The maximum speed limit for a school zone in florida is __________


Answer 1
Answer: I can be 15 or 20 one of those both
Answer 2
Answer: Around 15 to 25 around most

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Use the figure below to answer questions 10-11. Country B Bicycles (per period) Country A Tons of radishes (per period) Bicycles (per period) N Tons of radishes (per period) 10. The figure shows production possibility curve for two countries that produce only radishes and bicycles. The axes of both graphs are measured in equivalent units. Country A is now operating at point M, and Country B is now operating at point N. The opportunity cost of producing an additional ton of radishes would be: greater in Country A than in Country B. greater in Country B than in Country A. the same in both countries. a. b. C. d. greater at point M than at point N. e. zero for either country if the country was operating on the production possibility curve. Use the to shows th Brazil an good. Brazil Alask 13. 14​



Based on the information provided in the figure, the opportunity cost of producing an additional ton of radishes would be greater in Country A than in Country B.


The production possibility curve represents the trade-off between the production of radishes and bicycles in each country. Points on the curve represent efficient allocation of resources, while points inside the curve represent underutilization and points outside the curve are unattainable.

Country A is operating at point M, which is inside the production possibility curve. This indicates that Country A is not utilizing its resources efficiently. In other words, it could produce more radishes without sacrificing as many bicycles.  

Country B is operating at point N, which is on the production possibility curve. This means that Country B is efficiently utilizing its resources to produce radishes and bicycles.

The opportunity cost of producing an additional ton of radishes refers to the amount of bicycles that need to be given up to increase radish production. Since Country A is not operating at its maximum potential, it has a lower opportunity cost for producing an additional ton of radishes compared to Country B.

Therefore, the opportunity cost of producing an additional ton of radishes would be greater in Country B than in Country A.

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1.)cari batok kelapa yang bagus
2.)buat dengan menarik
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4.)jika semua sudah lengkap, kerajinan batok kelapa dapat dipajang
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In what ways were the French weaker than the English and Spanish? (1608-1763)​



During the period from 1608 to 1763, which encompasses the colonial era and various conflicts in North America, the French faced several challenges and weaknesses compared to the English and Spanish:

1. **Colonial Population**: The French had a smaller colonial population compared to the English and Spanish. This limited their ability to establish widespread settlements and exert control over vast territories.

2. **Economic Resources**: France had fewer economic resources dedicated to its North American colonies. The French government and investors were less inclined to invest heavily in the development of their American holdings.

3. **Territorial Expansion**: The French focused primarily on the fur trade and strategic control of key waterways, such as the Mississippi River and Great Lakes, rather than widespread settlement and agricultural development. This limited their territorial expansion compared to the English and Spanish.

4. **Alliances with Indigenous Peoples**: While the French were generally successful in forming alliances with various indigenous groups, this reliance on native allies also made their position more vulnerable to shifts in these alliances and conflicts between different indigenous tribes.

5. **Wars in Europe**: France was frequently engaged in conflicts in Europe, diverting resources and attention away from their North American colonies. The series of wars with England, like the French and Indian War (1754-1763), were part of this broader European struggle.

6. **Language and Culture**: The French tended to maintain a more insular and hierarchical approach to colonial administration. Unlike the English and Spanish, they were less inclined to assimilate or intermarry with indigenous peoples, which could have strengthened their colonial presence.

7. **Lack of Religious Diversity**: The French colonies were predominantly Catholic, which limited the influx of diverse religious groups and ideas that contributed to the growth and dynamism of English and Spanish colonies.

8. **Geography**: The geography of French North American territories, including dense forests and a harsh climate in areas like Canada, presented challenges for colonization and agricultural development compared to the more hospitable regions controlled by the English and Spanish.

9. **Naval Power**: The English and Spanish had more formidable naval capabilities, allowing them to control sea routes and engage in maritime trade more effectively.

Despite these weaknesses, the French did have strengths, such as their skill in forming alliances with indigenous groups and their strategic control of key waterways, which allowed them to maintain a significant presence in North America until the mid-18th century. However, their limitations ultimately contributed to their losses in conflicts like the French and Indian War, which marked the end of their major colonial presence in North America.


During the period from 1608 to 1763, the French were weaker than the English and Spanish in several key aspects. These weaknesses can be observed in various domains such as military power, colonial expansion, economic strength, and political stability.

Military Power:

One of the significant ways in which the French were weaker than the English and Spanish was in terms of military power. The English and Spanish had larger and more advanced navies, which allowed them to dominate the seas and project their power globally. The British Royal Navy, for instance, was renowned for its superior fleet and naval tactics. This naval superiority gave the English a significant advantage in their colonial endeavors and enabled them to establish strong maritime trade networks.

In contrast, the French navy was comparatively smaller and less technologically advanced. This limited their ability to challenge the dominance of the English and Spanish at sea. Additionally, the French army often faced challenges in terms of organization, discipline, and funding. These factors contributed to their relative weakness on land compared to their European counterparts.

Colonial Expansion:

Another area where the French were weaker than the English and Spanish was in terms of colonial expansion. While both the English and Spanish successfully established vast colonial empires across the globe, the French struggled to achieve similar levels of territorial acquisition. The English colonies in North America, such as Jamestown and Plymouth, grew rapidly and eventually formed thirteen prosperous colonies along the eastern seaboard.

Similarly, the Spanish Empire expanded its influence across Central and South America, establishing colonies such as New Spain (Mexico) and Peru. In contrast, French colonization efforts were largely concentrated in Canada (New France) and some Caribbean islands. The French colonies did not experience the same level of population growth or economic success as their English and Spanish counterparts.

Economic Strength:

The French also lagged behind both the English and Spanish in terms of economic strength during this period. England experienced a significant economic transformation during the 17th and 18th centuries, known as the Industrial Revolution. This revolution brought advancements in agriculture, manufacturing, and trade, leading to substantial economic growth. The English economy became increasingly industrialized and prosperous, providing a solid foundation for their global power.

Similarly, Spain benefited from the vast wealth it acquired through its colonies in the Americas. The influx of precious metals, such as gold and silver, greatly enriched the Spanish economy. In contrast, France faced economic challenges, including high taxes, a rigid feudal system, and an inefficient bureaucracy. These factors hindered French economic development and limited their ability to compete with the English and Spanish on a global scale.

Political Stability:

Political stability was another area where the French were weaker than their English and Spanish counterparts. England had established a constitutional monarchy by the 17th century, which provided a relatively stable political system. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 further solidified this stability by establishing parliamentary sovereignty and limiting the powers of the monarchy.

Spain also had a relatively stable political system during this period, with a strong central monarchy. In contrast, France experienced frequent political turmoil, including multiple wars of succession and internal conflicts. The French monarchy faced challenges from nobles seeking greater power and influence, which often resulted in instability and weakened central authority.

In conclusion, during the period from 1608 to 1763, the French were weaker than the English and Spanish in various aspects. They faced challenges in terms of military power, colonial expansion, economic strength, and political stability. These weaknesses limited their ability to compete effectively with their European rivals on both regional and global.