what is an example of an innovative solution to an engineering problem? Explain briefly why you chose this answer.


Answer 1


robotic technology    


Innovation is nothing but the use of various things such as ideas, products, people to build up a solution for the benefit of the human. It can be any product or any solution which is new and can solve people's problems.

Innovation solution makes use of technology to provide and dispatch new solutions or services which is a combination of both technology and ideas.

One such example of an innovative solution we can see is the use of "Robots" in medical science or in any military operations or rescue operation.

Sometimes it is difficult for humans to do everything or go to everywhere. Thus scientist and engineers have developed many advance robots or machines using new ideas and technology to find solutions to these problems.

Using innovations and technologies, one can find solutions to many problems which is difficult for the peoples. Robots can be used in any surveillance operation or in places of radioactive surrounding where there is a danger of humans to get exposed to such threats. They are also used in medical sciences to operate and support the patient.  

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Answer: D all above


Jus done it

The hot water needs of an office are met by heating tab water by a heat pump from 16 C to 50 C at an average rate of 0.2 kg/min. If the COP of this heat pump is 2.8, the required power input is: (a) 1.33 kW (d) 10.2 kW (b) 0.17 kW (c) 0.041 kW



option B



heating tap water from 16° C to 50° C

at the average rate of 0.2 kg/min

the COP of this heat pump is 2.8

power output = ?

COP = (Q_H)/(W_(in))\nW_(in) = (Q_H)/(COP)\nW_(in) = ((0.2)/(60)* 4.18* (50-16))/(2.8)\nW_(in) = 0.169

the required power input is 0.169 kW or 0.17 kW

hence, the correct answer is option B

Given the latent heat of fusion (melting) and the latent heat of vaporisation for water are Δhs = 333.2 kJ/kg and Δhv = 2257 kJ/kg, respectively. Use these values to estimate the total energy required to melt 100 kg of ice at 0 °C and boil off 40 kg of water at 100 °C. a) 239,028 kJ b) 95,250 kJ c) 185,500 kJ d) 362,628 kJ e) 123,600 kJ



C)185,500 KJ


Given that

Latent heat fusion = 333.23 KJ/kg

Latent heat vaporisation = 333.23 KJ/kg

Mass of ice = 100 kg

Mass of water = 40 kg

Mass of vapor=60 kg

Ice at 0°C ,first it will take latent heat of vaporisation and remain at constant temperature 0°C and it will convert in to water.After this water which at 0°C will take sensible heat and gets heat up to 100°C.After that at 100°C vapor will take heat as heat of  vaporisation .

Sensible heat for water Q

Q=mC_p\Delta T

For water

C_p=4.178\ KJ/Kg.K

Q=4.178 x 40 x 100 KJ

Q=16,712 KJ

So total heat

Total heat =100 x 333.23+16,712 + 60 x 2257 KJ

Total heat =185,455 KJ

Approx Total heat = 185,500 KJ

So the answer C is correct.

web application 3: where's the beef? provide a screenshot confirming that you successfully completed this exploit: [place screenshot here] write two or three sentences outlining mitigation strategies for this vulnerability: [enter answer here]


Web application 3’s “Where’s the Beef” exploit can be seen in the screenshot provided. In order to mitigate this vulnerability, developers should take measures to ensure that input validation is performed on all data.

Additionally, developers should enforce strict rules on which characters are allowed in user inputs and reject all requests that don’t follow these rules. Finally, developers should implement best practices such as password hashing to ensure that user data is secure.

Developers should use secure coding techniques, such as sanitizing user input and properly escaping HTML output, to protect against injection-based attacks. Also, developers should implement authentication and authorization techniques to ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data. Furthermore, developers should use an up-to-date web application firewall to protect against known exploits, and use secure protocols such as HTTPS to protect data in transit. Finally, developers should ensure that software is kept up-to-date and patched to prevent exploitation of known vulnerabilities.

Learn more about HTML



Write a C++ program to display yearly calendar. You need to use the array defined below in your program. // the first number is the month and second number is the last day of the month. into yearly[12][2] =



//Annual calendar

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <iomanip>

void month(int numDays, int day)


int i;

string weekDays[] = {"Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"};

// Header print

      cout << "\n----------------------\n";

      for(i=0; i<7; i++)


cout << left << setw(1) << weekDays[i];

cout << left << setw(1) << "|";


cout << left << setw(1) << "|";

      cout << "\n----------------------\n";

      int firstDay = day-1;

      //Space print

      for(int i=1; i< firstDay; i++)

          cout << left << setw(1) << "|" << setw(2) << " ";

      int cellCnt = 0;

      // Iteration of days

      for(int i=1; i<=numDays; i++)


          //Output days

          cout << left << setw(1) << "|" << setw(2) << i;

          cellCnt += 1;

          // New line

          if ((i + firstDay-1) % 7 == 0)


              cout << left << setw(1) << "|";

              cout << "\n----------------------\n";

              cellCnt = 0;



      // Empty cell print

      if (cellCnt != 0)


          // For printing spaces

          for(int i=1; i<7-cellCnt+2; i++)

              cout << left << setw(1) << "|" << setw(2) << " ";

          cout << "\n----------------------\n";



int main()


int i, day=1;

int yearly[12][2] = {{1,31},{2,28},{3,31},{4,30},{5,31},{6,30},{7,31},{8,31},{9,30},{10,31},{11,30},{12,31}};

string months[] = {"January",












for(i=0; i<12; i++)


//Monthly printing

cout << "\n Month: " << months[i] << "\n";

month(yearly[i][1], day);



day = 1;




day = day + 1;


cout << "\n";


return 0;



Use Euler’s Method: ????????????????=???? ????????????????=−????????−????3+????cos(????) ????(0)=1.0 ????(0)=1.0 ????=0.4 ????=20.0 ℎ=0.01 ????=10000 ▪ Write the data (y1, y2) to a file named "LASTNAME_Prob1.dat" Example: If your name is John Doe – file name would be "DOE_Prob1.dat" ▪ Plot the result with lines using GNUPLOT (Hint: see lecture 08) ▪ Submit full code (copy and paste). Plot must be on a separate page. ▪ Run the code again and plot the result for: ????=0.1 ????=11.0



Too many question marks
