PLEASE HELPCase Study: John is a 15-year-old whose mother was killed by his father two months ago. His mother had been abused by John’s father for years and was killed by him when he found out she was going to leave him. John’s father was arrested for murder, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. John is now living with his grandmother.

Earlier, you learned about the different issues experienced by those affected by a violent crime or homicide. The issues were event recall, fear, grief, loss of control, self-identity, compensation, blame, rage, and meaning of life. For mental health workers, an important part of working with victims of violent crimes like John is being able to understand these psychological issues. Reflecting on the case study, select a poem, song lyric, or picture that you believe accurately represents John’s feelings and emotions. Then write an essay discussing your beliefs.


Answer 1


It is not clear exactly how many young people are affected by the death of an immediate family member. Kliman 82 estimates that 5 percent of children in the United States—1.5 million—lose one or both parents by age 15; others suggest that the proportion is substantially higher in lower socioeconomic groups. This chapter discusses the types of bereavements considered to have the most serious implications for medical, psychiatric, and behavioral sequelae in children—namely, death of a parent or sibling. Because more of the literature in this field deals with parental than with sibling loss and because many of the reactions to both types of bereavement overlap, most of the discussion is based on studies of response to the death of a parent.


Individuals continue to grow and develop throughout life, but during no other period beyond childhood and adolescence are specific reactions as likely to be influenced by the level of development. Because the impact of trauma in children depends so heavily on the life stage during which the event occurs, this chapter is informed by a particular emphasis on developmental analysis. This perspective assumes that the repercussions and meanings of major object loss will be colored by the individual child's level of development. Psychiatrists and others have generally been struck by how often major childhood loss seems to result in psychopathology. Studies of adults with various mental disorders, especially depression, frequently reveal childhood bereavement, suggesting that such loss may precipitate or contribute to thedevelopment of a variety of psychiatric disorders and that this experience can render a person emotionally vulnerable for life. This special vulnerability of children is attributed to developmental immaturity and insufficiently developed coping capacities.

development of a variety of psychiatric disorders and that this experience can render a person emotionally vulnerable for life. This special vulnerability of children is attributed to developmental immaturity and insufficiently developed coping capacities.The tendency to impose adult models on children has generally led to a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about children's grieving. Although sharing some similarities with adults and even with monkeys (see Chapter 7), children's reactions to loss do not look exactly like adults' reactions, either in their specific manifestations or in their duration.

For example, often what seems glib and unemotional in the small child—such as telling every visitor or stranger on the street, "my sister died"—is the child's way of seeking support and observing others to gauge how he or she should feel. Children may be observed playing games in which the death or funeral activities are reenacted in an effort to master the loss. A child may ask the same questions about the death over and over again, not so much for the factual value of the information as for reassurance that the story has not changed. A four- or five-year-old might resume playing following a death as if nothing distressing had happened. Such behavior reflects the cognitive and emotional capacity of the child and does not mean that the death had no impact.


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listening to music while eating a snack.

Final answer:

An example of simultaneous consumption is a live concert, where the audience consumes the performance of the musicians as it is being produced.


Simultaneous consumption refers to the consumption of a good or service at the same time it is produced. An example of simultaneous consumption is a live concert. In a live concert, the audience consumes the performance of the musicians as it is being produced. The experience of the concert cannot be stored or consumed at a later time.

Another example of simultaneous consumption is a haircut. When you get a haircut, you are consuming the service of the hairdresser as it is being provided. Once the haircut is finished, you cannot store it for future use.

Simultaneous consumption is different from goods that can be produced and consumed at different times, such as a car or a book. These goods can be produced and stored for later consumption.

Learn more about simultaneous consumption here:


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including :

2)Nausea and vomiting.
3)Dry mouth.
4)Difficulty swallowing.
6)Hair loss.
7)Sexual problems.
8)Urinary and bladder problems.

hope this helps!

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