The paper in those boxes___
for the copy machine.
Is or are?


Answer 1
Answer: Is are. Your welcome

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PLEASE HELP!!!Rewrite the paragraph below as a short speech introducing the subject of the Civil War. Use at least two instances of parallel structure in your speech.The Civil War was a unique and terrible time in American history. Although slavery was probably the catalyst that started the war, many other regional factors, including economics, climate, and land, also divided the nation. The land in the North could not support large farms, therefore the northern states turned to trade and industry. This economic trend led to thegrowth of large cities and a fast-paced urban lifestyle. The southern states relied on agriculture, which resulted in a demand for cheap labor, small communities, and a generally slower pace of life. Friends and families were often divided in their loyalties, and sometimes faced eachother on opposite sides of the battlefield. One state, Virginia, even divided itself, with Virginia remaining a Confederate state and West Virginia becoming a Union state.
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Question 9 of 20Which phrases does not use descriptive language that appeals to the senses?

A. The warm scaliness of a snakeskin

B. The sudden echoing drip of water

C. The blood-red dullness of the early moon

D. The three-hour road trip



th e 3 hr road trip answer D

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations , pursuing invariably the same object evinces reveals ) a design to reduce them under absolute despotism , it is their right, it is their duty , to throw off such government , and to provide new guards for their future security. How does the following statement in the Declaration of Independence support the conclusion that America must form its own government ?

A. It creates a list of evils committed by the British under the rule of King George

B. It argues that Americans are naturally democratic ; their spirit cannot tolerate tyranny c. It appeals to a widely accepted and well - known moral code

D. suggests that Americans are obligated to break from the tyranny of the king



Suggests that Americans are obligated to break from the tyranny of the king


"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations ," This part establishes the tyranny of the king.

" it is their right, it is their duty , to throw off such government" This part suggests that Americans are obligated to rebel.

Which of the following is an argumentative research paper?A. how civil war in Rwanda hurt the mountain gorilla
B. the disappearing honeybee
C. why steroids should be banned for professional athletes
D. the growth of online learning in public schools


An argumentative research paper usually involves two sides and you are advocating for one side by using evidence. The answer choice C would most fit this description.

Please mark me as brainliest if it helped!


C. Why steroids should be banned for professional athletes.


C is the only topic trying to convince rather than inform.

How to write a letter to your father asking him money to buy a mobile phone​



write a letter in a good and happy tone, and explain why u require it



Just say dad I'm gonna get a job. now give me a new phone.


ANSWER THIS PLEASE!!! ITS DUE TODAY!!!What is piracy? What is copyright protection? Why do you think we have laws protecting individuals and companies from having their work copied for free?


Answer: What is piracy?

piracy is the practice of downloading and distributing copyrighted content digitally without permission such as music or software

What is copyright protection?

It provides exclusive rights to authors in order to protect their work for a limited period of time

Why do you think we have laws protecting individuals and companies from having their work copied for free?

So people can have rights over their work and have credibility over their work.


Identify which change is needed, if any, to make this sentence correct. Many of the fashions of the roaring twenties have come back into vogue. A. No change B. Roaring twenties C. roaring Twenties D. Roaring Twenties


A no change is the answer