What element of Garafuna dance is extraordinary?The dancers perform shoeless, constantly moving their waist
It is danced over fire
All done with xylophones
The dancers wear black masks


Answer 1

The inference is that the element of Garafuna dance that is extraordinary is A. The dancers perform shoeless, constantly moving their waist

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced based on the information that are given in a story.

In this case, the inference is that the element of Garafuna dance that is extraordinary is that the dancers perform shoeless, constantly moving their waist.

Learn more about inference on:



Answer 2


The answer is A


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Graves: (tienen el acento en la penúltima sílaba): frágil, inútil

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B: Alo?

C: Hasta luego.


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