Your team is struggling; there has been missed goals more complaints and attendance issues you believe this is due to a decrease in team moral what would you most likely do and least likely do


Answer 1
Answer: MOST LIKELY: Talk to each member of the team to learn their perception of how things are going and what challenges are faced. Listen intently with a goal of finding out how they really feel, rather than managing or convincing them to think otherwise.

Ask questions that help you gauge their personal morale, such as “How well do you think we are recognizing your contributions?”, “How appreciated do you feel here at work”, or “How close is this job to your ideal work?” The goal is to find out each person’s individual level of morale, because everyone’s morale contributes to the group morale.

THis should give you some idea of what specific things you need to work on to improve the morale level of each individual.

LEAST LIKELY: Blame individuals or the team and implement punitive or restrictive measures to force improvement. This does not work.

Look for a scapegoat or some magic bullet “motivational” action to apply to all equally.

Motivating employees to work more effectively means doing the harder work of learning what motivates them and providing that within the framework of your organization over a long enough period of time to create lasting change.
Answer 2

To address the decrease in team morale, there are a few steps I would most likely take. Firstly, I would conduct a team meeting to openly discuss the ongoing issues.

This meeting would serve two main purposes: to show the team that I am aware and concerned about the problems at hand, and to invite everyone to share their thoughts and suggestions on how we might improve our situation.

From this meeting, I hope to identify core areas that need improvement and develop a comprehensive plan to address these. For instance, if communication is identified as a problem, we may need to establish clearer channels for team discussions. Or if workload is a concern, it may be necessary to implement workload management strategies.

I would also make it a point to recognize the hard work and achievements of the team. Celebrating these small victories can act as a morale booster, and reinforce the idea that everyone's contribution is valued. Incorporating team-building exercises could help strengthen the bonds between team members, while providing a fun diversion from the regular work routine.

As for my least likely steps, I wouldn't choose to ignore the problem or turn a blind eye to what's happening. Brushing off the issue would only lead to further deteriorations. I would also avoid placing the blame on the team as this could lead to feelings of resentment. Instead, I would focus on identifying the root causes of these issues and find ways to resolve them.
For more such question on decrease visit;


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OOAD Principles include the following;

Major Elements:

  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Modularity
  • Hierarchy

Minor Elements:

  • Typing
  • Concurrency
  • Persistence

What are OOAD Principles?

  • OOAD principle refers to Object-oriented Analysis and Design that operate on the open-closed principle. It is based on the objects model.

  • The major elements are the factors which if not found within the model cannot be classified as Object-oriented. The minor elements are important but not crucial aspects of the design.

Since the options are not provided, look through the provided elements to identify the OOAD principles.

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a boy who is 3 feet tall can cast a shadow on the ground that is 7 feet long. at the same time, how tall is a man who can cast a shadow that is 14 feet long?



6ft tall because you double 7 and get 14 so you double 3 and get 6


6 feet tall


7 x 2 is 14 and 3 x 2 is 6

Are the expressions –0. 5(3x + 5) and –1. 5x + 2. 5 equivalent? explain why or why not.






Use distributive property.

-1.5x+(-2.5)= -1.5x-2.5

-1.5x-2.5 is different from -1.5x+2.5

Which chemical or physical change is an endothermic process? the burning of a candle the condensing of gaseous water on a glass filled with a cold liquid the melting of an ice cube the rusting of an old car.


The  reaction that can be regarded as the endothermic reaction is the melting of the ice cube. Thus, option C is correct.

What is an endothermic process?

The endothermic process is given as the reaction, in which the energy is absorbed by the system from the surrounding.

The endothermic reaction results in the conversion of the reaction to a lower temperature. The  reaction that can be regarded as the endothermic reaction is the melting of the ice cube. Thus, option C is correct.

Learn more about endothermic reaction, here:


Answer: C. The melting of an ice cube

Explanation: Just trust!

Which addition expression has the sum 8 – 3i ? (9 2i) (1 – i) (9 4i) (–1 – 7i) (7 2i) (1 – i) (7 4i) (–1 – 7i)


Considering the definition and sum of complex numbers, the sum (9 + 4i) + (–1 - 7i) gives as a result 8 -3i.

Complex numbers are combinations of real numbers and imaginary numbers.

In other words, complex numbers are numbers that have a real part and an imaginary part.

The most common representation of a complex number is the sum of a real part and an imaginary part. At the same time, the imaginary part is divided between the imaginary part and the imaginary unit:

z = a + bi


  • a is a real number.
  • b is the imaginary part.
  • i is the imaginary unit.

This expression is called the binomial form of the complex number z.

To add two or more complex numbers, you simply have to add the real and imaginary parts separately. That is, being z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di, the sum of both complex numbers is calculated as:

z1 + z2 = (a + c) + (b + d) i

In this case, to obtain 8 -3i you have to sum:

(9 + 4i) + (–1 – 7i)= (9-1) + (4-7)i= 8 - 3i

So, the sum (9 + 4i) + (–1 - 7i) gives as a result 8 -3i.

Learn more about complex number:


B- (9 + 4i) + (–1 – 7i)



Omg im so stupid someone sole this asap please!!!!!!!!






if 6/2 is dividing then:






Yeah the answer is 9. :l But don't feel bad. Everyone makes mistakes. :D
