How does soil erosion affect streams and rivers?


Answer 1


The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land. It has led to increased pollution and sedimentation in streams and rivers, clogging these waterways and causing declines in fish and other species. And degraded lands are also often less able to hold onto water, which can worsen flooding.

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When does differentiation begin in a human embryo? day 4-5 day 10 day 25-26 day 50



Option). 4-5 days.


Morula is a 4-5 days stage of early embryonic development. It represents a solid ball, having 16 cells, known as blastomeres. In human embryo, differentiation begins with morula stage, along with cleavage to form trophoblast (an outer layers of cell) and inner cell mass.

During development, trophoblast forms embryonic part of placenta and inner cell mass form respective structures of embryo.

Thus, the correct answer is option).4-5 days.


Day 4-5


The first cell differentiation occurs when the embryo reaches approximately five days after fertilization, forming the blastocyst.

In this case, the cells on the outside undergo the process of differentiation and become responsible for the formation of embryonic attachments (structures that derive from the embryo's germ leaflets but are not part of the embryo's body, such as the amnion).

In the meantime, those cells that remained inside, also undergoing the process of differentiation, become pluripotent stem cells, which are responsible and capable of forming all tissues.

Previously, when they are still undergoing the process of dividing up to 8 cells, each cell is capable of forming a complete being when inserted into an egg.

By going through the whole process and becoming pluripotent stem cells, they can form all kinds of body tissues, butno longer a complete being.

Which of the following is an example of a pioneer species?a. fungus
b. trees
c. shrubs
d. grass

Secondary succession can happen after primary succession or independently of primary succession.
a. True
b. False

Which of the following about secondary succession is not true?
a. It occurs in ecosystems without soil.
b. It occurs in ecosystems that are already established.
c. It reduces the number of species in an ecosystem.
d. It is ...


1. Answer;



-A pioneer species is one which is the first to colonize an area, which can be seen with fungus in the way that spores are quickly spread across large areas.

-Pioneer species are usually lichens and mosses, which can grow on bare rocks. As they grow, the lichens and mosses help break up the rocks to form soil. When these organisms die, they provide nutrients that enrich the developing soil. Over time, seeds of plants land in the new soil and begin to grow.

2. Answer;

The statement above is true


-Secondary succession can happen after primary succession or independently of primary succession.

-Secondary succession is the series of community changes which take place on a previously colonized, but disturbed or damaged habitat. Examples include areas which have been cleared of existing vegetation by forest fire, tsunami, flood, or an abandoned field.

-Secondary succession may occur independently, but the stages of secondary succession are similar to those of primary succession; however, primary succession always begins on a barren surface, whereas secondary succession begins in environments that already possess soil.

3. Answer;

A. It occurs in ecosystems without soil.


-Secondary succession refers to the process that happens after a disruptive event, reducing the population of species in an ecosystem. As opposed to primary succession that occurs in an ecosystem lacking soil, secondary succession happens on preexisting soil.

-Primary succession occurs following an opening of a pristine habitat, for example, a lava flow, an area left from retreated glacier, or abandoned strip mine. In contrast, secondary succession is a response to a disturbance, for example, forest fire, tsunami, flood, or an abandoned field.

Grass is an example of a pioneer species, so option d is correct. The second statement is True. Secondary succession can happen after primary succession or independently of primary succession. Secondary succession reduces the number of species in an ecosystem thus the answer is (C).

Hardy species called pioneer species are the first to establish themselves in once-biodiverse steady-state ecosystems. Lichens, fungi, bacteria, fireweed, grasses, alder, and willow are examples of pioneer species.

In primary succession, living organisms first occupy newly exposed or newly created rock. In secondary succession, a previously inhabited area is disturbed, disrupted, and then recolonized as a result of the disturbance.

In third question, among all the given options only option (c), "it reduces the number of species in an ecosystem" is not true.

Before secondary succession starts, a variety of species will already be present in the ecosystem and new complex plants and animals move in as the ecosystem develops, bringing with them new species. so it will increase the number of species in an ecosystem.

Therefore, in question 1st, option d is right, in question 2nd, the given statement is true, and in 3rd, option c is right.

Learn more about pioneer species here;


The complete part of 3rd question is:

Which of the following about secondary succession is not true?

A) It occurs in ecosystems without soil.

B) It occurs in ecosystems that are already established.

C) It reduces the number of species in an ecosystem.

D) It is initiated by a disruptive event.

What must happen for a solar eclipse to occur?a)The moon must pass behind Earth.
b)The moon must be full.
c)The moon's orbit must cross the plane of the ecliptic.
d)The moon's orbit must not cross Earth's penumbra.


The best answer to the question stated above is letter  C.The moon's orbit must cross the plane of the ecliptic.

>>Solar eclipses happen when the Moon moves between Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun's rays and casting a shadow on Earth.
Solar eclipses can happen only during a new Moon.
arth's orbit is called the ecliptic plane as the Moon's orbit must cross this plane in order for an eclipse (both solar as well as lunar) to occur

The moon's orbit must cross the plane of the ecliptic for a solar eclipse to occur. The correct option is C.

A solar eclipse takes place when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, causing the sun to be partially or fully obscured from certain locations on Earth.

For this alignment, the moon's orbit must intersect the plane of the ecliptic, which is the imaginary plane defined by Earth's orbit around the sun.

During a solar eclipse, the moon casts a shadow on the Earth's surface, blocking or partially blocking the sunlight.

This can result in a total solar eclipse, where the sun is completely covered, or a partial solar eclipse, where only a portion of the sun is obscured.

Thus, the correct option is C.

To know more about the Solar eclipse, click here:


A red blood cell in a hypertonic solution will appear (1 point)A.Swollen


It’s B. shrunken. The red blood cell will lose water and shrink as the water moves down it’s concentration gradient from the cell into the solution.

A population of fruit faces food shortage when the fruit trees they depend on for food begin to die from disease. What type of growth pattern will bats exhibit



The correct answer is - logistic growth.


The growth of bats is only limited by the fruit trees they feed on. It is an example of the concept of carrying capacity of an environment, so this is best modelled by logistic growth.

The Types 1-3 of survival growth are related to age, while exponential growth does not have any limits related to environmental capacity.

The correct answer is - logistic growth.