I need a mental health supporter/ body gaurd on brainly


Answer 1


You're beautiful and amazing no matter what. Body size shouldn't be what makes you consider yourself as pretty it's your personality. Now walk up to a mirror like the bad b ! sh you are, and repeat after me, I AM THAT B ! SH, BEEN THAT B ! SH, STILL THAT B ! SH, & WILL FOREVER BE THAT B ! SH, & keep repeating that sh ! t til its embedded in your head.

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They are used to treat and prevent blood clots that may occur in your blood vessels.

The slash and burn system of deforestation reduces the number of oxygen producing trees and puts more carbon in the air?TRUE


The given statement is True.

How do slash-and-burn affect the atmosphere?

Although traditional practices generally contributed few greenhouse gases because of their scale, modern slash-and-burn techniques are a significant source of carbon dioxide emissions, especially when used to initiate permanent deforestation.

How do slash-and-burn affect the carbon cycle?

When people clear the forests, usually with fire, carbon stored in the wood returns to the atmosphere, enhancing the greenhouse effect and global warming. Once the forest is cleared for crop or grazing land, the soils can become a large source of carbon emissions, depending on how farmers and ranchers manage the land.

Learn more about deforestation here brainly.com/question/10233423


Match each disease with a public health strategy for preventing it.A. Measles
B. Skin cancer
C. Salmonella poisoning
Food inspection



A. Measles --> Vaccination

B. Skin cancer --> Education

C. Salmonella poisoning --> Food inspection


A. Measles

It is a very contagious and potentially serious viral disease, which spreads easily when the infected person removes respiratory secretions when speaking, coughing or sneezing. It can occur at all ages, with children being the most affected and being serious in young and immunocompromised children. It can cause serious respiratory complications such as pneumonia or diseases of the central nervous system.

Its symptoms: high fever, runny nose, conjunctivitis and cough, rash on the face and neck that spreads to the rest of the body.

There is currently a measles vaccine that is a combination vaccine that provides protection against three diseases: measles, mumps, and rubella (known as triple viral or MMR). The MMR vaccine is proven effective and very safe.

B.Skin cancer

It is known that the main cause of skin cancer is exposure to the sun, specifically to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Much of the exposure of ultraviolet radiation throughout life is received in childhood, especially for recreational activities. Several studies have shown that sun exposure received throughout life, including that received in childhood, contributes to the development of skin cancer. This is why prevention must begin in childhood.

There are several ways to prevent skin cancer, such as performing activities under shade, not exposing yourself to the sun during peak hours, using creams with UV protection, going to the dermatologist on a recurring basis, but the main thing is to receive the necessary education to prevent this disease

C. Salmonella poisoning

Salmonellosis is a type of food poisoning caused by the salmonella bacteria (bacteria that usually live in the intestines of animals and humans and are expelled through feces). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), reptiles and birds are the main carriers.

The WHO notes that salmonellosis is: "one of the most common and widely spread foodborne diseases." He adds that: "Most cases of salmonellosis are mild, although sometimes the disease can cause death."

As a prevention, WHO advises control at all stages of the food chain, from agricultural production to food processing, manufacturing and preparation, both in commercial establishments and in homes.

In homes, prevention begins with good food storage and continues with aspects such as washing hands before cooking and wearing gloves when handling the feces of domestic animals.

A.Measles - Vaccination
B.Skin Cancer - Education
C.Salmonella poisoning - Food inspection

If you exercise too hard too often, you might run the risk ofA. exercise burnout.
B. diabetes.
C. sleep apnea.
D. heart disease.


D. exercise burnout. When you exercise too much, it becomes unhealthy. You need to allow your body to fully recuperate in between sessions in order for the exercise to remain productive.
Exercise burnout I believe is the right one

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