A cart is set up as shown below, with three fans directed to the left and two of the fans running. The motion of the cart is represented by the v vs t graph shown. If the experiment were repeated with all three fans running, what might the resulting v vs t graph look like?


Answer 1
Answer: The force of 3 fans would be grater than the force of 2 fans. 
So the cart would have greater acceleration to the right, and
it would reach a greater speed to the right.  The resulting
'v' vs 't' graph would have a greater positive slope, and would
be higher at any given time.

You might get a better answer if you let us actually SEE the
picture and the graph.
Answer 2

 The resulting  

'v' vs 't' graph would have a greater positive slope, and would  

be higher at any given time.

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Confused about c). Would it be Q-R because the velocity isn’t increasing or all of them because they are all linear lines?

The question says interval and not interval(s) so that’s why it’s making me think it may be the latter.



Q-R is correct


A constant velocity means a velocity that is not changing.

The velocity is increasing (changing) in O-P, P-Q and R-S.

Since the Q-R segment is a horizontal line, the velocity stays the same. If you imagine the graph's velocity y-axis is labelled, it might be easier to think about.


The velocity is constant only in the Q-R interval.


The graph shows the velocity over time. In the Q-R interval the velocity is equal all over the interval, that is, it is constant. In the other intervals, the velocity increase with some rate, so it is not constant.

Which will be attracted to (or repelled by) a magnet ? Check all that apply.

A.) An Iron horseshoe
B.) An aluminum rod
C.) A copper wire carrying current
D.) A positively charged glass rod
E.) A copper wire not carrying any current
F.) Another magnet



A.) An Iron horseshoe

C.) A copper wire carrying current

F.) Another magnet


As we know that two magnets and two different magnetic materials will attract or repel each other

This is due to interaction of two materials due to which their magnetic field interacts and apply force on each other

Here we know that

magnetic field due to current carrying wire is given as

B = (mu_o i)/(2\pi r)

so here the magnetic fields will interact when a current carrying wire is placed near the magnet, or another magnet is placed near the magnet or any magnetic material like iron horse shoe is near it

I believe it’s A C F

how far will a freely falling object have fallen from a position of rest when its instantaneous speed is 10m/s ?



A freely falling object have fallen from a position of rest when its instantaneous speed is 10 m/s, it will travel 5.102 meter.


 We have equation of motion, v^2=u^2+2as, where u is the initial velocity, u is the final velocity, s is the displacement and a is the acceleration.

 In this case we have final velocity = 10 m/s, initial velocity = 0 m/s, and acceleration = 9.8 m/s^2.


   10^2=0^2+2*9.8*s\n \n s=5.102 meter

A freely falling object have fallen from a position of rest when its instantaneous speed is 10 m/s, it will travel 5.102 meter.

Final answer:

When an object, starting from rest, achieves an instantaneous speed of 10 m/s while freely falling under gravity, it will have fallen approximately 5.10 meters.


Using the physics concept of motion under gravity, where the first equation of motion can apply (v = u + gt), your question involves finding the displacement of a freely falling object starting from rest until it reaches a speed of 10 m/s.

In this case, initial velocity (u) is zero because the object was at rest, the final velocity (v) is 10 m/s, and g is the acceleration due to gravity which is approximately 9.81 m/s².

We could rearrange the equation to find time: t = v/g = 10 / 9.81 ≈ 1.02 s. Then, we employ the second equation of motion to find the distance fallen, s = ut + 0.5gt². Since u=0, the formula simplifies to s = 0.5gt². Substituting g = 9.81 m/s² and t = 1.02 s into the equation yields s = 0.5 * 9.81 * (1.02)² ≈ 5.10 m.

Therefore, a freely falling object will have fallen approximately 5.10 meters when its instantaneous speed is 10 m/s.

Learn more about Free Fall Motion here:



Felipe and marahea where studying friction they did a experiment and placed four blocks on a plastic tray which block will have the least amount of friction A a ice block, B a sponge block, C sandpaper block, or D a plastic block


Well just imagine if you took these items and rubbed them together.
 I will give you two answers to cross out and you will have to figure out the rest.
 Plastic - Imagine you were rubbing two candy wrapper together would you have a really hard time? No you would just make a lot of noise.
Sponges- Sponges are really hard and smooth when they are not in the sink. They would have no problem rubbing against each other. 

Think about which materials would be most difficult to rub together. 

99pts. I can't find isotope, pottasium-15 or k-15. Is this even possible, I have a fill-in-the-blanks worksheet with a table like example:Element Name: Nitrogen-20 Symbol: N-20 Atomic Number: 7 Atomic Mass: 20 Charge: 0 Protons: 7 Neutrons: 13 Electrons: 7

I remember finding the isotope number, Nitrogen-20 by adding the Protons and Neutrons, then I get a new atomic mass. But on here Pottasium-15 is confusing! What neutrons do I add from 19 protons to get 15? Sometimes the teacher throws in impossible problems.


Yes, that's what [s]he has done this time.

First of all, the number of protons in every atom of an element
is the same.  That's the "Atomic number" of the element.  If
somehow the nucleus of the atom gained or lost a proton, then
that would change the Atomic number of the atom, and it would
be an atom of a different element.

Potassium is element #19.  Every atom of Potassium has 19 protons
in its nucleus.  Any atom that has 19 protons in its nucleus is an atom
of Potassium, and any atom that has more or less than 19 protons in
its nucleus is an atom of some other element, not Potassium.

In addition to protons, atoms also have some neutrons in the
nucleus.  Neutrons have no charge, so they don't change the
atomic number of the atom.  But they have mass ... almost the
same as the mass of a proton ... so the neutrons add to the atom's
"atomic weight".  The atomic weight of an atom is

                       (number of protons) plus (number of neutrons).

The numbers you see next to the names are the atomic weights. 
Notice that the atomic weight of an atom of Potassium can't be
less than 19 ... in order for it to be Potassium in the first place,
it has 19 protons, so its atomic weight would be 19 even if it had
no neutrons at all. 

There can be no such thing as an atom of Potassium-15.

Atoms of the same element can have different numbers of
neutrons in their nucleii.  Those are called "isotopes" of the

There are three isotopes of Potassium that occur in nature ...
atoms with 19 protons plus 20, 21, or 22 neutrons.  So the
atomic weight of any naturally occurring atom of Potassium
is either 39, 40, or 41.   If you ever see a big chart that lists
natural isotopes of the elements, then in slot-#19, you'll see
Potassium-39, Potassium-40, and Potassium-41.

I hope my explanation is good enough for 50 points.

super super late ans but im up late n looking 4 interesting Qs...

Potassium-15 is confusing indeed! What neutrons can one add to a nucleus with 19 protons to get a mass of 15? anti-matter cannot do it as scientists have generally agreed that anti-matter has the same mass as regular matter but with an opposite spin.

the ans actually doesnt exist when the Q was originally asked but in 2017, Washington State University physicists created a fluid with negative mass. so theoretically a "negative neutron" will have a mass of -1. combining 4 of such exotic particles to 19 protons will create K-15; assuming there is no explosion from the combination.

The ______ energy in water pooled behind a dam is converted to _______ energy as gravity causes the water to surge through tunnels in the dam. The energy in the moving water is then converted to hydroelectric power as the water spins turbines inside the dam.


 Still water behind the dam has potential energy which is converted to kinetic energy by gravity.