An individual who drinks alcohol daily finds it necessary to drink increasing amounts to achieve the state of well-being attained in the past. Thisindividual is showing


Answer 1


alcohol is a depressant. depresses the central nervous system, slows neural processing (sympathetic system activity) skills deteriorate, memory disruption, reduces self awareness, can shrink the brain

Binge drinking: impairs growth of synaptic connection, contributes to nerve death

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re written by appropriation commitee

Eliza remembers her grandfather telling the story of how he met her grandmother 50 years ago. Eliza’s grandpa has these memories stored in his __________ memory.A.short-term


Eliza’s grandpa has these memories stored in his long-term memory. The correct option is B.

What is memory?

Memory, remembrance, recollection, and reminiscence refer to the ability or act of remembering, as well as the thing remembered. Memory refers to both the ability to remember and what is remembered.

Long-term memory is the storage of information over an extended period of time. This type of memory is usually stable and can last for a long time often years.

Long-term memory is further classified into two types: explicit (conscious) memory and implicit (unconscious) memory.

The ability to recall a small amount of information from a recent time period is referred to as short-term memory.

As Eliza remembers her grandfather telling the story of how he met her grandmother 50 years ago. This is related to the long-termmemory.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding memory, visit:


B.long-term, best choice.

Effect of overgrazing on Afro-Eurasian lands


Your answer is simply desertification

2AL+3Pb(NO3)2 AL(NO3)3+3Pb


2Al + 3Pb(NO3)2 ➡️ Al(NO3)3 + 3Pb
Al: 2 Al: 2
Pb: 3 Pb: 3
N: 2 N: 3
O: 6 O: 9

6Al + 9Pb(NO3)2 ➡️ 6Al(NO3)3 + 9Pb
Al: 6 Al: 6
Pb: 9 Pb: 9
N: 18 N: 18
O: 54 O: 54

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an example ofA) group therapy.
B) a self-help group.
C) couples therapy.
D) dialectical behavioral therapy.


It is a self-help group, the correct option here is B.

Alcoholics Anonymous is an example of what?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a well-known organization that provides support to individuals who struggle with alcohol addiction. It operates as a self-help group, which means it is a gathering of people who share a common problem and come together to support each other in overcoming that problem.

In the case of AA, individuals who are trying to quit drinking alcohol can attend meetings where they can openly discuss their experiences, share their challenges, and provide mutual encouragement. AA is based on a 12-step program that offers guidelines and principles to help members achieve and maintain sobriety. The group setting provides a sense of community and understanding, as members can relate to each other's struggles and successes.

Learn more about Alcoholics Anonymous:


 the answer is A) A self help group