Which of the following statements about medieval Songhai is not true?A.It was a prosperous trading kingdom.
B.Around the year 1000, its rulers converted to Islam.
C.Its capital, Cairo, was on the bend of the Niger River.
D.Most of its people continued to worship the old Songhai gods.
E.The Muslim empire of Mali conquered large stretches of Songhai.


Answer 1
Answer: B.Around the year 1000, its rulers converted to Islam. It's founded in nearly year 1500.
Answer 2


c ^^


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Reasons jamestown was unsuccessful in the first 5 years


Diseases and other illnesses exposed Indians to new sicknesses that their immune system was not used to, therefore they passed away.
Indians traded their things for alcohol, this caused social problems.
Malaria, dysentery, and typhoid took a toll on the settlers and got them very ill.
Winters were cold and crops went bad, many starved and froze to death.

Final answer:

The Jamestown colony struggled in its early years because of inexperienced and unprepared settlers, lack of focus on survival essentials, and challenging relations with local indigenous tribes. Over time, the cultivation of tobacco as a cash crop helped in economic stability and survival.


The Jamestown colony saw significant difficulties in its first five years due to a variety of reasons. Firstly, the settlers were largely comprised of individuals more accustomed to elite lifestyles and weren't equipped for the labor-intensive task of establishing a colony, resulting in internal disputes and political instability. Secondly, many were more interested in seeking immediate wealth, such as gold, rather than focusing on essential survival skills like growing food, leading to starvation, particularly in the winter of 1609-1610, known as "the starving time." Lastly, health issues, violence, and hostile relations with the local Powhatan tribe added to the strain.

Despite these numerous challenges, Jamestown eventually survived and became a significant colony in the British empire, primarily due to the cultivation of tobacco as a profitable cash crop which saved the economy of the colony. By the 1610s, the turmoil had started to fade and Jamestown began to stabilize, demonstrating the persistent spirit of the settlers despite an inauspicious start.

Learn more about Early Struggles of Jamestown here:



Before his acting days, what kind of job did Reagan have?


Before he began his acting career, Ronald Reagan worked in radio. He worked as a radio announcer for several radios (including WHO radio in Des Moines). He also worked as a radio announcer for Chicago Cubs baseball games. During his college years, he also worked as a lifeguard.

Before Regans acting days, Reagan was a Radio announcer.

What scenerio best describes a indirect democracy ?


Modern day government across most patts of the world, elected representatives are delegates chosen by the people.

Which situation was a direct challenge to the political and religious authority of the catholic church?


The passage of the Act of Supremacy under Henry VIII

The magna carta, the petition of rights, and the english bill of rights led the english government to develop a political system in which..?


The Magna Carta and other similar documents led the English government to develop a political system in which citizens were all given the same political power and opportunity. The Magna Carta greatly limited the monarch's power in England, and the English Bill of Rights guarantees that all English citizens have the same basic rights. This eventually led to democracy, with the monarch acting as a figurehead for the country.

Hope this helps!

Abraham Lincoln was the first president elected from which political party?


Abraham Lincoln was the first president elected from the Republican Party, since the Republicans formed largely out of the Whig Party due primarily to an aversion to slavery. 

Ansewer C, Republican Party

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