quality and complexity.
Question 1 with 1 blankMAMA Hola, Daniela. ¿Cómo (1) ? Question 2 with 3 blanksDANIELA Hola, mamá. (2) bien. ¿Dónde (3) papá? ¡Ya (Already) (4) las ocho de la noche! Question 3 with 2 blanksMAMA No (5) aquí. (6) en la oficina. Question 4 with 1 blankDANIELA Y Andrés y Margarita, ¿dónde (7) ellos? Question 5 with 1 blankMAMA(8) en el restaurante La Palma con Martín. Question 6 with 1 blankDANIELA ¿Quién (9) Martín? Question 7 with 2 blanksMAMA(10) un compañero de clase. (11) de México. Question 8 with 1 blankDANIELA Ah. Y el restaurante La Palma, ¿dónde (12) ? Question 9 with 1 blankMAMA(13) cerca de la Plaza Mayor, en San Modesto. DANIELA Gracias, mamá. Voy (I'm going) al restaurante. ¡Hasta pronto!
Using the “a” personal and the o → ue or e →ie verbs, create 4 original questions for your classmates. Then respond to 2 classmates questions.

Why do the autonomous communities of Espana have their own television stations? to maintain language and culture to maintain separate government to give national television stations competition to boost Spanish language television ratings


The answer is to maintain language and culture since they may vary between communities.
it think it id the first one but I'm not sure if that is correct

1.What is one element in colonial Spanish architecture?-carpets
-terracotta tiles
-front yards

2.Where can you find examples of Spanish Colonial Architecture in the United States?
-the California missions
-New York


1. Right answer: terracotta tiles

Terracotta tiles are the iconic feature of homes (and the general architecture) in Spain and across the Mediterranean, and of course in the American countries that were part of the colonization by the Spanish Crown.

Traditionally these roof tiles were made from clay, although now there are different process for its elaboration and come in different shapes.

2.Right answer: The California missions

California is located to the west of the United States, but before it was colonized by the Spaniards in 1769 and with colonization the first Franciscan missions were founded. Then, California became part of Mexico in the Mexican War of Independence from the Spanish Crown (1810-1821).

Years later, there was a war between Mexico and the United States (1846-1848). When this war finished, Mexico had to cede California to the United States as a condition for peace in the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty.

1. terracotta tiles

2. California

JUAN ¡Hola, Linda! ¿Qué tal las clases? LINDA Bien. (1) (tomar) tres clases... química, biología y computación. Y tú, ¿cuántas clases (2) (tomar)? JUAN(3) (tomar) tres también... biología, arte y literatura. El doctor Cárdenas (4) (enseñar) la clase de biología. LINDA ¿Ah, sí? Lily, Alberto y yo (5) (tomar) biología a las diez con la profesora Garza. JUAN ¿(6) (estudiar) mucho ustedes? LINDA Sí, porque hay muchos exámenes. Alberto y yo (7) (necesitar) estudiar dos horas todos los días (every day).



1. (Yo) tomo

2. (tú) tomas

3. (yo )Tomo

4. (él) enseña

5. (nosotros) tomamos

6. (ustedes) Estudian

7. (nosotros) necesitamos


conjugate each verb in parentheses to the present tense and to either yo, tú, él/ella/usted, nosotros, vosotros, ellos/ellas/ustedes

Papá de la maleta a mi hermana
correct the sentence



mi hermana a maleta papa



i believe is "papá le da la maleta a mi hermana"


I eat cereal and an apple for breakfast.


Yo como cereal y una manzana para el desayuno.

Oraciones con la palabra auxiliar


Mi hermana es auxiliar de enfermeria. Me gusta auxiliar a la gente . El auxiliar de mi profesora es muy simpatica. Estoy haciendo oraciones con la palabra auxiliar.